Director of Photography
A group of four amateur adventurers who specialize in exploring remote and forsaken places pay a visit to Shookum Hills, a town in the remote Appalachian Mountains which was abandoned decades ago due to a mysterious coal mine fire.
Second Unit Director of Photography
情報セキュリティ会社に勤めるサイモンは、妻ロビンとともに新しい街に引っ越してきた。仕事は順調で、ふたりは豪華な自宅を購入し、順風満帆の人生に思えた。 そんなある日、学生時代の同級生ゴードン・モズリーに出会う。そして後日、ゴードンから引越祝いとして豪華なワインが届けられた。ロビンはワインの返礼として、彼を自宅の夕食に招いた。食事の間、ゴードンはまるで親友だったかのように語り、実は高校時代彼とはあまり親しくなかったサイモンは不快感をおぼえる。ロビンには、彼は見かけよりいい人には違いないと思えた。 後日、二人が仕事仲間のパーティーから帰ると、ゴードンから「ギフト」として、庭の池に鯉が泳いでいた。また、サイモンの留守中にロビンに家に入れてもらいテレビの設定を手伝うなどしていた事で、サイモンは不快感を友人たちに語り始める。
Director of Photography
Love will make you do irrational acts of kindness.
Director of Photography
A short film detailing the strange estrangement of an elderly father and his son. Set on a park bench in the present day, Eddie, a cantankerous old alcoholic, attempts to connect with his son Winstead, who's spent the majority of his adult life trying to get away from him. In the course of their conversation Eddie reveals how he lost his leg - in a high stakes poker game 30 years ago.
Director of Photography
An omnibus of 42 short films by auteur directors based on Dreams.
Director of Photography
Barry Munday, a libido-driven wage slave who spends all his time either ogling, fantasizing about or trying to pick up women, wakes up in hospital after a freak attack only to find that his testicles have been removed.
Director of Photography
聞いていて不快な音楽やポルノグラフィー、そして焼けたふんを地面にたたきつけることがお気に入りの一風変わった男であるヘッシャー(ジョセフ・ゴードン=レヴィット)。ある日、自動車事故で母親を亡くしたばかりの少年TJ(デヴィン・ブロシュー)と、その父ポール(レイン・ウィルソン)のもとで暮らすことになったヘッシャーは、親子にとって特異な存在であったが……。 アナーキーで変わり者のヘッシャーと名乗る男が、母の死から立ち直れない13歳の少年とその父や、人生を見失った女の前に突然現れ、彼らの傷ついた人生を彼なりのワイルドな行動の数々で過激に再生していく過程を、ヘビーメタルの爆音サウンドと共に描くヒューマンドラマ。若手映像作家スペンサー・サッサーがメガホンを取り、愛と再生の寓話(ぐうわ)で長編デビューを果たした。『ブラック・スワン』のナタリー・ポートマン、『インセプション』のジョセフ・ゴードン=レヴィットら演技派スターたちの共演も見逃せない。
Director of Photography
A young and successful insurance underwriter must allow her mentally unstable mother to move in with her after the institution in which the mother had been living is deemed unfit for occupancy. The mother then begins to dislike how close her daughter is with her boss.
Director of Photography
Two groups of robbers rob the same bank, on the same day, at the same time, after being given the same tip.
Director of Photography
Ben, Gwen, and Max must stop an extraterrestrial who plans to open a gateway that leads to an alien invasion.
After a series of fruitless relationships, an innocent young woman ventures out yet again into the cruel world of desperate assholes, the social wasteland known as Hollywood, California. On a blind date, hoping to find Mr. Right, she ends up finding Mr. Dramatic, a lonely man afflicted by the bitter pain of living in his own world. Together, these two seemingly pathetic souls discover that someone perfect could really be out there for each of them. Unfortunately, all Hell must break loose in a filthy meat market for this understanding to take hold. It isn't pretty, but neither is dating in LA.
Additional Photography
A documentary film that highlights two street derived dance styles, Clowning and Krumping, that came out of the low income neighborhoods of L.A.. Director David LaChapelle interviews each dance crew about how their unique dances evolved. A new and positive activity away from the drugs, guns, and gangs that ruled their neighborhood. A raw film about a growing sub-culture movements in America.
Director of Photography
A story of a man who's heart was ripped out by the love of his life...literally.
Additional Photography
Veronica is a white-bread beauty searching for a good man in Los Angeles. While slam dancing at a Halloween rave, she meets Abel, a sensitive poet. Then she meets Zed, a supersexy tattooed drummer with incredible biceps. Who will she choose? Does she go for true love or cheap sex? She can't decide so she chooses both. But after managing to nurture a picture-perfect threesome, along comes Ernest, a rich movie director with deep baby blues that sweep Veronica off her feet. What's a girl to do now?