Markus Imboden

Markus Imboden

出生 : 1955-10-17, Interlaken, Switzerland


Markus Imboden


Wo ist meine Schwester?
Can twin sisters sense each other? In any case, Marie feels Amelie. While the one sister is already on her way home from their birthday party, Marie, who stayed longer, suddenly collapses on the dance floor. That night, Amelie never arrives home and disappears without a trace. Her friend Jonas alerts the police the next morning, worried that something must have happened. Chief Inspector Ingo Thiel immediately begins the investigation, but for the time being he and his SOKO team are groping in the dark: no witnesses, no enemies, just an earring found in the park. But then Marie notices that something is missing from the couple's apartment: a striking patchwork blanket that Marie had given her sister. Thiel is certain: Jonas is hiding something. So does he have something to do with the disappearance of his girlfriend?
Ein Mädchen wird vermisst
Zurück ans Meer
Das Gesetz sind wir
Danowski - Blutapfel
In Hamburg's Elbtunnel, a man is shot in the middle of a traffic jam in his car. The murder victim obviously belonged to a group trying to discover abandoned places first. The investigators suspect an act of revenge by a competitor.
Der Richter
Dr. Joachim Glahn is the presiding judge at the Berlin district court and is known for his explicit sense of justice and truth. His daughter Luise is now embarking on the same career path and has just been admitted to law school. But then Luise then Luise is kidnapped and Glahn gets into an ethical-moral conflict: he should go beyond the limits of the law and set a murderer on the loose or he won't see his daughter alive again.
Die Eisläuferin
Chaos in the Chancellery: Prime Minister Katharina Wendt loses her memory during a spontaneous trip with husband Helmuth and wakes up every morning since then with the knowledge of 1989. The therapy aims to activate her emotional center. No easy task with such a sober woman! Chancellery Minister Dieter Kahnitz must get her fit again until the end of the summer break, otherwise the euro will fail and then Europe will fail! But the minister would not mind being chancellor himself. Will the Chancellor succeed in remembering in time?
Am Hang
Felix is on the edge. He has got just one thing on his mind: Valerie - his wife, who has recently left him. He returns to the place of their final break-up. Valerie's ex-lover Thomas is also here, but not for sentimental reasons. By chance the two men meet in a restaurant. By chance Felix discovers who he is facing. And then starts the inscrutable game.
Am Hang
Felix is on the edge. He has got just one thing on his mind: Valerie - his wife, who has recently left him. He returns to the place of their final break-up. Valerie's ex-lover Thomas is also here, but not for sentimental reasons. By chance the two men meet in a restaurant. By chance Felix discovers who he is facing. And then starts the inscrutable game.
The Foster Boy
Switzerland, 1955. The young orphan Max is sent as a foster child and contracted to work for the Bösiger family who lives on a farm. His foster parents treat him like a workhorse while their son seizes every opportunity to humiliate him. Playing the accordion is the one thing that is entirely his. But when the new teacher stands up for Max, it only makes a bad situation much worse. The only thing preserving his will to survive is his friendship with Berteli, who was also taken on to work at the farm. Max dreams of Argentina with her: a fantasy world, where allegedly even hayforks are made of silver.
Mörderisches Wespennest
Murder on Amrum
Two policemen are stationed on Amrum, a North Sea island on the West coast of Schleswig-Holstein, Germany’ – an elder, and one who is several decades his junior. Life is easy, just that the junior can’t find a wife, because no young woman seems to be interested in the peaceful life on the island. All of a sudden, a wounded lady who turns out to be one of two bodyguard for a threatened witness who lives in hiding on Amrum, bursts into the police station and seeks help from the two officers. I missed some bits of the plot, but somehow, the second one of the bodyguards hiding the witness on the island has been killed already, and the second one, seeking help from the local police, was wounded in the incidence, and then she apparently succumbs, too.
In Hamburg, German-Greek chef Zinos unknowingly disturbs the peace in his locals-only restaurant by hiring a more talented chef.
Der Tote in der Mauer
Mörderische Erpressung
Auf ewig und einen Tag
Spiele der Macht – 11011 Berlin
The Bodyguard
Attractive uncompromising politician Mona Dengler is investigating the tobacco industry. Tomboyish bodyguard and single mother Johanna Sieber is assigned to protect her. This endangers Johanna's son. Mona unexpectedly falls for her.
Hunger auf Leben
Ins Leben zurück
Der Mörder ist unter uns
Ein Dorf sucht seinen Mörder
Blondine sucht Millionär fürs Leben
Roni Beck is a man whose only thought in life is to become a professional comedian, but who due to his lack of success must live hidden in his mother's appartment in an old people's home, continuing to believe firmly that his day in the limelight will come. One day Serge Grätzer, the director of the old people's home, discovers Roni, and makes him help out with the work. Serge then decides to take a hand in Roni's career, embezzling money to launch the budding comedian. Once again however success eludes Roni. In the end Serge decides to fulfil his own secret longings to be on the stage. This leads to a row between the two men. Despite a reconciliation, they never again appear together on the stage. And when Serge's embezzlement is discovered he has to flee with the police at his heels and the home has to be closes. In the end, Roni persuades Mr. Klein, an eccentric old man who likes to play the stock market, to save the home with the millions he has stashed away.
Ich habe nein gesagt
Frau Rettich, die Czerni und ich
Fredi Rüegg's job is to bring runaway cats (some of which he stole himself in the first place) back to their owners. He lives in a garage and he has come to terms with the lack of excitement in his life. His colleague Alain has other worries: he is both broke and divorced. He cons his daughter into thinking that he is a successful businessman. One day Alain tries to curry favor with his daughter by offering to drive her band to their rehearsal room. But when a car accident happens and they find themselves owing Russians CHF 1500 to pay for their damaged Mercedes, Alain and Fredi need a way to come up with the money fast. They get the idea to kidnap a "healer cat", since her owner will undoubtedly pay a lot to have her back, and begin to plan the abduction...
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