Carmen Teran


Let's Go, Barbara
Assistant Makeup Artist
Ana is Catalan, daughter of a bourgeois family and works in a studio in advertising. She is 38 years old and has only lived with her husband, with whom she has a relationship cold but accepted by both. Although his family is opposed, decides to leave her husband and takes a vacation with her daughter Barbara, of 12 years, in order to leave behind all the past and start a freer life, with fewer ties, less conventional.
Beyond the End of the World
Assistant Makeup Artist
After spending three months doing experiments in space, scientists Antón and Daniel return to civilization. They're astounded to discover that the Earth has undergone an enormous cataclysm and the law of the gravity has even been altered in the interim.
The Lively Vampires of Vögel
Assistant Makeup Artist
The town of Vögel, in Transylvania, stands under the ruins of the old castle where the vampire lord tortured his prisoners and drank their blood. A group of stranded entertainers take shelter in the remote European castle and the Count is naturally delighted to receive them…
Robin Hood nunca muere
Assistant Makeup Artist
Los Kalatrava contra el imperio del karate
Assistant Makeup Artist
Agáchate, que disparan
Assistant Makeup Artist
La cesta
Assistant Makeup Artist