Shimako Satō
出生 : 1964-03-06, Iwate Prefecture, Japan
Shimako Satō is a Japanese screenwriter and film director.
1990年に公開され、大ヒットした『ゴースト/ニューヨークの幻』の舞台を、現代の日本に移して描く切ないラブストーリー。突然命を奪われ、ゴーストとなっていとしい人の近くにとどまる女性とその恋人の悲恋を映し出す。デミ・ムーアとパトリック・スウェイジが演じた当たり役を『眉山 -びざん』の松嶋菜々子と、『宿命』の韓国の人気俳優ソン・スンホンが熱演。肉体が朽ち果てても、ただ一心に相手を思い続ける究極の愛の物語に涙が止まらない。
第二次世界大戦が回避された架空の昭和24年。日本は19世紀から続く華族制度により極端な格差社会が生まれていた。職業の変更は禁じられ、恋愛の自由もなく、結婚は同じ身分の者同士でのみ許されていた。 帝都・東京では怪人二十面相が富裕層を狙う犯罪を繰り返していた。その二十面相は学術会議で革命的な新エネルギー機関・テスラ装置の模型を盗み、今度はテスラ装置を奪うと大胆に宣言したことから、警務局の浪越警部は名探偵・明智小五郎に捜査を依頼した。一方、サーカス団で働く軽業師・遠藤平吉はふとしたことからカストリ雑誌の記者に化けた怪人二十面相にだまされ、彼の替え玉に仕立てられたために二十面相として軍憲(この世界における警察)から追われる羽目になってしまう。平吉は疑いを晴らすために、自らも二十面相になり、本物の二十面相と対決することになる。
第二次世界大戦が回避された架空の昭和24年。日本は19世紀から続く華族制度により極端な格差社会が生まれていた。職業の変更は禁じられ、恋愛の自由もなく、結婚は同じ身分の者同士でのみ許されていた。 帝都・東京では怪人二十面相が富裕層を狙う犯罪を繰り返していた。その二十面相は学術会議で革命的な新エネルギー機関・テスラ装置の模型を盗み、今度はテスラ装置を奪うと大胆に宣言したことから、警務局の浪越警部は名探偵・明智小五郎に捜査を依頼した。一方、サーカス団で働く軽業師・遠藤平吉はふとしたことからカストリ雑誌の記者に化けた怪人二十面相にだまされ、彼の替え玉に仕立てられたために二十面相として軍憲(この世界における警察)から追われる羽目になってしまう。平吉は疑いを晴らすために、自らも二十面相になり、本物の二十面相と対決することになる。
When a visitor from the future shows up at school and instigates a reign of terror, a small group of students must find a way to stop the horror from spreading.
In Meiji-era Japan, a village of witches and wizards is slaughtered. Years later, an archaeologist discovers a mummy from the village, which reanimates, murders, then possesses his assistant. This evil spirit is now searching for Misa, who is protected by a survivor of the original massacre, known only as Saiga.
In Meiji-era Japan, a village of witches and wizards is slaughtered. Years later, an archaeologist discovers a mummy from the village, which reanimates, murders, then possesses his assistant. This evil spirit is now searching for Misa, who is protected by a survivor of the original massacre, known only as Saiga.
Misa Kuroi is an adorable high-school girl who arrives at her new school when it is falling under an evil supernatural force. Trying to figure out who's behind the supernatural attack, Misa also has to deal with assumptions by her fellow classmates that believe she is the one behind it all. Misa and twelve other students are kept late after school hours one day to retake an exam. Then, after sunset, the entire school is deserted, and the students find themselves trapped inside and their teacher no where to be found. One by one, the thirteen students are picked up and disposed of in horrific and graphic fashion. It is up to Misa to try and gain the trust of her fellow students so that she can protect them and stop the evil before it's too late.
Misa Kuroi is an adorable high-school girl who arrives at her new school when it is falling under an evil supernatural force. Trying to figure out who's behind the supernatural attack, Misa also has to deal with assumptions by her fellow classmates that believe she is the one behind it all. Misa and twelve other students are kept late after school hours one day to retake an exam. Then, after sunset, the entire school is deserted, and the students find themselves trapped inside and their teacher no where to be found. One by one, the thirteen students are picked up and disposed of in horrific and graphic fashion. It is up to Misa to try and gain the trust of her fellow students so that she can protect them and stop the evil before it's too late.
Alex (Julian Sands) is a lonely, centuries old vampire wandering the streets of London. The only woman he ever loved was lost to him centuries ago...but there's a new woman in his life, a woman named Ann who bears an extraordinary resemblance to Virginia, the young girl Alex once loved. Ann has recently lost a love of her own to a fiery car crash, and lives deep in her own gray depression. After an anonymous letter leads her to a new job in an occult library, Ann begins a slow, hesitant courtship with Alex, whom she finds both attractive and a little spooky. Alex, confused and jaded (and also unable to refrain from imagining himself feeding on Ann) holds her at arms length. But the fears and emotions of Alex and Ann are not the only complications in their relationship. There's another man stalking them both...a man named Edgar, who was once married to Virginia and has been looking for Alex for a very long time.
Alex (Julian Sands) is a lonely, centuries old vampire wandering the streets of London. The only woman he ever loved was lost to him centuries ago...but there's a new woman in his life, a woman named Ann who bears an extraordinary resemblance to Virginia, the young girl Alex once loved. Ann has recently lost a love of her own to a fiery car crash, and lives deep in her own gray depression. After an anonymous letter leads her to a new job in an occult library, Ann begins a slow, hesitant courtship with Alex, whom she finds both attractive and a little spooky. Alex, confused and jaded (and also unable to refrain from imagining himself feeding on Ann) holds her at arms length. But the fears and emotions of Alex and Ann are not the only complications in their relationship. There's another man stalking them both...a man named Edgar, who was once married to Virginia and has been looking for Alex for a very long time.