Park Cheol-su

出生 : , Cheongdo, North Gyeonsang, South Korea


Executive Producer
豊胸整形医ソクホ(チョ・ジヌン)と精神科医の妻イェジン(キム・ジス)の新居に集まった親友とその妻たち。亭主関白で気むずかしい弁護士のテス(ユ・ヘジン)と貞淑な専業主婦スヒョン(ヨム・ジョンア)。新婚ホヤホヤのイケメン社長ジュンモ(イ・ソジン)と若妻セギョン(ソン・ハユン)。新恋人を連れてくるはずが、一人でやって来た教師ヨンベ(ユン・ギョンホ)。久々の再会を喜び、変わらぬ友情や夫婦愛を確かめあい、お酒も会話も弾んでいく。そして自分たちの間には隠し事がないことを証明するため、「今からスマートフォンに届く電話やメールを全員に公開しよう」と皆のスマホロックを解除することに...。次々と届く着信やメール。他人に知られたくない“大人のウラ事情”が露わになり、楽しいはずのパーティーは想像を絶する修羅場と化していく──!! イタリアのアカデミー賞といわれるダヴィッド・ディ・ドナテッロ賞で作品賞、脚本賞に輝いたイタリア映画『おとなの事情』をリメイクした話題作。
Ordinary Person
Executive Producer
Major crimes unit detective Seong-jin arrests Tae-sung for petty crimes, but shocked to find out that he is the notorious serial killer. However, Seong-jin becomes doubtful of his identity as the serial murder case is investigated.
Executive Producer
Inside Men
Executive Producer
A disgruntled henchman teams up with an ambitious prosecutor to bring down a leading presidential candidate and the news editor behind him who is truly pulling the strings.
Boomerang Family
Executive Producer
Based on an original written by Cheon Myeong-gwan, a 48 year-old movie director moves into the house where his mother and 50 year-old brother lives until his sister moves in with her niece.
The Berlin File
Executive Producer
When an illicit arms deal goes bad, North Korean spy Pyo Jong-seong finds himself targeted not just by the South Koreans but also his own bosses.
ザ・タワー 超高層ビル大火災
Executive Producer
On Christmas Eve at Tower Sky, an ultra-luxurious building complex, a White Christmas party is held to dazzle its equally high-end tenants and VIP guests. Dae-ho, the manager of the building and single father, is forced to cancel plans with his daughter Hana to work the event. His Christmas is saved when Yoon-hee, the food mall manager with a secret crush on Dae-ho, offers to babysit Hana during the party. Meanwhile, Young-ki the legendary fire chief of Yoido Station has finally promised his first holiday date night to his long suffering wife. The party is in full swing with the spectacular sight of two helicopters flying overhead just to spray snow on the partygoers and make everything perfect. When unthinkable disaster strikes, Dae-ho and Young-ki must summon all their strength and courage to save the lives of thousands but at what cost to themselves and their loved ones?
Executive Producer
An unexpected phone call brings an elderly woman to her childhood country cottage, and memories of an orphan boy she knew 47 years ago come flooding back to her.
ヨンガシ 変種増殖
Executive Producer
People binge eat and suffer from extreme thirst, which leads them to go crazy for water. They cannot control themselves because they are brainwashed by a parasite.