A single night tells the story of Lucía (Emilia Attias), a 36-year-old woman who has just separated from her partner, and on a failed trip to New York she meets Horacio (Naim Sibara), a man who seems to have lived all his life. in order. These strangers will spend the last night of the year together and during the evening, they will reach an agreement in which both of them must open their hearts with the truth without any lies.
A couple, dragged by the bustle of their daily lives, are increasingly estranged from each other. With the arrival of the pandemic and social isolation, despite the vicissitudes, they work to recover what they had joined: the essential.
A villain named Koshe Plostenko (Carlos Kaspar), in charge of the underground wrestling circuit, sets out to kidnap professional wrestling idols for more income and to attract gamblers. The fighters must be released and end the illegal fight.