Artyom Tkachenko

Artyom Tkachenko

出生 : 1982-04-30, Kaliningrad, USSR [now Russia]


Artyom Tkachenko
Artyom Tkachenko
Artyom Tkachenko


A boy from a remote Ural village, who grew up without a father in a large family, managed not only to survive the hardships of a wartime childhood and post-war devastation, but also to become at the origins of the creation of the Group A anti-terrorist unit, which would later become known as the Alpha Group.
Lost in the North
Dina is a successful business woman, she has everything: carrier, money, family. But her life turned around when her private helicopter crashed in vast expanses of snowing taiga. She miraculously survived. The nomadic tribe whose life has not changed for centuries finds her. Now she will have to fit in. But does she have any chance to get back home or is she lost in the north forever?
Dads vs. Moms
Two families live on the same staircase. One fine day, the dads boycott the moms, and the moms confront the dads in response. The reason for this is the accumulated family troubles: computer games of one, iron drill of the second, female fatigue, and so on. The hostages of the situation are children who are forced to live in two opposing camps. In an attempt to reconcile their parents, they only aggravate the situation and find the only way out - to call and ask their grandfather, a general of tank troops, to come. With his arrival, a planned "rescue" operation begins, filled with very comical situations.
Smart Masha
Spectacular blonde Masha decides to get smarter with a special chip to impress her beloved intellectual man and his discerning family. However, the technology has not yet been tested, and the opponent is not going to give up.
Viktor is a brilliant businessman. His brain calculates financial schemes no worse than any computer, and his intuition is better than a lie detector "reads" each person. The price for such success is problems in the family. But who doesn't? One day, Viktor accidentally learns that the whole world, seemingly created by his hands, is someone’s long-thought-out plan, and he himself is not the master of life, but just a puppet, which is already pretty tired of the invisible puppeteer. Viktor starts the game ahead of the curve: to to live on and save his loved ones, he needs to find his "programmer" until he finally wiped him off the face of the Earth. Expensive villas with exquisite interiors, airports, abandoned bunkers, deceptively comfortable houses or high-tech business centers - everywhere there is a place to hide another clue for Victor.
Raiders of the Lost Library
While digging one of the many tunnels for the Moscow metro, Soviet workers unearth ruins of a dungeon. The site is closed, the metro tunnel is diverted, and amidst the bustle no one notices the tunnel workers’ foreman pocketing a little ‘souvenir’ – a book-sized frame made of precious metals featuring an inscription in an unknown language. Decades later, the foreman’s grandson Ilya, who works as a courier, discovers the ancient relic in a pile of old junk. Oblivious to the true value of the family heirloom, he soon learns about it from a mysterious stranger. The relic is the key to the secret location of the priceless ancient library that belonged to Ivan the Terrible. What Ilya doesn’t know is that the search for the lost library has been going on for centuries, and now very powerful people are after him. Ilya and the mysterious stranger decide to try their luck in finding the library.
Ivan sets off on a dangerous mission into Syria to save his ex-commander Grey after his capture by ISIS. With the help of U.S. military patrols, he succeeds in freeing Grey and attempts to escape the country while being hunted by terrorists.
Moscow is a city of women! Both fatal, greedy beauties and naive, hungry for relationships, materially prosperous virgins live here in huge numbers. It is the latter that Vova and Edik use for their commercial purposes. Once the guys meet Olya and Rita, the widow and daughter of a recently deceased large businessman. The girls are rich and naive, their hearts and wallets are open. Edik and Vova are in anticipation of enrichment. But unexpected events make the heroes think that things are not so simple with Olya and Rita.
Ostap Bender: The Final Hustle
1919, Solnechnomorsk. Talented adventurers have become too unexpected: now they are wanted by the Russian and Turkish police. They go to the south of Russia to take possession of the golden scepter of Count Rumyantsev. In pursuit of a precious little thing, terrorists, circus performers and even participating ladies can dress up as them. Meanwhile, Ostap’s mother is approaching the paws of the gloomy Satanist Crowley, in whose treasury, by a mysterious coincidence, there is also a scepter ...
Ostap Bender. The Empire's Gold
The hunt for imperial gold continues. A priceless scepter, a treasure that could secure a worry-free life in sunny Rio de Janeiro for Ibrahim Bender and his young apprentice Ostap, has slipped from under their noses and ended up in possession of Nestor Makhno, an anarchist army commander. Makhno is convinced that the scepter is one of many imperial relics hidden in the area. With mafia, partisans, and officers of the Red and White armies all determined to get their hands on the fabled gold cache, Ostap and his mentor Ibrahim must surpass their own brilliance to outmaneuver their rivals and snatch the prize. And with Ostap’s beloved fair maiden losing her trust in him, he must do everything in his power to win her back and stop her from marrying another man.
Ostap Bender. The Beginning
Ametistov - staff captain
Russian Empire, 1919. By a twist of fate, young idealist Osip Zadunaisky meets an infamous con artist and self-proclaimed Turkish subject Ibrahim Bender. A man of pure thought and aristocratic upbringing, Osip would never have associated with a cunning and unscrupulous swindler, but Bender comes up with an offer Osip cannot refuse. A precious royal relic, a diamond-encrusted golden scepter is hidden somewhere in town; Bender needs a partner on his mission to find it, and offers Osip a share of the profit from selling the treasure. And so begins their joint venture, wrought with comical and dangerous twists and turns, where they have to outsmart and outmaneuver officers of the White Guard as well as the local mafia, who also have their eyes on the scepter. As their quest unfolds, Osip is compelled to learn Bender’s tricks of the trade: charming flattery, delicate deception, soft intimidation... as well as brute force.
Pharmacy of Happiness
In the future, all diseases have disappeared, and people don't need medicines. They come to the pharmacy for spiritual joys: a languid look, an anti-scandalous vaccine and vitamins against lies.
Remote Work
A Zoom work meeting unexpectedly went wrong. During the call, the boss discusses anti-crisis measures and motivates employees for labor feats, despite the pandemic. Subordinates, being in self-isolation, try to find a balance between work and personal life.
The Time Guardians
Childless spouses writer Andrei and artist Olga adopt the eight-year-old Ksyusha. The director of the orphanage where the girl was brought up is Andrei Iren's ex-girlfriend. She still passionately loves Andrei and intends to return him at all costs, even if for this he will have to destroy his family happiness. Meanwhile, Andrei is writing a science fiction novel about the dark side of Petersburg. On the pages of his book, the city on the Neva turns into a phantasmagoric world, where time itself has stopped, and the streets are inhabited by soulless creatures. Suddenly, Ksenia enters the world of "dark Petersburg" from the novel by Andrey, where he meets a mysterious friend Paramon. Heroes are waiting for many dangerous adventures...
One Breath
Following her divorce, Marina thinks that she’ll never meet love again. Little does she know that one day, she’ll find the love of her life in freediving, one of the most extreme sports in existence, built on diving as deep as possible on a single breath. In the vast, mysterious realm of the sea, Marina not only regains her sense of peace and well being, but also redefines her existence.
Union of Salvation
Amphelt, Colonel
Russian troops occupied Paris. Russia became the first power in the world. Now everything seems possible. Young winners, guards officers, are sure that equality and freedom will come - here and now. For this they are ready to sacrifice everything - position, wealth, love, life ... and the country itself.
The Blackout
Contact between most towns on Earth has been severed. A small ring-like area in Eastern Europe still has electricity, and maybe even life is being reported from space. What military forces find outside the ring is shocking.
アビゲイル クローズド・ワールド
A young girl Abigail lives in a city whose borders were closed many years ago because of an epidemic of a mysterious disease. Abby's father was one of the sick - and he was taken when she was six years old. Going against the authorities to find his father, Abby learns that her city is actually full of magic. And she discovers in herself extraordinary magical abilities.
A movie length version of the popular Ukrainian 2013 TV show of the same name. It's April of 1986. Pripyat, Ukraine. A core meltdown occurred at Reactor 4 of the Chernobyl Power Plant. Over thirty people died during the blast but the estimated death toll as a result of the radiation fallout will reach a four-digit number. This accident will be considered the world’s largest ecological disaster.
Crimean Bridge. Made With Love!
魔界探偵ゴーゴリIII 蘇りし者たちと最後の戦い
Aleksey Danishevskiy - Count, husband of Lisa
妖怪ヴィーとの決戦で一命を取り留めたゴーゴリは“黒騎士” の容疑をかけられ逮捕されてしまう。同じく収監されたヤキムから自身の出生の秘密を打ち明けられる。 そして163年前、ポーランド人異教徒のギャングがウクライナの農場を荒らしていた時から“黒騎士” がディカーニカに出現するようになり、まるで何かの復讐をするように若い女性を殺していたという呪われた過去が明らかになる。 ゴーゴリは闇の力で邪悪な呪いを取り除き、“黒騎士” を捕えることができるのか
魔界探偵ゴーゴリⅡ 魔女の呪いと妖怪ヴィーの召喚
Aleksey Danishevsky - Count, husband of Lisa
グローが残した推理メモを頼りに殺人が起こる日の法則を突き止めたゴーゴリは、リザにも危険が及ぶことを察知する。 村では連続殺人鬼が正体不明の“黒騎士” だという噂で恐怖が広がっている。 次なる犠牲者を防ぐ為に、ディカーニカとその近くに住む若い女性を全員監視下に置くが、その頃、村では魔女ハンターによって捕えられた魔女が凶悪なクリーチャーである妖怪ヴィーを呼び寄せようとする。ゴーゴリは魔女ハンターと共に古い教会にとどまるが…
Children for Rent
A parents struggling with their children suddenly get an advise for psychologist - to exchange the kids...
魔界探偵ゴーゴリ 暗黒の騎士と生け贄の美女たち
Aleksey Danishevsky - Count, husband of Lisa
Drunk Company
Comedy mini-series about doctor who cures hangoversIn the center of the plot is the story of the former doctor Grigory Mikhailovich Shtuchny, who drinks heavily and works as a security guard in an outpatient clinic. Piece - the inventor of the prescription drug, removing the cruel hangover and removing from the binge. The situation is such that the individual needs the money and he begins to earn, removing the hangover from wealthy clients. His young companion, Ilya, is looking for clients, and Piece with various degrees of success treats them.
The Photographer
The Photographer is an elusive serial killer operating in modern-day Moscow. He leaves numbered tiles at the scenes of his crimes, similar to those placed at crime scenes by forensic teams. The investigation points to the old Red Army barracks in Legnica, and to events dating back to the 1970s. One of the people involved in the investigation is Natasha - the only person to have survived an encounter with The Photographer.
タイム・ハンターズ 19世紀の海賊と謎の古文書
A group of journalists are traveling through the different places and different times trying to solve historical mystery.
Courier from 'Paradise'
A funny story about the Moscow policemen travel to a small town.
May Rain
Southern Nights
A romantic story about love between successful top-manager Yuliya and vineyard owner Victor.
Aleksey Korolevich
Masha Krapivina - is yet beautiful, and not that clever. She is just an ordinary girl, like thousands of her peers from different parts of the country, who risked to try to conquer Moscow and left their native country town.
Two girls shoot down a cyclist, kill a pedophile, steal a car. A famous DJ gets kidnapped once. A woman invites a boss-lover to a birthday party, and during the party in the house there is a murder. The paths of the heroes of these stories intersect on a country road.
Sakura Jam
A young Russian businessman is tired of the unprofessional behavior of his employees so he decides to invite a general manager from Japan in order to improve the situation in the firm.
Guys from Mars
Black comedy about the routine of a large corporation, producing chocolate bars. The claustrophobic office space and its dwellers are part of a funny and grotesque picture. The main character, young man from the marketing department, tries to find his stolen car with the help of militia and head of a local gang. He confronts a chaotic life of a small provincial town outside his office, trying to guess its laws. As a result, he fails to fulfill the task of his American boss, and finds his Ford painted and rebuilt as a street-racer's car. Of course, his personal life also changes...
Little Moscow
Sajat, mąż Nane
During the Cold War, a local Polish officer and a young Soviet woman wedded to a Soviet officer are drawn together by music.
This story takes place in Moscow during 2006. The film is about new generation of kids, called Indigo, who have more mental and spiritual abilities than others. A company of such kids gather together in hidden places. Each of them can do unbelievable things, such as : reading other people thoughts, communicating with animals, breaking computer codes. They are different from ordinary people and they are happy with each other. But some adults want to use their talents for old-time perverted purposes...
The Russian Triangle
Kolya Vorontsov
A big Russian city- not necessarily Moscow, but the kind that is bustling with all types of life including criminal so the police are not without business. A young agent by the name of Nikolay, whose ancestors on his mother's side are Georgian, walks into the department which is busy with the investigation of a murder committed by a mysterious blind killer. His intuition leads him to a group of people whose destiny was broken by the Chechen War. This peaceful town finds its sinister inside, and Nikolay's noble impulses runs into the cruel and corrupt reality.
Waiting for a Miracle
The story of a young girl who believes in miracles. The guys do not pay any attention to her, at work, her ideas are stolen and used, friends consider her a little strange, but the young girl does not lose heart and continues to believe in a prince on a white horse. And one day he appears. Handsome, young, he is subject to magic, and henceforth her feelings. How now not to believe in a fairy tale when she herself was in it?... The long-awaited prince will make her life truly magical.
Near and Dear
Sisters Olga and Tatyana have long been living away from each other. Olga is in Moscow, and Tatyana remained at home - in a provincial town, but each tries to prove her case. And until the characters understand that the past is a bad adviser, the war in a single family will continue.
A young boy's dreams of glory and war turn into a bitter nightmare as his father's kingdom is overrun by an invading army. Lost and alone in the woods, he finds an ancient sword that promises him the ability to claim his vengeance.
Dreaming is not harmful
The hero of the film is called Schnack, he is not an ordinary guy, and from his company, which leads a rave lifestyle - fashion clubs, girls and continuous parties, he is distinguished by one thing: Schnack is a dreamer. He is constantly surprised and envious of beautiful girls: “How easy it is for them to live and everything succeeds thanks to a charming smile and long legs. That would be ... ". But is it so easy to cover beautiful legs with a miniskirt and not be in bed of bosom friends. And anyway, is it safe to dream when a wizard is nearby looking for another victim to fulfill her cherished desire ...
Don't Even Think 2: Independence Play
This story is about three slacker friends: Marat (a video store worker); Belyj (an unsuccessful actor); and Nick (a cowardly marshal arts practitioner). Bored with their lives and wanting to instead live in style, the boys rob the richest and most respected men in the city. However, they are in over their heads and it is too late to turn back.