Dante Ferretti

Dante Ferretti

出生 : 1943-02-26, Macerata, Marche, Italy


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Dante Ferretti (Italian pronunciation: [ˌdante ferˈretti], born 26 February 1943) is an Italian production designer, art director and costume designer. Throughout his career, Ferretti has worked with many great directors, both American and Italian, including Pier Paolo Pasolini, Federico Fellini, Terry Gilliam, Franco Zeffirelli, Martin Scorsese, Francis Ford Coppola, Anthony Minghella, and Tim Burton. He frequently collaborates with his wife, set decorator Francesca Lo Schiavo. Ferretti was a protégé of Federico Fellini, and worked under him for five films. He also had a five-film collaboration with Pier Paolo Pasolini and later developed a very close professional relationship with Martin Scorsese, designing seven of his last eight movies. In 2008, he designed the set for Howard Shore's opera The Fly, directed by David Cronenberg, at the Théâtre du Châtelet in Paris. Ferretti has won three Academy Awards for Best Art Direction; for The Aviator, Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street and Hugo. He had seven previous nominations. In addition, he was nominated for Best Costume Design for Kundun. He has also won three BAFTA Awards. In 2012, he designed the decor for Salumeria Rosi Parmacotto, a restaurant on Manhattan's Upper East Side. For the 2015 Expo held in Milan, Italy Ferretti was commissioned to do a series of statues articulating the concept ""Feeding the Planet, Energy for Life". He is member of the Italy-USA Foundation.  


Dante Ferretti


Fellini Forward
Investigating the last years of the famous filmmaker in Rome, combining the history of Italian cinema with new production techniques and going behind the scenes on the filmmaking process.
Self - Production Designer
Ferruccio Castronuovo was the only authorized eye, between 1976 and 1986, to film the brilliant Italian filmmaker Federico Fellini (1920-1993) in his personal and creative intimacy, to capture the gears of his great circus, his fantastic lies and his crazy inventions.
Marco Ferreri: Dangerous But Necessary
Marco Ferreri: Dangerous But Necessary is a trip through the auteur's singular cosmos - at once supernatural and earthbound. He dropped out of his studies to become a veterinarian, choosing instead to concern himself principally with the human animal, in our corporeal and yearning essence.
Costume Design
Production Design
Production Design
Pasolini maestro corsaro
セブンス・サン 魔使いの弟子
Production Design
Sur les traces de Fellini
Set Designer
Handmade Cinema
Se stesso
Production Design
Dante Ferretti: Production Designer
The Documentary Dante Ferretti – Production Designer retraces the life and the career of Dante Ferretti, the famous Italian Artist and Production Designer.
シャッター アイランド
Production Design
精神を病んだ犯罪者の収容施設がある孤島、シャッター アイランド。厳重に管理された施設から、一人の女性患者が謎のメッセージを残して姿を消す。孤島で起きた不可解な失踪事件の担当になった連邦保安官のテディ・ダニエルズは、この孤島の怪しさに気付き始める……。<不可解な事件が起きた孤島を舞台に、謎解きを展開する本格ミステリー大作。原作は『ミスティック・リバー』のデニス・ルヘインの同名小説。主演のディカプリオが島を捜査する連邦保安官を演じ、『帰らない日々』のマーク・ラファロ、『ガンジー』のベン・キングズレーが共演。>
Valentino: The Last Emperor
Film which travels inside the singular world of one of Italy's most famous fashion designers, Valentino Garavani, documenting the colourful and dramatic closing act of his celebrated career and capturing the end of an era in global fashion. However, at the heart of the film is a love story - the unique relationship between Valentino and his business partner and companion of 50 years, Giancarlo Giammetti. Capturing intimate moments in the lives of two of Italy's richest and most famous men, the film lifts the curtain on the final act of a nearly 50-year reign at the top of the glamorous and fiercely competitive world of fashion. (Storyville)
The Madness and Misadventures of Munchausen
This is an all new feature length documentary, with interviews from almost everyone involved with the production of the film. Gilliam never shies away from the truth, even when it comes to himself, and so this documentary is self-effacing and refreshingly frank. The documentary details not only the battles Gilliam had with Columbia in getting the film finished and released, but also the imagination and innovation that went into the production.
スウィーニー・トッド フリート街の悪魔の理髪師
Production Design
Production Design
ミネハハ 秘密の森の少女たち
Production Design
『エコール』の原作、フランク・ヴェデキント「ミネハハ」を再び映画化! 少女たちが紡ぐ美しく、ミステリアスで、哀しい物語――。 原作はドイツ表現主義の先駆者である、劇作家フランク・ヴェデキント。 彼が書いた中篇小説「ミネハハ」は、昨年映画『エコール』として映像化され、大きな話題を呼んだ。 監督は『ロビン・フッド』や『戦争の犬たち』などの作品を残している名匠ジョン・アーヴィン。 美しさと残酷さが共存する瞬間を見事に捉えている。 <あらすじ> 街外れの美しく奥深い森に佇む洋館。そこへ幼女たちが運ばれて来る。 厳しい規則に縛られ、隔離された世界で育てられる穢れを知らない少女たちは、やがて学園に潜む謎に気づき始める。 好奇心の強いヴェラに連れられて、秘密の部屋に忍び込んだヒダラとイレーネは、迫る足音に怯え逃げ出すが、ヴェラは部屋に閉じ込められてしまう。次の日、ヴェラは学園から消えてしまった。そんな中、学園の後援者である伯爵を迎えて、バレエを披露することになり、ヒダラはプリマに抜擢される。ヒダラを愛するイレーネは共に喜ぶ。 しかし訪れた公演当日、学園の本当の目的が明らかになり、少女たちは悲劇的な結末を迎えるのだった……。
Elio Petri: Notes About a Filmmaker
A documentary on the director’s career, featuring interviews with friends, collaborators, and filmmakers.
Production Design
コールド マウンテン
Production Design
Fellini: I'm a Born Liar
Self - Chef décorateur
A look at Fellini's creative process. In extensive interviews, Fellini talks a bit about his background and then discusses how he works and how he creates. Several actors, a producer, a writer, and a production manager talk about working with Fellini. Archive footage of Fellini and others on the set plus clips from his films provide commentary and illustration for the points interviewees make. Fellini is fully in charge; actors call themselves puppets. He dismisses improvisation and calls for "availability." His sets and his films create images that look like reality but are not; we see the differences and the results.
Production Design
Production Design
Production Design
かつてフランク神父に命を救おうとしたことで呼ばれたフランクは、救えなかった人々の幽霊を毎ターン目にする。 彼は解雇されるためにできる限りのことを試み、病気で電話をかけ、助けられなかったもう1人の犠牲者に直面しなければならないかもしれない電話に出るのを遅らせましたが、自分で仕事を辞めることはできませんでした.
Production Design
『セント・オブ・ウーマン/夢の香り』のマーティン・ブレスト監督が、34年の名作『明日なき抱擁』をブラッド・ピット主演でリメイクしたファンタスティックラブストーリー。 N.Y.のメディア会社「パリッシュ・コミュニケーション」の社長ウィリアム(ビル)・パリッシュ(アンソニー・ホプキンス)は、ある夜どこからともなく響いてくる声を聞いた。次の日、ビルは愛娘のスーザン(クレア・フォーラニ)とその恋人ドリュー(ジェイク・ウェバー)と共にヘリで仕事に向かっていた。ビルの「恋人を愛しているか?」との問いに、素っ気無い反応をする娘にビルは話す。「愛は情熱だ。その経験のない人生は意味のないものだ」と。そして、その日スーザンは仕事場近くのコーヒーショップで一人の青年と出会う。最近この街に越してきた、という青年の気さくな態度に好感をもつスーザン。その夜、家族と共に食卓を囲んでいたビルの脳裏にまた同じ声が聞こえてくる。「私に会えるよ・・・ビル」。声に導かれるまま来客を招き入れるとスーザンがコーヒーショップで出会った青年が居た。以前から体調のすぐれないビルが心の中で問いかけていた「死期が近いのか」の言葉に青年は「イエス」と答えた。彼は青年の体を借りた死神だった。人間の生活に興味をもった死神が、ビルを連れて行く前に彼に案内を頼みにきたのだ。家族への説明に困ったビルは、青年をジョー・ブラック(ブラッド・ピット)だと紹介する。出会った時と印象の違うジョーを見て初めは困惑していたスーザンだったが、次第に彼の不思議な魅力に惹かれていく。父親のいう“情熱”を確かに感じていたのだ。
In Search of 'Kundun' with Martin Scorsese
In Search of Kundun, a “making-of” documentary that is so much more, follows Scorsese as he plans his epic film and shoots in Morocco, and continues on to an audience with the Dalai Lama himself in the foothills of the Himalayas. Edited from over a hundred hours of footage, the documentary captures Scorsese’s fervor as a filmmaker and a man, the modest yet charismatic Dalai Lama, and the plight of the exiled Tibetans. -Denver Film Society
Costume Design
Production Design
Production Design
Production Design
Production Design
Innocence and Experience: The Making of 'The Age of Innocence'
A documentary about the making of director Martin Scorsese's 1993 film adaptation of Edith Wharton's Pulitzer Prize-winning novel, The Age of Innocence. It features a conversation between Scorsese and the star of the film, Daniel Day Lewis, as well as rare behind-the-scenes footage.
Production Design
Hamlet, Prince of Denmark, finds out that his uncle Claudius killed his father to obtain the throne, and plans revenge.
Dr. M
Production Design
In the not-too-distant future Berlin is shocked by a series of spectacular suicides; a policeman's investigations lead him to a beautiful, enigmatic woman and the revelation of a sinister plot to manipulate the population through mass hypnosis.
Production Design
A parable on the whisperings of the soul that only madmen and vagabonds are capable of hearing. Odd couple Ivo Salvini, recently released from a mental asylum, and former prefect Gonnella wander through the countryside and discover a dystopia made of television commercials, beauty pageants, rock music, Catholicism, and pagan rituals.
Lo zio indegno
Production Design
A businessman has trouble reuniting with his roguish con-artist uncle, especially when the uncle propositions school-age girls and comes on to his nephew's mistress.
Production Design
「モンティ・パイソン」で知られる鬼才テリー・ギリアム監督が、ミュンヒハウゼン男爵の奇想天外な大冒険をつづった「ほらふき男爵の冒険」を映画化したファンタジー大作。 18世紀、トルコ軍占領下にあるドイツの海岸沿いの町。貧困と飢えに苦しむ人々であふれた崩れかけた城壁の中の廃墟と化した小さな町のロイヤル劇場の舞台に、バロン・ミュンヒハウゼンは突然姿を現わした。彼は、トルコ軍は自分を探していると語り、なぜトルコ軍に追われるはめになったかを話し始めるが、あまりにも荒唐無稽で誰にも相手にされない。
La rosa dei nomi
The Abbey of Crime: Umberto Eco's 'The Name of the Rose'
A German TV documentary that chronicles the daily rehearsals, the filming and all the behind the scenes of Jean-Jacques Annaud's classic "The Name of the Rose". From actors perspectives to the ideas used by the director to produce an impeccable international epic adaptation of Umberto Eco's best selling novel, the film presents the obstacles behind the creation of a production of such large scale and also the making of the many difficult scenes, most of the ones presented here are the characters' murders inside the mysterious abbey.
Production Design
Production Design
Amelia and Pippo are reunited after several decades to perform their old music-hall act, imitating Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers, on a TV variety show.
Production Design
The Future Is Woman
Production Design
In this improbable, ponderous story about a couple who do not want to have children of their own, and a pregnant, single woman who needs a home for awhile, the relationship between the three is strange, at the very least.
Good King Dagobert
Production Design
King's Dagobert I intestinal and sexual problems loom large as he survives an attack on his royal caravan then barely makes it to Rome to personally give thanks to the Pope. After he arrives at the Vatican, he becomes involved in the battle between two contenders for the papacy and has to face the machinations of a ruthless Byzantine princess.
Production Design
In 1914, a cruise ship sets sail from Naples to spread the ashes of beloved opera singer Edmea Tetua near Erimo, the isle of her birth. During the voyage, the eclectic array of passengers discovers a group of Serbian refugees aboard the vessel. Peace and camaraderie abound until the ship is descended upon by an Austrian flagship. The Serbians are forced to board it, but naturally they resist, igniting a skirmish that ends in destruction.
A reporter travelling to Latin America witnesses a murder through the lens of his camera.
Beyond the Door
Art Direction
Tom Berenger stars in this Italian film featuring legendary Italian star Marcello Mastroianni. Berenger is Matthew, an American engineer who falls in love with Nina (Eleanora Giorgi), a woman who holds many disturbing secrets.
Beyond the Door
Production Design
Tom Berenger stars in this Italian film featuring legendary Italian star Marcello Mastroianni. Berenger is Matthew, an American engineer who falls in love with Nina (Eleanora Giorgi), a woman who holds many disturbing secrets.
The Night of Varennes
Production Design
During the French Revolution, a surprising company shares a coach, trying to catch up something - the time itself, perhaps.
Tales of Ordinary Madness
Production Design
Poet/lecturer Charles Serking awakens from his alcoholic haze long enough to take a bus back to L.A. and plunge into an orgy of drink and sexual depravity.
The Skin
Production Design
After the Allies liberate Naples in 1943, life for the locals is not much easier, especially for women. Many sacrifice their dignity and morale to survive.
The Soup
Production Design
Rome, 1960. Four different people meet each other at the Olympics. They follow the games and become friends, talking about their sad lifes.
Production Design
A businessman finds himself trapped at a hotel and threatened by women en masse.
Break Up
Production Design
Paolo has been reasonably happy for the past 10 years; he has a job at the university and has Sena as a lover all these years. When she suddenly decides to leave the relationship, it comes as a shock to him, and he desperately wants to know the reason. After a series of reconciliations and separations, he finally finds out and briefly has another apparently blissful relationship with Silva.
Production Design
Orchestra Rehearsal (Italian: Prova d'orchestra) is a 1978 Italian film directed by Federico Fellini. It follows an Italian orchestra as the members go on strike against the conductor. The film was shown out of competition at the 1979 Cannes Film Festival. Considered by some to be underrated Orchestra Rehearsal was the last collaboration between composer Nino Rota and Fellini, due to Rota's death in 1979.
La Presidentessa
Production Design
Gobette, a young avant-garde dancer, finds herself unemployed after the closure of the provincial club where she performs. By pure coincidence, Cipriano Gaudet, Minister of Justice, meets her at a judge's house and, convinced that she is the wife of the subordinate, gives promotions to the unsuspecting representative of the law in order to remove him from the woman and be able to get married with the soubrette. ..
Beach House
Production Design
Summer Sunday at a small beach house at the coast of Rome. Many people and stories: women's basketball team, two sports-obsessed soldiers, two men with their girlfriends and the priest with a big secret, an elderly couple with their pregnant granddaughter, and engagemented couple wanting to have sex for the first time.
The Cat
Production Design
Amedeo and Ofelia, middle aged brother and sister, own jointly an old decadent, but still attractive, condominium. They want to sell it, but before they have to evict all the tenants. Of course, these don't want to leave at all. The cat (Il Gatto), mascot and beloved by all, dies and this gives the two an excuse to enter the tenants' life. Amedeo starts to court the young Wanda and Ofelia seduces the priest Don Pezzolla. In the meantime police is looking for the cat killer...
Il mostro
Production Design
A low rank journalist at Tribuna Sera newspaper receives a letter one day. His correspondence contains a serial killer's letters, which he exploits.
One Way or Another
Production Design
Set during a retreat of Christian Democrat politicians who practice spiritual exercises together, it is an allegory of corrupted power. Disturbing, claustrophobic settings are the background to a series of mysterious crimes.
Production Design
Four corrupted fascist libertines round up 9 teenage boys and girls and subject them to 120 days of sadistic physical, mental and sexual torture.
Costume Design
The Marquise Eugenia di Maqueda, an orphan raised by the nuns, marries Raimondo Corrao, but on their wedding night she finds out that he is her brother. The piece of news is in a letter written from Paris by their father, a womaniser who lives and hides from them in the French headtown. The pair decide, to avoid the scandal, to live as brother and sister. He will later leave for the war in Lybia, she will find solace and sexual satisfaction in the arms of the family chauffeur.
Production Design
The Marquise Eugenia di Maqueda, an orphan raised by the nuns, marries Raimondo Corrao, but on their wedding night she finds out that he is her brother. The piece of news is in a letter written from Paris by their father, a womaniser who lives and hides from them in the French headtown. The pair decide, to avoid the scandal, to live as brother and sister. He will later leave for the war in Lybia, she will find solace and sexual satisfaction in the arms of the family chauffeur.
Production Design
The final part of Pasolini's Trilogy of Life series is rich with exotic tales of slaves and kings, potions, betrayals, demons and, most of all, love and lovemaking in all its myriad forms. Mysterious and liberating, this is an exquisitely dreamlike and adult interpretation of the original folk tales.
Somewhere Beyond Love
Production Design
Two factory workers living in Northern Italy form a romantic connection. The woman, torn between the freedoms of the North and her traditional Sicilian values, slowly allows herself to love...
Bawdy Tales
Production Design
Locked up in prison and awaiting execution, bored young vagabonds Bernardino and Mammone pass their time competing in a vulgar storytelling competition, relating indecent accounts about castration, unsavory testicles and an atypical threesome. Not intended for the faint of heart, this audacious piece of moviemaking focuses on tales of jealousy, murder and uncontrollable desires.
Slap the Monster on Page One
Production Design
1972, Milan. Just a few days before the general elections, a young girl from an esteemed family is raped and murdered. Bizanti, editor-in-chief of a conservative newspaper, tries to derail the official police investigation in order to help the right-wing candidates supported by his boss to win the elections.
Production Design
Glimpses of Chaucer penning his famous work are sprinkled through this re-enactment of several of his stories.
The Working Class Goes to Heaven
Production Design
A conscientious factory worker gets his finger cut off by a machine. The accident causes him to become more involved in political and revolutionary groups.
The Decameron
Art Direction
A young Sicilian is swindled twice, but ends up rich; a man poses as a deaf-mute in a convent of curious nuns; a woman must hide her lover when her husband comes home early; a scoundrel fools a priest on his deathbed; three brothers take revenge on their sister's lover; a young girl sleeps on the roof to meet her boyfriend at night; a group of painters wait for inspiration; a crafty priest attempts to seduce his friend's wife; and two friends make a pact to find out what happens after death.
Io non vedo, tu non parli, lui non sente
Production Design
Two spouses discover a corpse that mysteriously disappears and then reappear in their suitcase. This is stolen by a couple of teens who are suspected, like the first two, of murder.
Ciao, Federico!
Self (uncredited)
A behind-the-scenes documentary about the filming of the Federico Fellini film, "Satyricon."
Set Decoration
Based on the plot of Euripides' Medea. Medea centers on the barbarian protagonist as she finds her position in the Greek world threatened, and the revenge she takes against her husband Jason who has betrayed her for another woman.
Production Design
Based on the plot of Euripides' Medea. Medea centers on the barbarian protagonist as she finds her position in the Greek world threatened, and the revenge she takes against her husband Jason who has betrayed her for another woman.
Torture Me But Kill Me with Kisses
Assistant Set Designer
When Marino goes to Rome for an event, he certainly does not imagine meeting Marisa, who will become the love of his life. But once love is found, it is a matter of spreading it and here the difficulties begin: first the father who opposes it; then, after the death of his father, the gossips who make Marino believe that Marisa was a little good, so much so that Marisa runs away. Repentant, Marino searches in vain and then, almost by accident, finds her again, Mrs. Ciceri. But love admits no obstacles, not even that of a deaf and dumb husband.
Assistant Art Director
Allied forces land at Anzio unopposed but instead of moving straight inland their commanding officer decides to dig in. A battle-hardened war correspondent borrows a jeep and drives to Rome and back without meeting any German forces, but his report on this absence of the enemy is discounted. By the time it is finally decided to make a move the Germans have arrived in strength and a prolonged ...
Assistant Production Design
In pre-war Italy, a young couple have a baby boy. The father, however, is jealous of his son - and the scene moves to antiquity, where the baby is taken into the desert to be killed. He is rescued, given the name Edipo (Oedipus), and brought up by the King and Queen of Corinth as their son. One day an oracle informs Edipo that he is destined to kill his father and marry his mother. Horrified, he flees Corinth and his supposed parents - only to get into a fight and kill an older man on the road...
The Treasure of San Gennaro
Assistant Production Design
A pair of Americans want to perform the greatest robbery: the treasure of San Genaro, in Napoli.
The Witch
Assistant Production Design
A historian goes to a castle library to translate some ancient erotic literature. While there he discovers what he believes to be supernatural forces at work.
Assistant Production Design
A man and his son take an allegorical stroll through life with a talking bird that spouts social and political philosophy.
Oggi, domani, dopodomani
Set Decoration
Italian comedy film in three segments
Don Camillo in Moscow
Assistant Production Design
Priest Don Camillo blackmails his friendly rival Peppone into letting him join a Communist delegation visiting the Soviet Union.
The Possessed
Assistant Production Design
While visiting his favorite resort village during winter, a writer investigates the apparent suicide of a woman he was infatuated with.
The Gospel According to St. Matthew
Assistant Production Design
This biblical drama from the Catholic Marxist director focuses on the teachings of Jesus, including the parables that reflect their revolutionary nature. As Jesus travels along the coast of the Sea of Galilee, he gradually gathers more followers, leading him into direct conflict with the authorities.
The Swindlers
Set Decoration
A day in a tribunal where the defendants are: the manager of a soccer team, charged with bribery, two Sicilians who have sold fake archaeological findings, two nuns who have offended a public servant and an industry manager.
The Girl from Parma
Assistant Production Design
Dora, driven away from her town by malicious gossip following her first love affair, has a series of short-lived adventures until she falls in love with Nino, a small time crook. In Parma, a police officer courts her but she keeps thinking of Nino.