Erica Rogalla


Set Decoration
Three generations of Dallas police officers join together to track down the deadliest serial killer ever to terrorize Texas.
Grace & Glorie
Set Decoration
When a lonely ex-New Yorker moves into the home of a rural senior to act as a hospice worker, the two initially couldn't seem to be less alike. However, as time passes, the two find much kinship including a lost child. Slowly the two build a bond and learn about life.
The Love Letter
Set Decoration
20th century computer games designer Scott exchanges love letters with 19th century poet Elizabeth Whitcomb through an antique desk that can make letters travel through time.
Deep Family Secrets
Set Decoration
A tale of hidden family scandals. A young woman journeys back to her birthplace and discovers that much of what she had always taken for granted concerning her family life was a lie.
The Summer of Ben Tyler
Set Decoration
Set early during World War II, the film has a lot to say about love, honor, relationships, commitment and power. Keeping their promise to their dying black housekeeper, a white family takes in her teenage mentally-slow son. The movie details the joys and conflicts the family faces as a result of their decision.
Set Decoration
Set Decoration
Annie Nations and her husband Hector loved their life together in the Blue Ridge Mountains, but when Hector dies, Annie has to decide if she can handle the wilderness on her own.
Set Dresser
舞台は近未来のデトロイト。かつて自動車産業で栄華を誇ったこの街は犯罪都市と化し、巨大コングロマリット企業オムニ・コンシューマ・プロダクツ(OCP、通称オムニ社)によって警察(民営化されていて警察官から一般職員に至るまで会社員)を含む街全体が支配されていた。 アレックス・マーフィー巡査は、一連の警官殺しにおける犯人とされ指名手配中のマフィアであるクラレンス一味を追っていた。マーフィーはカーチェイスの末に一味の隠家を発見、潜入するも惨殺される。犯罪撲滅のため「警官のロボット化」を企画していたオムニ社は、死亡診断が下されたマーフィーの死していない生体部分を部品として利用、彼をロボコップとして蘇らせる。 ロボコップは驚異的な性能で優秀な成果をあげ、街の治安は少しずつ取り戻されて行った。しかし、ロボコップ自身は人間だった頃の記憶の断片に悩まされ、ついには自分が何者であったかを知ってしまう。
Square Dance
Set Decoration
An awkward 13-year-old leaves her cranky grandfather in rural Texas, to live with her mother in Fort Worth.