Giorgio Agazzi


The Squallor
A documentary about "The Squallor", Italy's first and most successful "ghost band" project, created by four big bosses of 70's-80's Italian music business.
Palombella Rossa
Sound Technical Supervisor
Michele is a Communist MP who loses his memory in a car crash—although nobody seems to notice it. During a water polo match ahead of election day, he starts to remember his past life, revealing the picture of a man whose personal and political identity crisis mirrors the one of Italian communism.
The Skin
Music Supervisor
After the Allies liberate Naples in 1943, life for the locals is not much easier, especially for women. Many sacrifice their dignity and morale to survive.
The Tango of Jealousy
Music Editor
Lucia has been married for ten years with Julius who is fond of horses and seems to prefer his wife. Lucy tries then ingelosirlo inventing a lover who sends flowers with tickets compromising and makes mysterious phone calls. But Julius seems immune to any kind of jealousy. Then one day is hired as a bodyguard by Lucia Diego, Diego, who has a passion for Rudolph Valentino and thinks he is a great seducer, Diego has a girlfriend away, Nunzia. And things start to get more serious.