Kosuke Yonehara

出生 : 1986-03-13, Osaka Prefecture, Japan


Yonehara Kousuke is a Japanese singer and actor. He is part of the J-pop and acting group Run&Gun. He was born in Osaka. He started his career as a Johnny's Jr. but left the company early to join the dance group DANK which later evolved into Run&Gun. He is best known for his part in Musical Air Gear. In the first musical he played Team Bacchus' member Hamlet, but in the second installment he took over the role of Romeo from Kamiyama Ryuji after he had replaced Kenta Kamakari (who had fallen ill) as Ikki. He also played the female role of Rosemary in several Maria Magdalena stages. Between April 2010 and March 2012, he was the drummer of the ikemen J-rock group ココア男 (Cocoa Otoko). Currently he mainly does stage acting.


Elementary school alumnus are held captive in a school and forced to play a fatal game "Jinroh Game."
人狼 処刑ゲーム
Taiga wakes up in an unknown place, next to Niina with whom he had lost contact. Confined in a school with former elementary school classmates and their teacher, they find themselves forced to participate to a sadistic game: "The Werewolf's game".
A young high school Yanki (Japanese delinquent), Tokio, gets suspended from his school and ventures out to Ikebukuro. Aiming to become a janitor for at a love hotel, he eventually gets scouted to join a gang. They make money ripping people off, and Tokio begins to question his own actions. The gang thinks all is well, unaware of the bigger threat that awaited them.
Shima Toshiaki
Shima is an extremely shy young man who just started a new job. On his first day, he shares an elevator with a brash, hungover man named Togawa, who he soon learns is actually his boss. Over time, Shima becomes preoccupied with the Togawa as he tries to decide if it’s worth perusing a romantic relationship after a string of disappointments in his love life.
湾岸ミッドナイト THE MOVIE
After losing a street race to Tatsuya Shima's legendary "Blackbird" Porsche 911 Turbo, high school student Akio Asakura purchases a heavily-modified first-generation Datsun S30 Fairlady Z from a junkyard. The car has a dark history of accidents, leading some to believe it's cursed; hence its nickname "Devil Z." Akio also discovers that the Z's first owner shared his first and last name, and was killed in the car during a race with the Blackbird. Meanwhile, fashion model Reina Akikawa joins the rivalry between Akio and Tatsuya with her modified Nissan Skyline GT-R R32.
主人公・根岸崇一はポップでオシャレな音楽を好む青年。大学進学に伴って上京してきた彼はポップミュージシャンとしてデビューするという夢を叶えるため、大学卒業後にレコード会社と契約する。 ところが事務所から根岸が演らされることになったのは、彼の趣旨とは正反対のデスメタルであった。程なくして根岸は悪魔系デスメタル・バンド「デトロイト・メタル・シティ(通称DMC)」のギター・ボーカル「ヨハネ・クラウザーII世」に仕立て上げられ、デビューする事になってしまう。 メタルは嫌いな根岸だったが、いざステージに立ってみると秘められたメタルの才能を発揮し、瞬く間にバンドは大ブレイク。根岸自身の思いに反してクラウザーはカリスマと化し、DMCは一躍世間の注目を集める人気バンドとなる。
Route 58
Four boys from Okinawa Island have been friends since their childhood. Together with Rin, who is also from their hometown, and who has always been the girl of their dreams, all of them set out on a journey to let Rin see beyond the world of Okinawa. However, after they hitchhike a ride from a truck and encounter the world of adults, their journey starts to change drastically.