Kanako Miyashita

Kanako Miyashita

出生 : 1995-07-14, Fukushima Prefecture, Japan


Kanako Miyashita


ブレイブ -群青戦記-
Keiko Imai
退屈な授業と、常勝を義務付けられた部活。“その日”は、彼らにとっていつもと同じ学校生活だった。 弓道のみならず、運動全般に驚異的なポテンシャルを持つものの、自分に自信が持てない弓道部の蒼は、部活や大会で勝つことにも身が入らずにいた。幼なじみで弓道部エースの遥と剣道部主将の孝太は、そんな蒼のことを心配している。 いつもと変わらない日々。雷が校庭に落ちたことで、彼らの日常が一変する……。時は戦乱の世。かの有名な「桶狭間の戦い」の直前――。蒼たちのいた校舎が丸ごと、戦国時代にタイムスリップしてしまったのだった……。 織田軍に連れ去られてしまった仲間を救い出すため、当たり前だった普通の毎日=未来を取り戻すため、前代未聞の高校生アスリートVS戦国武将による戦いが始まる!!
In Tokyo, lonely patrons pay to sleep ("soine") with someone. Massage, cuddle, sleep… for comfort and nothing more than the warm embrace of another. Tasuku, a young man fresh out of a relationship, starts a new job as one of the cuddlers. He's nervous and reticent, but soon finds himself with a procession of clients, male as well as female. In his unique position as their companion, he finds himself privy to the true selves they keep closeted. Tender performance and contemplative writing elevate an exploration of the human need for comfort and tenderness, while learning to be true to oneself.
Twenty six year old Momo works quietly at her office and finds secret pleasure in growing a terrarium in her locker. A chance meeting with a mysterious gardener is all that’s needed to bring about a gradual and positive change in this mousy office worker.
人間失格 太宰治と3人の女たち
Girl at the Bar
Mari is a female university student. She takes part in an experiment held by popular VTuber Sophia. When Mari arrives at the place where the experiment is to be held, she notices the place looks like a prison. 12 people participate in the experiment and they are assigned roles of prisoners and prison officers. The experiment takes place over 7 days. Mari is assigned the role of a prison officer. The experiment turns violent.