Shirô Itô
出生 : 1937-06-15, Tokyo Prefecture, Japan
An old man who has been given supernatural powers by a donkey alien plays an active role as a justice hero "Robaman". 68-year-old Yoshimura, who has passed retirement age, is living a lonely day away from his wife and away from his daughter. He reports on the radio and posts on the internet about events and accidents that make noise in the world, but in reality he can't even be alert when faced with interruptions and noisy guests. One day, when he encountered a UFO on the way of a walk, he was mistaken for a fellow by an alien who looks like a donkey.
Kazuo Tanobe
A couple are perfectly happy to not breed and procreate. Thus their life is a content and unselfish one. He writes and admires his wife. However, she informs him that she wants a child. They try and try, but alas are not successful. It is time to visit a physician to unlock the fertility riddle. Well, he is the culprit it seems
Shinichi Kamoshida
The body of Shinsuke Maeda, a wealthy older man, is discovered in his garden. While at first glance it appears that he missed his step while exiting into the garden and hit his forehead on a flowerbed rock, it is established that a safe installed in the living room has been emptied. It seems that, the night before, Maeda left the hospital he was staying at of his own will and came home, and was robbed immediately after returning. His daughter Yumie Nagano insists that Chikako Inui, a woman her father had been seeing, must be the perpetrator. She says that Maeda was thinking of getting married to Chikako soon. However, Chikako finds Yumie and her husband suspicious. Troubled by debts incurred by opening their ramen store, they pestered Maeda and he pushed them away. She calmly points out that Maeda gave her a will in which he left all of the 50 million plus yen hidden in the safe to her, so she had no reason to steal from him.
Shinichi Kamoshida
The dead body of Maki Tsujimoto, a popular stage actress, is discovered in a theater in Oji. After striking her in the back of the head with a bronze statue prop, the criminal laid the body on the floor and pointed a light at it, "directing" the crime scene as if it were a scene from a play.
Yoshida Shigeru
Matsunaga Yasuzaemon was a man called “Electricity Monster”. The post-war recovery and high economic growth serve as the basis for him to achieve the breakup and privatisation of the electricity business. As a follower of Fukuzawa Yukichi, he inherited the spirit of independence, self-respect and the people. He rose up alone from the ruins of the war. It was the fight of an unconventional, stubborn old man over 70 with an indomitable will. Minister of Trade and Industry Ikeda Hayato admired Matsunaga like a father while Prime Ministers Yoshida Shigeru and Konoe Fumimaro, Shirasu Jiro (Takagawa Yuya) and others were in awe of his unfathomable passion.
Hidemitsu Uehara
Nobuko Sawaguchi is a surly, unattractive housekeeper in her mid-thirties. However, in actuality, she is a beautiful woman, but she hides this fact using her makeup because of a traumatic past experience. One day Nobuko is sent to housekeep for the Uehara family, known for its tremendous wealth. In the Uehara family, there is a massive quarrel over each member’s future succession and inheritance. In the middle of this hectic situation, Nobuko is asked by the daughter called Akemi to protect her.
テレビ朝日開局55周年記念、松本清張没後20年企画として、松本清張「十万分の一の偶然」「熱い空気」が 2週連続でドラマ化されます。
夜間の東名高速道路下り線・沼津インターチェンジ近くのカーブで、自動車が次々に大破・炎上する、玉突き衝突事故が発生した。アルミバン・トラックが急ブレーキをかけ、横転したことに始まったと推測されるも、事故直後の警察の現場検証では、ブレーキをかける原因となるような障害の痕跡は、まったく発見されなかった。 一方、大事故の瞬間を捉えた山鹿恭介の写真「激突」は、カメラの迫真力を発揮した作品として、A新聞社主催の「ニュース写真年間最高賞」を受賞、決定的瞬間の場面に撮影者が立ち会っていたことは奇蹟的、十万に一つの偶然と評された。 しかし、事故で婚約者・山内明子を喪った沼井正平は、状況に不審を抱き、調査を開始する。「十万分の一の偶然」は作られたものなのか。いったい、どのような方法で? 探索の末、「事故」の正体を突き止めたと思い、正平は行動に出るが…。
Kojo Neo
『私は屈しない〜特捜検察と戦った女性官僚と家族の465日』(わたしはくっしない とくそうけんさつとたたかったじょせいかんりょうとかぞくのよんひゃくろくじゅうごにち)は、TBS系列で、2011年1月31日の21:00 - 22:54(JST)に、月曜ゴールデン枠で放送されたテレビドラマの特別番組。 厚生労働省の局長・中井章子は、かつて所属していた部署で起きた証明書不正発給事件に、国会議員の働きかけを受けて上司として関与した疑いを掛けられる。任意で事情聴取を受けるはずが、出頭した大阪地方検察庁特別捜査部でそのまま逮捕状を執行され、大阪拘置所へ収監されてしまう。保釈請求に抗告し、言ってもいないことを調書に書き、容疑を認めたことにしようとする特捜部検事との対決。同じ省で審議官を務める夫、2人の娘、そして弁護士の支援を受け、保釈された章子が裁判で無罪を勝ち取るまでの465日を描く。
Hirakazu Aoyaki
Ganjiro Ryoki
A radio DJ, Mai starts a new program called, "Love Letters from the Drawer" to assist people who need an extra push to send out their simple yet very important message for their loved ones. The show was inspired by her own experience after reading a letter from her father after he died. Through her radio show, various characters come to light as everyone awaits for a miracle to happen. A miracle which can occur only by them expressing their true feelings... The movie is full of emotions and music plays an important part of it. It has a great cast that represent the many faces of love. Parents, sons, lovers, and friends. The movie takes you to several locations within Japan, you can get a look at the beautiful coast and shrine, as well as the city sights
Shinichi Mano
Follows the life of an Office Lady who gets through her tedious work days by dreaming of a legendary soup and soup chef she's heard of. She decides to go in search of it.
Suzuki Taikai (President of Suzuya Ramen)
Taichi Yugawara
The movie revolves around Mitsuba, who studies traditional art of rakugo. Rakugo is a form of comical story telling, sometimes referred to as sit-down comedy. Even though Mitsuba is mediocre at best, he ends up teaching three students.
Monk Rau (voice)
The General Manager
Two Osaka comedians, Makoto (Tomomitsu Yamaguchi) and Kinta (Go Morita), are riding bicycles in Tokyo when they're hit by a dump truck. They regain consciousness in 1945, but not of their own bodies. Somehow, their souls have been transported into the bodies of two tokkotai (special forces, or "kamikaze") pilots. Having grown up in a peaceful, carefree Japan, the two comedians experience severe disorientation at having to suddenly deal with the realities of war. They attempt to escape their squadron, knowing that Japan will eventually lose the war, but are nevertheless moved by the young men they meet, all of whom have very different opinions about their fate and the responsibilities that have been placed upon them.
Kanzo Hattori, an apprentice Ninja, leaves his home town of Iga for his final training. He must go to the city of Edo (Tokyo), and the first person he meets shall be his master, whom he must protect with his life, whilst upholding the ninja code. Also while in Edo, Hattori must find out why their rivals, the Koga Ninjas, are flourishing while the Iga Ninjas are dying out. Hattori's master is Kenichi, a 9 year old boy. Kenichi is an introvert and not very popular boy, so he never plays with the other children from school. Kenichi also has a secret crush on a young lady called Midori, yet he's too shy to speak to her. Though as he watches Hattori trying his best, he too begins to try. Meanwhile, people are being found unconscious, their bodies completely unmarked. All the victims have a tattoo (the Koga Ninja crest) and are found with a throwing knife lying close by.
Lieutenant Nakamura
Company President
おかっぱ頭のスーパーマーケット大好き主婦・井上花子は、スーパー「安売り大魔王」の中で小学校時代の幼馴染・小林五郎と再会する。花子は「もう一つスーパーを見て欲しい」と五郎に言われついて行った先のスーパー「正直屋」のダメぶりを五郎に愚痴るのが、実は五郎がその「正直屋」のオーナーだった。 五郎は花子にスーパーの悪いところを直してくれと頼み、花子はレジチーフとして「正直屋」に勤務。近所で繁盛しているライバル店「安売り大魔王」と戦う事になる。 最初はスーパーのレジ係として勤務した花子だが、職人気質な人達がチーフに就いている各部門で問題が続発し、特に精肉部・鮮魚部とは事あるごとに対立する。やがて実績を買われて副店長に昇進した花子は顧客の意見を聞き反映する試みを行い、製品のリパック(店頭に置いてあった製品を回収し再度ラップし、また店頭に置く事)の禁止を店舗会議で直訴し五郎も承諾させ、正直屋の商売方針を改善。徐々に来る客も増えていくが・・
Saburo Fujio
In the midst of a bad economy, Yokoyama, the vice president of Taiyo Real Estate, launches a plan to cut back on his labor force. Fifty employees are segregated into a special assignment division and given an ultimatum: meet a sales goal of 1.5 billion yen within three months or be fired. Spiteful of their unjust treatment, two men, Shinoda and Takigawa, take up the battle against the ruthless Yokoyama.
ヤクザにゆすられ続けるホテル、ホテル・ヨーロッパ。ヤクザの脅しに屈して簡単に金を出してしまう体質から日本中のヤクザが引っ切り無しに訪れるようになり、危機管理の甘さを露呈し、サミットの招致も断られてしまう。この状況を打開すべく、総支配人の小林は経理部の鈴木勇気、ベルボーイの若杉太郎の二人をヤクザへの対応役として任命。しかし、何の知識もない二人はヤクザを追い出すどころか火に油を注ぐ結果となり、ますますヤクザの恐喝を悪化させてしまう。見かねたホテルの幹部はついに外部からプロを雇うことになる。それが民事介入暴力(民暴)を専門とする弁護士、井上まひるであった。 まひるはヤクザ相手に経験と法律の知識を武器に堂々と立ち向かい、鈴木と若杉に「ヤクザを怖がらない」ことを教え、二人は徐々に勇気を持つようになった。そんな中、小林はゴルフ場で知り合った入内島という男性に誘われるがまま賭けゴルフをしてしまう。しかし実は、入内島はヤクザ組織の中心人物であり、賭けゴルフをきっかけとして総支配人にスキャンダルの罠を仕掛ける。 なかなか脅迫に屈しないホテルに対して入内島は街宣車を送り込むなどの嫌がらせを行う。それに対してまひるは裁判所に不作為の申請をする等、一歩も引かず対処するが、ヤクザの「鉄砲玉」によって腹部を刺され重傷を負う。怒りに燃える若杉は鉄砲玉を打ちのめすが、まひるは出血多量で病院に担ぎ込まれる。
Josuke Kenmochi
A biographical dramatization about the production of the original Ultraman, the beloved classic special effects fantasy series from Eiji Tsuburaya.
A hard-working section chief, fast approaching retirement and beset by stress from all directions, joins a jazz band and reignites his youthful passion for the music, giving him a chance to set things right in his life.
Pachinko Parlor Boss
港町税務署のやり手調査官・板倉亮子は、管内のパチンコ店の所得隠しを発見したり、老夫婦の経営する食品スーパーの売上計上漏れを指摘するなど、地味な仕事を続けている。そんなある日、実業家・権藤英樹の経営するラブホテルに脱税のにおいを感じ、調査を行うが、強制調査権限のない税務署の業務の限界もあり、巧妙に仕組まれた権藤の脱税を暴くことができずにいた。 そんな中、亮子は強制調査権限を持つ国税局査察官(通称「マルサ」)に抜擢される。着任早々に功績をあげ、やがて仲間からの信頼も得るようになった亮子。ある日、権藤に捨てられた愛人・剣持和江からマルサに密告の電話が入る。亮子は税務署員時代から目をつけていた権藤の調査を自ら進んで引き受ける。亮子の努力が実を結び、権藤に対する本格的な内偵調査が始まる事になった。暴力団、政治家、銀行がからんだ大型脱税との戦いが始まった。
A one armed boy wants to become a football (soccer) player.
Film about a pirate radio station.
Kuroiwa, a high school teacher who carries a “Big Magnum 44” gun is sent to a school that is full of violence. Can Kuroiwa reform the students with the gun?
One spring, Tasaka, an elementary school teacher, receives a new class of first graders. While taking the children's attendance, Tasaka is surprised to see a call girl he once had an encounter with standing among the parents in the back of the classroom. According to the school's files, her name is Yukako Sawada, and her child Eisaku has no legal father. The next day, Eisaku gives Tasaka a letter from Yukako asking to meet at the hotel where they first met, and Tasaka sets out with an uneasy feeling...
The story of a Japanese man who as a 16-year-old went to Maui to work in the sugar cane fields in order to support his family back in Japan. Now 89 and still living in Hawaii he is visited by his granddaughter who brings him a letter from his disinherited and recently dead son. This brings back memories of his life with his wife and family following the attack on Pearl Harbor, in particular of his son who had gone off to join the war for the Americans.
Hiroshi Totsuka
Violent delinquent Shunpei is sent to Totsuka Yacht School, a grueling rehabilitation center. The principal fears that this "half-wolf" is too much. When kids go bad, this school beats them straight. But they've never seen anything like this punk before.
The story of Japan's victory in the battle of Tsushima Strait.
On her wedding day, Makiko is stabbed by a woman in wedding dress. The wound isn't serious but the attacker blows herself up and can't be identified. The attacker is thought to be an ex-girlfriend of Tsutomu, the groom. He gives two names to the police but these two are still alive. But there is still one woman in Tsutomu's mind...
Hideyuki Mitamura, a student at a private school near Osaka, is kidnapped on his way home from school.
Chotaro and Nakanishi, a duo of unemployed advertisers, drifted to Isehama, a port town near Yokohama, but a gang was making its presence felt in the town and the shopkeepers in the shopping arcade were troubled by it. Chotaro poses as a journalist and uses his words of wisdom to suggest that pen is mightier than the sword, so they create a mini-comic magazine and launch a campaign to expel the gang.
Inspector Heiji Zenigata VII
Romantic drama based on the manga published in Young Comic.
Zatoichi is a blind massage therapist and swordsman who finds out that something troubling is taking place on the outskirts of town. After discovering who the guilty parties are -- an accomplished Chinese martial artist named Wang Kang and his youthful attendant -- Zatoichi finds them and discovers that the pair's mixed up with a dangerous bunch of terrorist samurai who murdered the boy's parents. Now, Zatoichi must step in to save the day.
Eleventh film in the long-running series Daiei Studio's Woman Gambler with Kyoko Enami starring where she plays the woman gambler Ogin.
A plot by an evil mastermind to eliminate the lead singer of the Japanese "Group Sounds" rock band, The Jaguars, leads the group through a series of psychedelic, comedic escapades.
Japanese comedy film.