Ami de Petra 1
Other Girl
A young boy discovers a family in the woods while playing and begins to question the purpose of his father's militia.
Delphine is an ode to childhood, but also an examination of the wounds it can cause.
Halloween Kid #1 (uncredited)
医者のルイス・グリードはボストンからメーン州ルドローに引っ越してきたばかりであった。ルイスは妻のレイチェル、子供のエリーとゲージ、ペットのネコ(チャーチ)と一緒に暮らしていた。ある日、エリーが森の中で遊んでいると、ペットの犬の遺体を墓地(ペット・セマタリー)へと運ぶ葬列に出くわした。一家の近所に住むジャド・クランドールは「あの森は危険だから絶対に近付かないように」と警告してきた。 大学病院。ルイスは交通事故で重傷を負って運ばれてきた学生(ヴィクター・パスコウ)の命を救えなかった無念に打ちひしがれていた。その日の夜、ルイスはいやに鮮明な夢を見た。夢の中で、ルイスはヴィクターに導かれるまま墓地へとやって来たが、墓地に入ろうとした矢先、ヴィクターから「それ以上はいけない」と言われたのだった。ルイスが飛び起きると、彼のベッドと足下が泥まみれになっていた。ルイスは自分が見た夢が単なる悪夢ではないと確信したが、現実で何があったのかまでは把握できなかった。
Little Girl #2 (uncredited)
Christmas in the charming town of Briar Falls will be bittersweet this year when architect Nell goes back to her hometown having been given the job of turning the historic Majestic Playhouse into a modern multiplex, much to the town’s objections. The Playhouse has been home to their annual Christmas tableaux, which will now have to end after a long and historic tradition to the town. This job is Nell’s first promotion, and one she wishes she hadn’t been chosen for, especially when she meets the new owner of the theater, Connor, whose vision and ideas clash with Nell’s. Since Connor hasn’t had much experience celebrating Christmas, Nell hopes that if she can give him a crash course in Christmas during the town’s Twelve Day Festival, that he might just change his mind about modernizing the Majestic.
Little Girl #1
The story of a long-lost book that mysteriously reappears and connects an old man searching for his son with a girl seeking a cure for her mother's loneliness.
Little Girl #3
A 20 year old man takes a bus full of young children hostage in exchange for money to help his sick mother. Meanwhile a detective must over come doubt from family and co-workers while she tries to negotiate with the hostage taker.