Detective Bruce Kent
A thriller film that revolves around inseparable friends Evelyn and Jenna, who love to be with each other. But Evelyn’s mother, Lucy, is skeptical of their relationship as she believes Jenna is a bit odd. However, when Jenna’s life takes a dark turn and her mother is murdered, Lucy welcomes her with open arms to live with her family so that Jenna can finish senior year. She is later surprised to find out that Jenna’s obsession with her daughter Evelyn is getting out of her hands.
Dr. Joseph Neiman
A narcissistic plastic surgeon, who prefers women of a certain high quality, meets an everyday woman who questions his morals, his methods and his meaning to life.
Black drama short
Director: Kelechi Jude | Stars: Sophie Harmon, Mickey Johnson, Ruan Martins, Marvin McClain