Udit Duseja


Sound Designer
When a mysterious murder takes place at exiled billionaire Ashish Kapoor’s birthday party, the prime suspects are his close family and friends.​ As twists follow turns and devious motives are revealed, CBI officer Mira Rao must use all her skill to unravel a mystery where nothing is what it seems and everyone hides a secret or two.
The Tiger's Nest
In the valleys of the Himalayas, an orphan boy saves a Bengal tiger cub from the ruthless poachers who killed the tiger's mother. Together they set out in the Himalayan mountains to the Taktsang monastery in Bhutan known as "The Tiger's Nest" where Buddhist monks took refuge after the 1950 Chinese invasion of Tibet and protect the big cats. A new great film for the whole family that talks about the importance of defending animals through the story of the friendship between two orphans, a tiger cub and a child, in a tale of brotherhood and the discovery of life.
Blue Room
Sound Designer
Incarcerated participants in a mental health experiment watch videos of sunset-soaked beaches, wildflowers and forests on loop, prompting them to reflect on isolation and wilderness. Equal parts meditation and provocation, Blue Room identifies the damage done by withholding access to the outdoors and how we are all prisoners when the essential human need for communion with nature is denied.
All Light, Everywhere
Sound Designer
The film explores the past, present, and future relationships between technology, vision, and power. From arcane theories of sight to the emergence of virtual reality and police body camera programs, the film takes a kaleidoscopic investigation into how the reality of what we see is constructed through the tools that we use to see.
All Light, Everywhere
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
The film explores the past, present, and future relationships between technology, vision, and power. From arcane theories of sight to the emergence of virtual reality and police body camera programs, the film takes a kaleidoscopic investigation into how the reality of what we see is constructed through the tools that we use to see.
Hello Charlie
Sound Designer
Charlie, a simpleton daydreamer, currently a pizza delivery boy is tasked with driving his uncle's truck , Girnaar Express, to deliver a gorilla from Mumbai to the jetty at Diu. However, Charlie is unaware that Gorilla is disguised business tycoon MD Makwana, who is on the run after committing a multi-crore scam.
Laal Kabootar
Sound Designer
He's looking for a way out of the city. But his only escape is through a woman looking for revenge.
Gully Boy
Sound Effects Editor
A coming-of-age story based on the lives of street rappers in Mumbai.
Sound Effects Editor
The story of the Polish fliers who found themselves fighting for the freedom of their own country in foreign skies. Seen through the eyes of a Polish fighter ace and adventurer, it tells how the Poles—driven across Europe by the German war machine—finally make their last stand. Flying Hurricanes for the RAF over Britain, they became a key component in the legend of ‘The Few’. Up against the might of the Luftwaffe they hoped that, by saving Great Britain from Nazi invasion, they were keeping the dream of a free Poland alive.
Sound Designer
This is the gritty and sensational true story of Arun Gulab Gawli, a mill worker’s son who grew up in Mumbai’s impoverished Dagdi Chawl, to become an infamous don, politician and chief rival of the most powerful crime boss of the day, Dawood Ibrahim. Daddy realistically charts Mumbai’s true crime history from the 1970s and 1980s until 2012, when Gawli was finally sentenced to life imprisonment.
Sound Designer
主人公の16才の少年は、想いを寄せる同級生が襲われているところを助けようとし、銃で撃たれてしまいます。 昏睡状態から目覚めた彼は、脳に残ったスマートフォンの破片によって超人的な能力の持ち主に。 新たに手に入れた知能とテクノロジーを駆使し、少年は事件の犯人であるギャングへの復讐を始めます。
Kill Command
Sound Designer
テクノロジーへの依存が進んだ近未来を舞台に、海兵隊と戦闘用ロボット軍団が繰り広げる死闘を描いたイギリス製SFアクション。軍事訓練のため、とある孤島に降り立ったビュークス大尉率いる海兵隊員たち。しかしその島は、暴走した戦闘用ロボットたちによって支配されていた。ビュークス大尉らは生きて島から脱出するべく、充分な装備もないまま凶暴なロボットたちに立ち向かうが……。出演は「天使と悪魔」のデンマーク人俳優トゥーレ・リントハート、「エベレスト 3D」のバネッサ・カービー。新宿シネマカリテの特集企画「カリコレ2016/カリテ・ファンタスティック!シネマコレクション2016」(16年7月16日~8月19日)上映作品。
For the Love of a Man
Sound Editor
Tamil superstar Rajinikanth: Actor, Leader, Hero, God. Men from various generations alter their lives, sell their belongings, and place fandom above their families in devotion to an iconic South Indian superstars.
Shaadi Ke Side Effects
Sound Effects Editor
An easy-going man ensures that the spark in his marriage stays strong by always apologizing and opting for the path of least conflict in his relationship. When his wife becomes pregnant and wishes to have the baby, he does not offer resistance, but is also not ready to be a father. How will their relationship evolve?
Sound Designer
In London, a drug dealer grows increasingly desperate over the course of a week after a botched deal lands him in the merciless clutches of a ruthless crime lord. The more desperate his behavior, the more isolated he becomes until there is nothing left standing between him and the bullet his debtors intend to fire his way.
Sound Effects Editor
Sound Designer
As a snow storm closes in, one final plane takes off. The plane reports to the ground that both pilots are dead, while the slowly dwindling number of passengers on the plane wish that they’d never left the ground.
Shadow Dancer
Sound Effects Editor
Set in 1990s Belfast, a woman is forced to betray all she believes in for the sake of her son.
Zindagi Na Milegi Dobara
Sound Designer
Three friends who were inseparable in childhood decide to go on a three-week-long bachelor road trip to Spain, in order to re-establish their bond and explore thrilling adventures, before one of them gets married. What will they learn of themselves and each other during the adventure?
Sound Editor
Four strangers are invited by the reclusive Kabir Malhotra, to his private island of Samos, Greece. They don't know each other and they don't know him ... and by the next morning they will wish they had never come.
Sound Editor
What’s the difference between love and lust? Between physical and emotional need? Can we ever know?... Does it even matter?
Sound Effects Editor
The Baseline is the centre of the East London grime club scene and the queue regularly stretches around the block. Danny works on the door - breaking up fights and managing drunk kids. However, when he rescues Terry, the club owner and local gang leader, from a hitman, Danny is suddenly plunged deep into an underworld he had tried so hard to avoid. Danny is promoted to manager, but only on the condition that he turns a blind eye to the shady goings on both on and off the dance-floor. Danny and his girlfriend Jessica dream of setting up their own club, but Danny is forced to make the ultimate sacrifice when he has to choose between loyalty, morality and his own dreams of escape
Shootout at Lokhandwala
Sound Effects Editor
On a calm summer day in 1991, in the bustling Lokhandwala Complex, five criminals including Maya and Dilip were counting 70 lakhs in flat no. 32 B, when 286 policemen, headed by ACP Khan, took strategic positions around their building. A gunfire ensued and the entire nation witnessed the most talked about daylight encounter lasting 6 hours that transformed suburban Mumbai into a war zone.