Ernesto and Filippo, two high school teachers, couldn’t be more different: Filippo is a cheerful liberal who is constantly online. Handsome and youthful, he is a serial seducer on the social networks. Ernesto, instead is a stern conservative, rigorously computerless. He is probably the last person around who still has a first-generation cell phone and his teaching methods are very traditional. They used to be best friends but an unresolved fight kept them far apart, until the day fate intervened and they found themselves teaching at the same school. Their opposite viewpoints will soon and inevitably lead to a new clash. The internet will force them to deal with their past, which resurfaces in the shape of Nina, a young woman who conducts an experiment on them: Filippo must try to leave the world of Internet and Ernesto must try to enter it.
Alberto Sordi
イタリアのシチリア州バーリアで、ペッピーノは牛飼いの次男としてすくすくと育つ。ファシズムの支配も終わり、第2次世界大戦を経て共和国へと移行したころ、ペッピーノ(フランチェスコ・シャンナ)はマンニーナ(マルガレット・マデ)と恋に落ちる。だが、彼女の家族は貧しい彼との交際を許さず……。 『題名のない子守唄』などの巨匠、ジュゼッペ・トルナトーレ監督が故郷シチリアを舞台に描く壮大な人生賛歌。トルナトーレ監督自らの半生を基に、1930年代から1980年代にかけてのある家族の喜怒哀楽を生き生きと映し出す。主役を務めるのは、期待の新星フランチェスコ・シャンナ。トップモデルとして活躍するマルガレット・マデがその妻役で出演を飾る。3世代にわたる一家の物語や、たくましく生きるシチリアの人々の生命力に驚嘆する。
“Ammazza che robba” is the new theatrical comic proposal that that “politically incorrect scoundrel” of Alessandro Di Carlo proposes. way the most unique comedian of his generation…”Did you see Di Carlo last night?”…”KILL THAT STUFF!!!
Massimo D'Alessandro
Mario Sapone
Sandrino (segment "Il figlio di Claudio Villa")
In this allegory on capitalism, director of a known car corporation invites one of his employees to his country villa to give him the good news. He just got promoted. However, the old man is not what he seems and promotion has a price.