

出生 : 1994-12-02, Fukui, Japan




"Proof of Us" is an original animation created to motivate all exam candidates in Japan.
Key Animation
"Proof of Us" is an original animation created to motivate all exam candidates in Japan.
Storyboard Artist
"Proof of Us" is an original animation created to motivate all exam candidates in Japan.
Animation Director
"Proof of Us" is an original animation created to motivate all exam candidates in Japan.
Character Designer
"Proof of Us" is an original animation created to motivate all exam candidates in Japan.
"Proof of Us" is an original animation created to motivate all exam candidates in Japan.
Summer Ghost
「サマーゴーストって知ってる?」 ネットを通じて知り合った高校生、友也・あおい・涼。 都市伝説として囁かれる“通称:サマーゴースト”は若い女性の幽霊で、花火をすると姿を現すという。 自身が望む人生へ踏み出せない"友也" 居場所を見つけられない"あおい" 輝く未来が突然閉ざされた"涼" 彼等にはそれぞれ、サマーゴーストに会わなくてはならない理由があった。 生と死が交錯する夏の夜、各々の想いが向かう先はー。
Summer Ghost
Director of Photography
「サマーゴーストって知ってる?」 ネットを通じて知り合った高校生、友也・あおい・涼。 都市伝説として囁かれる“通称:サマーゴースト”は若い女性の幽霊で、花火をすると姿を現すという。 自身が望む人生へ踏み出せない"友也" 居場所を見つけられない"あおい" 輝く未来が突然閉ざされた"涼" 彼等にはそれぞれ、サマーゴーストに会わなくてはならない理由があった。 生と死が交錯する夏の夜、各々の想いが向かう先はー。
Summer Ghost
Art Direction
「サマーゴーストって知ってる?」 ネットを通じて知り合った高校生、友也・あおい・涼。 都市伝説として囁かれる“通称:サマーゴースト”は若い女性の幽霊で、花火をすると姿を現すという。 自身が望む人生へ踏み出せない"友也" 居場所を見つけられない"あおい" 輝く未来が突然閉ざされた"涼" 彼等にはそれぞれ、サマーゴーストに会わなくてはならない理由があった。 生と死が交錯する夏の夜、各々の想いが向かう先はー。
Summer Ghost
Animation Director
「サマーゴーストって知ってる?」 ネットを通じて知り合った高校生、友也・あおい・涼。 都市伝説として囁かれる“通称:サマーゴースト”は若い女性の幽霊で、花火をすると姿を現すという。 自身が望む人生へ踏み出せない"友也" 居場所を見つけられない"あおい" 輝く未来が突然閉ざされた"涼" 彼等にはそれぞれ、サマーゴーストに会わなくてはならない理由があった。 生と死が交錯する夏の夜、各々の想いが向かう先はー。
Summer Ghost
Character Designer
「サマーゴーストって知ってる?」 ネットを通じて知り合った高校生、友也・あおい・涼。 都市伝説として囁かれる“通称:サマーゴースト”は若い女性の幽霊で、花火をすると姿を現すという。 自身が望む人生へ踏み出せない"友也" 居場所を見つけられない"あおい" 輝く未来が突然閉ざされた"涼" 彼等にはそれぞれ、サマーゴーストに会わなくてはならない理由があった。 生と死が交錯する夏の夜、各々の想いが向かう先はー。
Summer Ghost
「サマーゴーストって知ってる?」 ネットを通じて知り合った高校生、友也・あおい・涼。 都市伝説として囁かれる“通称:サマーゴースト”は若い女性の幽霊で、花火をすると姿を現すという。 自身が望む人生へ踏み出せない"友也" 居場所を見つけられない"あおい" 輝く未来が突然閉ざされた"涼" 彼等にはそれぞれ、サマーゴーストに会わなくてはならない理由があった。 生と死が交錯する夏の夜、各々の想いが向かう先はー。
Summer Ghost
「サマーゴーストって知ってる?」 ネットを通じて知り合った高校生、友也・あおい・涼。 都市伝説として囁かれる“通称:サマーゴースト”は若い女性の幽霊で、花火をすると姿を現すという。 自身が望む人生へ踏み出せない"友也" 居場所を見つけられない"あおい" 輝く未来が突然閉ざされた"涼" 彼等にはそれぞれ、サマーゴーストに会わなくてはならない理由があった。 生と死が交錯する夏の夜、各々の想いが向かう先はー。
Kaori, an elementary school student, has always lived in a city full of shining stars. It's when she goes on a field trip to an observatory that she becomes captivated by the starry sky, and a dream awakens in her. Small Kaori was sure of her dream, but as an high school student, she doubts herself...
Director of Photography
Kaori, an elementary school student, has always lived in a city full of shining stars. It's when she goes on a field trip to an observatory that she becomes captivated by the starry sky, and a dream awakens in her. Small Kaori was sure of her dream, but as an high school student, she doubts herself...
Art Direction
Kaori, an elementary school student, has always lived in a city full of shining stars. It's when she goes on a field trip to an observatory that she becomes captivated by the starry sky, and a dream awakens in her. Small Kaori was sure of her dream, but as an high school student, she doubts herself...
Kaori, an elementary school student, has always lived in a city full of shining stars. It's when she goes on a field trip to an observatory that she becomes captivated by the starry sky, and a dream awakens in her. Small Kaori was sure of her dream, but as an high school student, she doubts herself...
Conceptual Design
趣味の絵と本と想像の中で、自分の世界を生きるジョゼ。幼いころから車椅子の彼女は、ある日、危うく坂道で転げ落ちそうになったところを、大学生の恒夫に助けられる。 海洋生物学を専攻する恒夫は、メキシコにしか生息しない幻の魚の群れをいつかその目で見るという夢を追いかけながら、バイトに明け暮れる勤労学生。 そんな恒夫にジョゼとふたりで暮らす祖母・チヅは、あるバイトを持ち掛ける。それはジョゼの注文を聞いて、彼女の相手をすること。 しかしひねくれていて口が悪いジョゼは恒夫に辛辣に当たり、恒夫もジョゼに我慢することなく真っすぐにぶつかっていく。そんな中で見え隠れするそれぞれの心の内と、縮まっていくふたりの心の距離。その触れ合いの中で、ジョゼは意を決して夢見ていた外の世界へ恒夫と共に飛び出すことを決めるが……。
One night, university student Souta meets a girl he has never met before. Yuki, who claims to have been saved by Souta in the past, seems to know nothing about outside world, from shopping to holding a fork. There is also something curious about her. She is extremely afraid of getting her skin touched. The curious life of the strange girl changes little by little. There are men who seek to capture Yuki. It is said that Yuki has a power which holds the fate of the world, and they want her to sacrifice herself for the world. What is the power within Yuki? Why does she refuse to be touched? At last, Yuki reveals to Souta her hidden truth.
One night, university student Souta meets a girl he has never met before. Yuki, who claims to have been saved by Souta in the past, seems to know nothing about outside world, from shopping to holding a fork. There is also something curious about her. She is extremely afraid of getting her skin touched. The curious life of the strange girl changes little by little. There are men who seek to capture Yuki. It is said that Yuki has a power which holds the fate of the world, and they want her to sacrifice herself for the world. What is the power within Yuki? Why does she refuse to be touched? At last, Yuki reveals to Souta her hidden truth.
Character Designer
One night, university student Souta meets a girl he has never met before. Yuki, who claims to have been saved by Souta in the past, seems to know nothing about outside world, from shopping to holding a fork. There is also something curious about her. She is extremely afraid of getting her skin touched. The curious life of the strange girl changes little by little. There are men who seek to capture Yuki. It is said that Yuki has a power which holds the fate of the world, and they want her to sacrifice herself for the world. What is the power within Yuki? Why does she refuse to be touched? At last, Yuki reveals to Souta her hidden truth.
One night, university student Souta meets a girl he has never met before. Yuki, who claims to have been saved by Souta in the past, seems to know nothing about outside world, from shopping to holding a fork. There is also something curious about her. She is extremely afraid of getting her skin touched. The curious life of the strange girl changes little by little. There are men who seek to capture Yuki. It is said that Yuki has a power which holds the fate of the world, and they want her to sacrifice herself for the world. What is the power within Yuki? Why does she refuse to be touched? At last, Yuki reveals to Souta her hidden truth.