Cho Tae-hee

出生 : 1979-06-22,


The Point Men
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A story about a diplomat and a national intelligence service agent who struggle and risk their lives on foreign soil to save Korean hostages that have been abducted in the Middle East.
The Night Owl
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A blind acupuncturist finds himself in the middle of a murder mystery at the royal palace.
Makeup & Hair
Min-ho's adulterous lover Se-hee is murdered in a hotel where only the two of them were present, and Min-ho is immediately singles out as the prime suspect. Insisting on his innocence, Min-ho hires the talented lawyer Shin-ae to defend him, and confesses to her that a car accident on the day before may be connected to Se-hee's murder...
Makeup & Hair
Carter, who awakens two months into a deadly pandemic originating from the DMZ that has already devastated US and North Korea. He who has no recollections of his past finds a mysterious device in his head, and a lethal bomb in his mouth. A voice in his ears gives him orders to avoid getting killed and he's thrown into a mysterious operation while the CIA and North Korean coup chase him close.
Hansan: Rising Dragon
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In 1592, admiral Yi Sun-sin and his fleet face off against the might of the invading Japanese navy and its formidable warships. As the Korean forces fall into crisis, the admiral resorts to using his secret weapon, the dragon head ships known as geobukseon, in order to change the tide of this epic battle at sea.
Stellar: A Magical Ride
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A comic and heartwarming drama about a man who gradually comes to term with his late father while on the run in his father's wacky beat-up car, "Stellar".
In Our Prime
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Ji-woo, an outcast at a prestigious private school, meets Hak-sung, the school janitor who is actually a mathematical genius who defected from North Korea.
人質 韓国トップスター誘拐事件
Makeup & Hair
「ただ悪より救いたまえ」「新しき世界」などで知られる韓国の俳優ファン・ジョンミンが実名で主演を務め、誘拐・監禁されたトップスターの決死の脱出劇を描いたサスペンス。 記者会見から帰宅の途についた国民的スター俳優ファン・ジョンミンが、ひと気のない路地で何者かに連れ去られた。警察や関係者は必死で行方を捜すが、証拠も目撃情報もない。一方、パイプ椅子に縛りつけられた状態で意識を取り戻したファン・ジョンミンは、自分が身代金目的で誘拐されたことを知る。まるでゲームのように犯行を楽しむ若者たちは、ソウルを震撼させている猟奇殺人事件の犯人だった。唯一の武器である卓越した演技力で犯人たちに対峙するファン・ジョンミンだったが……。 共演はドラマ「イカゲーム」のイ・ユミ、ドラマ「梨泰院クラス」のリュ・ギョンス。
The Book of Fish
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In 1801, after a new king ascended the throne, a scholar Jeong Yak-jeon who served the late king is exiled to Heuk-san Island. There he meets Chang-dae, a young fisherman who is a huge admirer of Confucianism and has a wide knowledge about the sea.
Paper Flower
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Sung-gil, an old mortician, has signed a contract as a partner for a large-scale funeral service company. Sung-gil, working in line with the company’s business policy, takes charge of cleaning and dressing Jang Han-soo’s dead body, who used to run a free noodle restaurant.
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Jesters: The Game Changers
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A gang of clowns is hired by an unpopular king to serve as propagandists who fabricate positive rumors and stage miracles to improve his personal image.
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By an encounter with a wiry female lawyer So-hyun at the redevelopment protest site, a cold mobster JANG Se-chool decides to be ‘a good person’ as she advised. One day accidentally he saves people from a bus crash, becomes a hero of the city at a bound and it even leads him to run for the National Assembly. But his luckiest chance to be ‘a real good person’ is yet to come until the rival candidate Choi conspires with Se-chool’s enemy clan boss Gwang-chul.
Makeup & Hair
豊胸整形医ソクホ(チョ・ジヌン)と精神科医の妻イェジン(キム・ジス)の新居に集まった親友とその妻たち。亭主関白で気むずかしい弁護士のテス(ユ・ヘジン)と貞淑な専業主婦スヒョン(ヨム・ジョンア)。新婚ホヤホヤのイケメン社長ジュンモ(イ・ソジン)と若妻セギョン(ソン・ハユン)。新恋人を連れてくるはずが、一人でやって来た教師ヨンベ(ユン・ギョンホ)。久々の再会を喜び、変わらぬ友情や夫婦愛を確かめあい、お酒も会話も弾んでいく。そして自分たちの間には隠し事がないことを証明するため、「今からスマートフォンに届く電話やメールを全員に公開しよう」と皆のスマホロックを解除することに...。次々と届く着信やメール。他人に知られたくない“大人のウラ事情”が露わになり、楽しいはずのパーティーは想像を絶する修羅場と化していく──!! イタリアのアカデミー賞といわれるダヴィッド・ディ・ドナテッロ賞で作品賞、脚本賞に輝いたイタリア映画『おとなの事情』をリメイクした話題作。
Makeup & Hair
Ancient Korea, 17th century. While the paranoid King Lee Jo of Joseon, vassal of the Qing dynasty, feels surrounded by conspirators and rebels, a dark evil emerges from the bowels of a merchant ship and the exiled Prince Lee Cheung returns to the royal court, ignoring that he will have to lead the few capable of defeating the ambitious humans and the bloody monsters who threaten to destroy the kingdom.
安市城 グレート・バトル
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Sunset in My Hometown
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On the day that underground rapper Hak-soo fails his 7th audition, he receives a call from his hometown that his father is in the hospital. But he finds out that it was his father's plot to bring him to Byeon-san. To top it all, he is suspected as a phishing scam criminal and locked up in this small, boring suburb.
Makeup & Hair
「王の涙 イ・サンの決断」「コンフィデンシャル 共助」のヒョンビンが韓国で実際に起こったマルチ商法詐欺事件をモデルにした詐欺師を演じるクライムドラマ。ある日、韓国中を驚がくさせた詐欺師チャン・ドゥチル死亡のニュースが発表となった。しかし、ドゥチルはまだ生きていると確信している、詐欺師だけをだます詐欺師のジソンは、事件の担当検事パク・ヒスにドゥチルを捜し出し、逮捕することを提案する。パク検事はプロの詐欺師チームと合流し、姿を消したドゥチルの補佐役クァク・スンゴンに接近するため作戦を立て始める。しかし、ジソンと詐欺師たちは、パク検事が別の目的のため秘密裏に異なる作戦を計画していることに気づいてしまう。ヒョンビンが知能型詐欺師ジソン役を演じるほか、「オールド・ボーイ」のユ・ジテ、「ベテラン」のペ・ソンウ、「新しき世界」のパク・ソンウンら韓国の実力派俳優が顔をそろえる。
Makeup & Hair
Makeup & Hair
Based on the life of the Korean anarchist Park Yeol, the film shows his struggle to counter the massacre of Koreans by the government during the 1923 great Kanto earthquake, focusing on his activities as the leader of the anti-Japanese organization Bulryeongsa and his relationship with Japanese comrade Fumiko Kaneko.
Makeup & Hair
犯罪組織の殺し屋として育てられたスクヒは、いつしか育ての親ジュンサンに恋心を抱き、やがて2人は結婚するが、ジュンサンが敵対組織に殺害される。怒りにかられたスクヒは復讐を果たすが、国家組織に拘束されてしまい、国家の下すミッションを10年間こなせば自由の身になるという条件をのみ、国家直属の暗殺者として第2の人生を歩み始める。やがて、新たな運命の男性と出会い、幸せを誓ったスクヒだったが、結婚式当日に新たなミッションが下され……。<「渇き」のキム・オクビンが女暗殺者を熱演したスタイリッシュアクション。日本で「22年目の告白 私が殺人犯です」としてリメイクされた映画「殺人の告白」で知られるチョン・ビョンギル監督が手がけた。>
Warriors of the Dawn
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A crown prince emerges as a leader during the war between Korea and Japan in 1592.
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A jailed swindler leaps at the chance to earn parole in return for taking care of his estranged brother, an athlete who recently lost his sight.
The Hunt
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When raw gold is discovered deep in the woods, a group of gold hunters arrive to mine it. Several neighbors in the area witness the hunters by chance and find themselves in danger. Among the witnesses, hunter Ki-sung risks his life to protect the other witnesses and engages the gold hunters in a cat-and-mouse game of death.
The Throne
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Ancient Korea, July 4, 1762. The Crown Prince Hyojang, posthumously named Sado, son of King Yeongjo of Joseon, is accused of treason. Thus, the king asks him to commit suicide, but his closest vassals prevent it, so the king orders the prince to get inside a wooden rice chest, where he suffers deprivation of food and water.
The Fatal Encounter
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Late 18th-century Joseon dynasty. The King is beleaguered and surrounded by traitors of the ruling elite. They plan to assassinate and replace him with a puppet. But the King has some aces up his sleeve that may help him defeat them all.
容疑者X 天才数学者のアリバイ
Makeup & Hair
Makeup & Hair
Though it places his own life in danger, a look-alike commoner secretly takes the place of a poisoned king to save his country from falling into chaos.