Seo Dong-seok
Former child actress Seo-yeon, flight attendant Hee-joo, fund manager Ga-hee, and director of a children's theater company Bo-yeong. All four friends who are 29 years old and have been friends for 10 years have trouble dating. Seo-yeon's boyfriend has zero empathy, can only say continuously that good things will happen! Hee-joo's boyfriend has been taking the civil service exam for more than 10 years. Ga-hee's boyfriend never said he loves her, whether she's cool or crazy, and Bo-yeong is betrayed by a junior troupe member who is in a secret relationship. Twenty-nine, the end of youth? No, it's a new start! Good things will happen if I don't meet you!
An advocate of the concept ‘thoughts create reality’, Chan-woo endeavors to realize his dream of running a high-end nightclub when he finds himself caught in the center of a power game in the criminal underworld.
Mapo Police Station Serious Crime Squad
昼夜問わず走り回るが、実績はどん底、挙げ句の果てに解散の危機を迎える麻薬班。これ以上引き下がることのできないチームの年長者であるコ班長は、国際犯罪組織の国内麻薬密搬入情報を入手し、チャン刑事、マ刑事、ヨンホ、ジェフンの 4人のチーム員たちとともに潜伏捜査に出る。麻薬班は24時間監視のため、犯罪組織のアジト前にあるチキン屋を買い取り、偽装創業をおこなうことに。まさかの絶対味覚を持つマ刑事の隠れた才能でチキン屋は一躍名店としての噂が広まる。捜査は後回し、チキン商売で目まぐるしいほどに忙しくなった麻薬班に、ある日絶好の機会が訪れるのだが…。犯人を捕まえるのか、鶏を捕まえるのか!
A son and father earn a living working at night. This movie depicts their heart wrenching story.
“When I’m sad, I go into the water. Then your tears turn into nothing.” Do-wan is happy when he is in the water. He doesn’t speak much, and has no friends and no mom. But when he is swimming, he feels peaceful. As far as he is in the water, he feels so comfortable as if he were in mom’s arms. Because Do-wan likes water and is talented with swimming, he keeps working hard to become a swimming athlete. His father, who hates water dreadly, objects to his son’s dream to become a swimming athelte. Due to the repeated conflict with his father, Do-wan drifts apart from his father gradually.