Helen Nguyen


The 3_2 Pulldown
Rob is a desperate microbudget filmmaker who is struggling to make ends meet. When he receives a video feed from the future from Wesley, an activist who wants to change the past, Rob sees an opportunity to make a splash in the film world. With the help of technology from the future, Rob creates a film that takes the world by storm and propels him to success. However, as he becomes more and more embroiled in the world of futuristic technology, Rob must grapple with the ethical implications of his actions and the potential consequences for both himself and the future.
The 3_2 Pulldown
Rob is a desperate microbudget filmmaker who is struggling to make ends meet. When he receives a video feed from the future from Wesley, an activist who wants to change the past, Rob sees an opportunity to make a splash in the film world. With the help of technology from the future, Rob creates a film that takes the world by storm and propels him to success. However, as he becomes more and more embroiled in the world of futuristic technology, Rob must grapple with the ethical implications of his actions and the potential consequences for both himself and the future.
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結婚式をドタキャンしたカップルを救え! 恋の救世主は愛を封印した独身女性!? 自身の些細な言葉がきっかけとなり、結婚式を目前に控えたカップルに亀裂を入れてしまったウェディングビジネスを展開するビジネスウーマン。そこに、破局したカップルの兄が助けに入り、二人でこのカップルの修復に向け奔走する。濃密に接した協力体制の1週間、次第に心が動かされていく恋模様を描いたラブ・ストーリー!