Diagnosed with colon cancer, a free-spirited embarks on a illuminating road trip with his son through South Africa
A teen comedy centers on sixteen-year old Tiaan and Zane who dream of forming their own rock band. When a prank goes badly wrong and they are caught red-handed by the school principal, their parents have to pay for a number of repairs to the tune of R30 000. The only hope of repaying the money and their good name requires the pair to form a band and win the school 'Battle of the Bands' competition which just happens to have a grand prize of R30 000. When they recruit the other bandmates Liezl, the prettiest girl in school, and Bongi, the new girl with rhythm and attitude in her body, the fun and games really start.
Anna van der Merwe
農場育ちの冒険を愛するヒロインに、ハンサムな青年が恋をした...! 南アフリカのリゾート地を舞台に、恋と友情と運命を歌い上げるミュージカル映画。
Rebecca Dreyer (Karen Zoid) is almost forty, lives with her mother (Marie du Toit) and works in a café in a small Karoo town. To escape her depressing life, Rebecca dreams of getting as far away as possible from her smothering mother and pursue the stardom her mother never experienced – that of a successful singer.