Yoshihiko Hosoda

Yoshihiko Hosoda

出生 : 1988-03-04, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo, Japan


Yoshihiko Hosoda
Yoshihiko Hosoda


The drama depicts the exploits of the “Ichigeki Hishikkitai”, a special combat unit formed by farmers to deal with the "Imperial Robbers" and the "Imperial Thieves" of the Satsuma Clan who were causing a stir in Edo at the end of the Edo period.
TELL ME ~hideと見た景色~
1998年5月2日、X JAPANのギタリストとして、ソロアーティスト(hide with Spread Beaver/zilch)として活躍していた、日本を代表するロックミュージシャンhideが急逝。葬儀には約5万人が訪れ、日本中が早すぎる別れに涙し社会現象に。制作途中だったアルバム、そして既に決定していた全国ツアー、hideの音楽を世に届けたい。hideのマネージャーを務める弟・松本裕士(ひろし)は、兄の意志を形にすべく、hideと二人で楽曲を制作していたhideの共同プロデューサーI.N.A.ら仲間たちとともに動き出す。hide本人不在という異例の状況下で奮闘する裕士とI.N.A.だったが、彼らの前に様々な困難が立ちはだかる…。
Ejima Satoshi
Tamaki who becomes a surrogate mother for the sake of her elder brother, Satoshi, who is gay by going through artificial insemination using his partner Keito's sperm with her egg and the siblings wanting to reveal the truth to their parents after her pregnancy passes the first trimester.
逃げるは恥だが役に立つ ガンバレ人類! 新春スペシャル!!
Mikuri and Hiramasa both work and share housework duties. They have peaceful days together. One day, Mikuri learns that she is pregnant. They decide to marry, but they soon face problems. Mikuri suffers from pregnancy sickness and Hiramasa decides to take a paternity leave before an important project is finished. The couple experience unfamiliar situations involving childbirth and rearing. They go through difficult times.
(segment "Mucous Membrane")
山戸結希監督が企画・プロデュースを務め、自身を含め80 年代後半〜90 年代生まれの新進映画監督、総勢15 名が集結。“自分自身のセクシャリティあるいはジェンダーがゆらいだ瞬間が映っていること”を共通のテーマとして、各監督が8 分以内の短編で表現するオムニバス作品。
『海辺の映画館―キネマの玉手箱』(うみべのえいがかん―キネマのたまてばこ)は、2020年7月31日公開の日本映画。大林宣彦監督作品[6]。尾道の映画館で日本の戦争映画特集を観ていた戦争を知らない若者3人がスクリーンの世界へとタイムスリップし、明治維新から第二次世界大戦までの戦争を体験し映画のヒロインたちがその犠牲となる姿を目撃して、原爆投下前夜の広島で出会った原爆の犠牲となる定めの移動劇団「桜隊」の運命を変えるべく尽力する姿を、モノクロ、サイレント、ミュージカル、時代劇、アクションなどさまざまな映画の表現や様式を総動員して描く。映倫区分はPG12。 2020年4月10日に肺がんのため逝去した大林宣彦監督の遺作となった。
Miyamoto Musashi
Musashi returns Japan's legendary swordsman and philosopher to the screen once again. In an original period drama based on the historical facts of the life and travels of the famous Miyamoto Musashi we find an apprentice, an instructor and the account of a famous battle in Japan of the Middle Ages where many questions will be answered.
This human drama depicts the challenges of an ageing society and gives the limelight to some of the hardest working people in society, care workers and medical professionals.
Shota Tashiro
劇場版 ウルトラマンX きたぞ!われらのウルトラマン
Wataru Kazama
太古の昔に地獄が封じられたと伝えられる芭羅慈遺跡――。 その謎に挑んだ強欲な男・黒崎(マイケル富岡)によって、 その封印が破られてしまった! この世を地獄へと変える閻魔獣ザイゴーグの大復活! その恐るべき力の前に、我らがウルトラマンエックスの光が消えてしまう。 地球はこのまま終わりを迎えてしまうのか…? Xio隊員たちは、考古学者・玉城ツカサ(吉本多香美)と力を合わせ、 決死の覚悟でザイゴーグ封印のカギとなる神秘の力を追う。 絶望の中、ツカサの息子・ユウト(高木星来)の母への強い想いが奇跡を呼び――。 参上!ウルトラマン、ウルトラマンティガ!! 結集したウルトラヒーローたちと力を合わせ、ザイゴーグと怪獣軍団に総力戦を挑むXio。 死闘の火ぶたが、いま切られる!
本町奉行所の見廻り同心・渡辺小五郎(東山紀之)と妻のふく(中越典子)は、 「後妻打ち」をきっかけに夫婦ゲンカになり、ふくは家出してしまうことに。折も折、夫から逃れた妻たちが駆け込む「縁切り寺」で、住職と女たちが斬り殺される事件が起こる。妻の家出中とあって「もしや」と案じて寺へと急ぐ小五郎だが……。同じ頃、江戸の町に、夫婦で裏稼業を営む夫婦仕事人がやってくる。 “瓦屋の陣八郎”(遠藤憲一)と“泣きぼくろのお宮”(山本美月)だ。偶然、街角で陣八郎とお宮に出会った小五郎に対し、二人を知るお菊(和久井映見)は、「あいつらとだけは関わるべからず」と忠告する。ところが、遊び人で博打好きの陣八郎は、今度は遊郭で開かれた博打で経師屋の涼次(松岡昌宏)と出会ってしまうことに。そんな矢先、縁切り寺の殺人事件の下手人らしき男が自殺体で見つかるが、小五郎は事件の背後に陰謀の匂いを感じ取る。しかし、寺の管轄は寺社奉行ということもあって、与力の増村倫太郎(生瀬勝久)はこれ以上の捜査には及び腰だ。事件からまもなく、寺社奉行の江田島兼良(中丸新将)の鶴の一声で、坊主の燕天(竹中直人)が寺の住職に就任する。もともと寺の跡継ぎとして修業をしていた経験のあるリュウ(知念侑李)は、新しい寺の様子に違和感を覚える。 何事もなかったように女たちの受け入れが始まった縁切り寺に、今日もお市という女(田中美奈子)が、娘のみさと(宮武美桜)とゆい(宮武祭)を連れて駆け込んできた。 だが、寺の背後では、女たちの弱みにつけ込んで食い物にしようとする陰謀が蠢いていたのだった……。
Shoichi Sugita
In the 1970s, director Fukasaku Kinji’s Yakuza Papers films chronicled decades of gang warfare in post-war Hiroshima. Over three decades later, up-and-coming young director Kubata Takashi brings a new generation of Hiroshima motorcycle gangsters to the big screen with Badboys. Based on Tanaka Hiroshi’s hit comic series of the same name (which also spawned five animated OVAs in the 1990s), Badboys depicts a violent battle between three rival gangs in the aftermath of a gang-related murder in Osaka. A gripping, exciting gangster action drama starring some of Japan’s brightest young actors, Badboys is the kind of new blood the Japanese gangster genre needs!
大奥  男女逆転
Kou Suzuya
Masayuki Wada / Alexander Jagi
主人公・根岸崇一はポップでオシャレな音楽を好む青年。大学進学に伴って上京してきた彼はポップミュージシャンとしてデビューするという夢を叶えるため、大学卒業後にレコード会社と契約する。 ところが事務所から根岸が演らされることになったのは、彼の趣旨とは正反対のデスメタルであった。程なくして根岸は悪魔系デスメタル・バンド「デトロイト・メタル・シティ(通称DMC)」のギター・ボーカル「ヨハネ・クラウザーII世」に仕立て上げられ、デビューする事になってしまう。 メタルは嫌いな根岸だったが、いざステージに立ってみると秘められたメタルの才能を発揮し、瞬く間にバンドは大ブレイク。根岸自身の思いに反してクラウザーはカリスマと化し、DMCは一躍世間の注目を集める人気バンドとなる。
Tsukihiko Murano
A descendant of an ancient tea tribe heads to Taiwan to look for the legendary black tea to break the curse of a tribal rivalry. Meanwhile, in an "underground tea market" somewhere in Taiwan that sells rare expensive tea from around the world, tribe members have other motives up their sleeves regarding the black tea legacy. Each for their own cause, rival tribal members become tangled up in a web of love and hate.
Sakura is a 20-year-old college student who has sex for money to fund her shopping addiction. After her customers leave her apartment, she spends her time spying on Leo, a young, beautiful, and (dyed) blond-haired boy, who works at a male escort service across the street. One day, Leo pays her a visit, and so starts an unlikely friendship. But Leo has a troubled past. He is the son of a prostitute who worked for his current pimp and died before she could repay money that she owed. He himself entered the business when he graduated from junior high school. Though Leo refuses to make love to Sakura (he has a policy of not having sex outside of work), the two fall in love and become inseparable until Leo gets into a fight with Sakura's boyfriend and gets him into a car accident. Leo turns himself in, and Sakura moves to Okinawa to wait for him at their dream destination.
A young tofu maker, Eikichi comes from Kyoto to open a tofu shop in a friendly neighborhood. He meets there a feisty local girl Ofumi who befriends him as he sets up his shop, Kyo-ya and in spite of the difficulties stemming from cultural differences between the two ancient capitals including the favored taste of tofu itself, they eventually marry and become the owner of a tofu shop on a more respectable street. Behind the rock-solid business of Kyo-ya, their son, Eitaro bears the brunt of other tofu shops' animosity toward Kyo-ya's refusal to comply with Edo's way of running business and starts to frequent a gambling hall run by the mysterious "Boss", which throws the family into a critical situation that threaten to pull them apart...
Making of Island Times
Fifteen-year-old Masaharu (Yanagisawa Daisuke) lives on the small island of Aogashima, which has a population of 197. On the island, life is simple and facilities are spare. As there are no high schools on the island, Masaharu, in his final year of junior high, will be leaving for Tokyo after he graduates. He is the editor of Blue Island Times, the local newspaper he started with a friend, who has hit on hard times in Tokyo. One day, Yuki (Naka Riisa) transfers from the city to his island school, and Masaharu is immediately smitten. As the two grow closer, Masaharu discovers his new friend's secret...
もうひとつのシュガー&スパイス:   Case 3
Case 3 tells the story of Mika, a young woman who after being cheated on gives up on falling in love ever again. However, Yuta, a coworker at her new part-time job beings to make Mika rethink her decision.
怪談新耳袋 劇場版
Takashi Izumo
Aimi and her father move into an old, apartment building and learn quickly that things are not as they seem.
Ei Daisuke always carrying an army knife and was good at peeling fruit. His friends heard stories that Sakae got married to the only daughter of a farmer. The memories of middle and high school will come away in the heart of childhood friend Yumi Nakamura. At the same time there are things that she could not convey to Sakae that she regrets. Yumi faces the thought of the past through 10 years, and the passage time takes her life onto a certain action.
THE LIMIT Modular Bath for Two
Shimada, a popular entertainer on TV, is at a young woman's apartment despite being married to an actress. There, he finds Kuwamoto, a burglar, hiding in the bathtub.