Byron Kopman


Almost Famous: The Unchosen One
It was the late 1990s, and 3,000 young actors around the world were scouted for the role of a lifetime. On the ride home from school, Devon Michael’s mom told him he’d be auditioning for "The Phantom Menace," one of the most anticipated movies ever. From 3,000, the producers narrowed it down to three, and soon Michael was at Skywalker Ranch doing a test screen with George Lucas and Natalie Portman.
A young woman unleashes terrifying demons when supernatural forces at the root of a decades-old rift between mother and daughter are ruthlessly revealed.
タイムリーパー 未来の記憶
Director of Photography
予知能力を持つジェームスは幼少の頃、母親の死を予見しながら救えなかったことで、大人となった今もその能力を利用しながらやさぐれたその日暮らしの生活を送っていた。 だが、アンジェラという魅力的な女性に出逢い、自分の能力をし信用してくれる地元ギャング・レイから危ない儲け話を持ちかけられたことにより、運命が大きく動き出す。 自分とアンジェラの死を予見したジェームスはそれを覆すため、自分の秘密を共有する昔馴染みの協力者から渡されたタイムリープ出来る薬を手に、過去へと奔走する。 果たしてジェームスは過去と未来を変える事が出来るのか!?
Waiting 4 Goliath
While waiting for his date at a café, Florian bumps into Hassan, a charming but nosy ex-lover, who decides to join him on the wait. What starts out as a lively discussion about online dating quickly turns into a conscience-stricken heated debate over straight-acting gay guys and the quest for the elusive Mr. Wonderful. Eventually, egos are bruised, and old wounds are ripped open once more. Alas, only Goliath could save the day...if only he'd show up.