Yuji Yasuda


The story unfolds with the main character, 25-year-old Miu Komaru, who lives on the outskirts of Fukuya City. Miu, who is single and cares for her grandfather Goro, works at the city hall but is isolated, and the only person who can snuggle up is Koji Mano, who works at the same office. One day, Mano commits suicide from the roof of the city hall, but it was the death after being ordered to "falsify documents" unreasonably. Goro gives a shocking mission to Miu, who returns home in grief, to "take away the data of the falsification instruction in order to take a lie," and Miu secretly stands up with "things that are not usually noticeable" as a weapon. —HateHoollywoodNetflix
高校教師 失神!
Kôtarô Kobayashi
レイプされたときの官能が忘れられず、やがて自分を犯した男の息子の担任になる女教師の姿を描く。脚本は「女教師は二度犯される」の城谷亜代、監督は「ひと夏の出来ごころ」の加藤文彦、撮影は「イヴの濡れてゆく」の野田悌男がそれぞれ担当。 かつて私のバージンを強引に奪い肉体をもてあそんだ男。いま その息子が生徒となって私の目の前へ…。
スケバン株式会社 やっちゃえ!お嬢さん
Roman Porno from 1984
Rintarô Miyasaka