Manon Poudoulec


The Three Musketeers: D'Artagnan
Extras Casting
First half of a two-film adaptation of Alexandre Dumas' novel.
The Family
Anna happily lives with her husband, their two boys, and Simon, 6 years-old, who was placed with her by the Social Care services when he was only 18 months. When Simon’s father decides that he is ready to take his son back with him, the family’s balance is at stake. Anna is torn apart: how could she possibly let go a of child who has always called her ‘Mom’?
Péché originel
Marie feels lonely in Paris and longing to meet the right one. But how do you know who is "he" when you always have a swarm of guys around you?
Péché originel
Marie feels lonely in Paris and longing to meet the right one. But how do you know who is "he" when you always have a swarm of guys around you?