José Luis Amposta


Últimas tardes con Teresa
Adapted from the novel by Juan Marse, the film shows two distant worlds in the Spain of the 50's, the suburban and the bourgeois, which are related through two characters, Manolo Reyes, vulgar motorcycle thief who aspires to escape poverty and Teresa Serrat, university student of bourgeois extraction seduced by the revolutionary cause.
Barcelona sur
Obsessed with finding her old boyfriend, Gumer, a 25-year-old girl, is released from jail in Barcelona, one of Europe's most sought-after port cities for drug trafficking and prostitution. Charo, her best friend, tries to help her, although she is not free, since depends on her pimp "Toni". But Gumer will persuade Charo to abandon Toni and form, along with other friends, a band to start businesses on their own.