Joji Kaieda

出生 : 1908-03-01, Akita, Akita Prefecture, Japan

死亡 : 1986-04-11


新二等兵物語 吹けよ神風の巻
First installment of the "Pfc. Story" series of military-themed comedies from Shochiku, and seventh overall sequel to "Story of Second Class Private".
長谷川伸の同名小説を、水野伸郎、野上龍雄が脚色、久方振りに丸根賛太郎が監督した、お家騒動をめぐる時代劇。撮影は「大岡政談 謎の逢びき」の片岡清。「七人若衆誕生」の松本錦四郎、「花嫁の抵抗」の小山明子、「昨日は昨日今日は今日」の北上弥太朗などが出演している。
Light-hearted samurai comedy. The second son of a feudal lord runs away from an arranged marriage. He saves the life of a princess whom he gets to fall in love with. It turns out that she is just his prospective bride.
Film directed by Tadashi Ashihara
Starring Tsuruta Koji and Hibari Misora, Oshidori kenkagasa is an adaptation of Hasegawa Shin's wandering yakuza novel, "Ketaguri ondo." Directed by Hagiwara Ryo, a former assistant director for Yamanaka Sadao.
Horror film directed by Masamitsu Igayama.
八州遊侠伝 源太あばれ笠
During the ultra-violent era of the downfall of the Tokugawa Shogunate one man rose above the rest with his ideas of how to overthrow the corrupt government and end the bloodshed between the Choshu and Satsuma clans which would ultimately lead to the alliance of these 2 clans and restoration of the emperor to full power. Based on the play that made Sawada Shojiro famous, this is the story of Tsukigata Hanpeita, a forward looking samurai from Choshu, who along with Katsura Kogoro and Sakamoto Ryoma of Tosa worked to bring their dream of a new era in Japan.
A gallant swordsman takes on the forces of evil with the help of his trusty friends.
天保水滸伝 大利根の夜霧
Sekiune Shirô
Jidai-geki by Kiyoshi Saeki
元禄 忠臣蔵
Yasubee Horibe
In 1701, Lord Takuminokami Asano has a feud with Lord Kira and he tries to kill Kira in the corridors of the Shogun's palace. The Shogun sentences Lord Asano to commit suppuku and deprives the palace and lands from his clan, but does not punish Lord Kira. Lord Asano's vassals leave the land and his samurais become ronin and want to seek revenge against the dishonor of their Lord. But their leader Kuranosuke Oishi asks the Shogun to restore the Asano clan with his brother Daigaku Asano. One year later, the Shogun refuses his request and Oishi and forty-six ronin revenge their Lord.
弥太郎笠 去来の巻
続大岡政談 魔像解決篇