Dustin O'Halloran

Dustin O'Halloran

出生 : 1971-09-08, Phoenix, Arizona, USA


Dustin O'Halloran


Do Not Copy
A montage of film and stock video clips cut to music and released in nine parts. Each song is reflected by a different color and theme.
Das Ist Life
Original Music Composer
The documentary is a portrait of the German Manfred Missfelder, who in the early 90's on foot went on a journey from Germany to Jerusalem with the reproduced Tablets of Moses to ask for forgiveness for his people, for what was done during the Second world war.
In 1840s England, palaeontologist Mary Anning and a young woman sent by her husband to convalesce by the sea develop an intense relationship. Despite the chasm between their social spheres and personalities, Mary and Charlotte discover they can each offer what the other has been searching for: the realisation that they are not alone. It is the beginning of a passionate and all-consuming love affair that will defy all social bounds and alter the course of both lives irrevocably.
Original Music Composer
In 1840s England, palaeontologist Mary Anning and a young woman sent by her husband to convalesce by the sea develop an intense relationship. Despite the chasm between their social spheres and personalities, Mary and Charlotte discover they can each offer what the other has been searching for: the realisation that they are not alone. It is the beginning of a passionate and all-consuming love affair that will defy all social bounds and alter the course of both lives irrevocably.
Original Music Composer
A Christmas Carol
Original Music Composer
London, 1843. Ebenezer Scrooge, a bitter old man, despises the Christmas holiday. Over the course of Christmas Eve night he is visited by three ghosts to show him his past, present and future.
A Winged Victory for the Sullen: Aqualung, Motherfucker
Tennis Player 2
Dark, body horror and neon heavy short movie by Jonas Govaerts
Transparent: Musicale Finale
Original Music Composer
When the Pfeffermans face a life-changing loss, they begin a journey hilarious and melancholy, brazen and bold. As they face this new transition, they confront grief and come together to celebrate connection, joy, and transformation.
エンツォ レーサーになりたかった犬とある家族の物語
Original Music Composer
A family dog - with a near-human soul and a philosopher's mind - evaluates his life through the lessons learned by his human owner, a race-car driver.
Original Music Composer
Raised in a poverty-stricken slum, a 16-year-old girl named Starr now attends a suburban prep school. After she witnesses a police officer shoot her unarmed best friend, she's torn between her two very different worlds as she tries to speak her truth.
After years of caring exclusively for the needs of her husband and children, Agnes, a devoted housewife living in a small town near New York, has found something she really enjoys doing: solving puzzles.
Original Music Composer
After years of caring exclusively for the needs of her husband and children, Agnes, a devoted housewife living in a small town near New York, has found something she really enjoys doing: solving puzzles.
Original Music Composer
LION/ライオン ~25年目のただいま~
Original Music Composer
インドで迷子になった5歳の少年が、25年後にGoogle Earthで故郷を探し出したという実話を、「スラムドッグ$ミリオネア」のデブ・パテル、「キャロル」のルーニー・マーラ、ニコール・キッドマンら豪華キャスト共演で映画化したヒューマンドラマ。 1986年、インドのスラム街で暮らす5歳の少年サルーは、兄と仕事を探しにでかけた先で停車中の電車で眠り込んでしまい、家から遠く離れた大都市カルカッタ(コルカタ)まで来てしまう。そのまま迷子になったサルーは、やがて養子に出されオーストラリアで成長。25年後、友人のひとりから、Google Earthなら地球上のどこへでも行くことができると教えられたサルーは、おぼろげな記憶とGoogle Earthを頼りに、本当の母や兄が暮らす故郷を探しはじめる。
When a young village boy discovers that his brother, long believed to be in America, has actually gone missing, he begins to invent letters on his behalf to save their mother from heartbreak, all the while searching for him.
Original Music Composer
Original Music Composer
When a foreign exchange student arrives in a small upstate New York town, she challenges the dynamics of her host family's relationships and alters their lives forever.
白血病で余命宣告を受けたテッサ(ダコタ・ファニング)は引きこもる日々を過ごしていたが、17歳になり死期が迫っていることを悟る。残りの人生を精いっぱい生きるべく、彼女は死ぬまでにしてみたい事柄のTO DOリストを作る。作成したリストの内容を実行していく中で、隣に引っ越してきた青年アダム(ジェレミー・アーヴァイン)に恋してしまう。
Original Music Composer
An American Affair
Original Music Composer
In the early 1960s, teenager Adam Stafford (Cameron Bright) becomes obsessed with his new neighbor, Catherine Caswell (Gretchen Mol), a divorcée and free spirit. Stafford spies on Caswell as she meets with strange men, and, despite the warnings of his conservative parents, he begins working for her as a gardener. Amid rumors of her affair with President Kennedy, the two become close, but political intrigue surrounding her acquaintances soon infringes on their friendship.
Remember the Daze
Original Music Composer
During the summer of 1999, a group of teenagers, through interconnected narratives, live through their last day of high school and prepare for the future. Holly, once the new girl in school, does whatever it takes to remain popular. Dawn, who is secretly a lesbian, battles drugs. Tori is the valedictorian of her class, but, on the eve of graduation, she decides to experiment with drugs for the first time.
The Making of Marie Antoinette
Original Music Composer
A behind-the-scenes look at the making of Sofia Coppola's Marie Antoinette (2006).
Original Music Composer