A Korean taxi-driver interacts both humorously and tragically with his customers and employers in '90s Tokyo.
Original Music Composer
The fear of the fiercely obsessive woman who deprives her best friend of her husband. An emotionally charged movie starring Hitomi Kuroki, Masato Furuoya, and Hisako Manda.
A woman named Fujiki Asuka arrives as an acquaintance of a sister in law for a day under the bar master Tamura who had guided Yakuza's escaping as a shoji. Tamura who lives on the second floor of the store for the time being the son who wants to work here. A few days later, Tamura finds a handgun from Yuko's baggage and holds a suspicion ....
Lewd, long-haired karate kid Kotaro Shindo spends his days causing amok at the prestigious Tsurugamine Academy, until the Disciplinary Committee decides enough is enough, and puts a bounty on his luscious locks. Meanwhile other sinister forces are working in the shadows to put Kotaro to use for their own ends.
Original Music Composer
かつて素藤の父に輿入れし蟇田領で酒池肉林と暴虐の限りを尽くした玉梓 (たまづさ) は、里見家に討ち滅ぼされた怨念を晴らすために妖怪の首領として蘇えり、息子の蟇田素藤 (ひきたもとふじ) と家来に命じ、里見家の館山城に攻め入った。里見家は滅ぼされ、静姫と一部の家来は生き延びるが、玉梓の追手が迫ってくる。伏姫の体から飛び散った、仁・義・礼・智・忠・信・孝・悌の各字を刻んだ八つの霊玉を持った八剣士は、それぞれの立場で生きていた。やがて彼らは運命に導かれ、静姫のもとに集まり、玉梓の野望を砕くため、戦いを挑む。