Costume Design
Mara, a young creative writing professor, is struggling with problems in her marriage to an experimental musician. One day, Matt, a charismatic, free-spirited author from her past, wanders onto her university campus. Bonded by their shared interests, the two gradually become closer. When Mara’s husband unexpectedly cancels plans to drive her to an out-of-town conference, Matt accompanies Mara on the trip instead. Along the way, the tension surrounding their undefined relationship slowly grows.
Costume Design
An aspiring twentysomething writer hesitantly accompanies her equally reluctant younger sister on vacation with their deliriously happy parents, in Luis De Filippis’ resonant, cliché-free debut feature.
Costume Coordinator
アメリカ合衆国中西部に位置するラクーンシティ。自然豊かなこの街の郊外に以前は製薬会社アンブレラ社の工場が存在したが、今はその殆どの施設は移転してしまっている。 このアンブレラ社が秘密裏に研究開発を進めていた“何か”が街の住民達に大きな健康被害を与えているとのメッセージを受け取ったクレア。 ラクーンシティの施設で育ったクレアは、その真実を突き止めるべく、R.P.D.(ラクーン市警)で特殊部隊=S.T.A.R.S.の隊員である兄・クリスのもとを訪ねる。クレアはクリスにこの事実を訴えるも「お前は昔から陰謀論を持ち出すが、デタラメだ」と取り合ってくれない。 しかしその時、街中に大音量のサイレンが鳴り響く。 アンブレラ社から住民に自宅で待機するよう警報が発せられたのだ。 クリスは急ぎ署に出向き、S.T.A.R.S.の隊員である、ジル、ウェスカーと共に、郊外にあるスペンサー邸で消息を絶った同僚を捜索する為、ヘリコプターで出動する-。 一方、クレアはクリスを追いかけR.P.D.に-。 しかし、既に住民達の身体には変化が起き始めていた。 その皮膚は腐乱し、口や目から血液が流れ落ち、死体の様な状態にも関わらず、人肉を欲し彷徨うゾンビと化したのだ。 スペンサー邸ではクリス達の壮絶なサバイバルが繰り広げられ、R.P.D.内でも、クレアそして新人警官のレオンに、ゾンビ達が襲い掛かる。
Costume Design
When an emotionally-fragile young woman takes a job as nanny to two troubled children at a remote summer cottage, she falls in love with the children's father, while becoming enmeshed in the mystery of their estranged mother - with whom, it turns out, the young woman has her own fraught history. As the summer progresses, she begins to suspect that the family has a dark history that they are desperate to keep secret.
When a struggling musician can't afford her rent, she signs up for a website where rich older men pay to date younger women. Her new money-making venture sends her down a dark rabbit hole that forces her to grow up fast, shaping her music, and how she sees the world.
Costume Designer
When a struggling musician can't afford her rent, she signs up for a website where rich older men pay to date younger women. Her new money-making venture sends her down a dark rabbit hole that forces her to grow up fast, shaping her music, and how she sees the world.
Costume Designer
An endearing friendship drama about comforting heartache and the perils of online dating.
Costume Design
A political activist helps take care of a group of America’s most wanted fugitives, including a well-known, recently radicalized heiress.
Costume Design
Based on a stage play of the same name by Amy Nostbakken and Norah Sadava, the story follows Cassandra, who is portrayed by the two women, expressing the opposing voices that exist inside the modern woman's head, during a 48-hour period as she tries to organize the affairs for her mother's funeral.
Costume Design
Lou and her best friend Chantal plan to get out of their isolated, run-down town and move to a city far, far away. When Chantal’s unstable and possessive ex violates her during a night of partying, the girls decide to exact their revenge on him through a night of vandalism and debauchery.