Jeong Eui-soon


「ミッドナイト・ランナー」の主演パク・ソジュンとキム・ジュファン監督が再びタッグを組み、悪魔祓いをテーマに、若き格闘家とベテラン神父が悪に立ち向かう姿を描いたアクション。幼少期に事故で父を亡くし、そのせいで神への信仰を失ったまま育った総合格闘技の若き世界チャンピオンのヨンフ。ある日、彼は右手に見覚えのない傷ができていることに気づく。傷について調べるうち、何かに導かれるかのようにバチカンから派遣されたエクソシストのアン神父と出会ったヨンフは、自身の内に秘められた正義の力の存在を知り……。アン神父役は「光州5・18」「シルミド SILMIDO」などで知られる演技派アン・ソンギ。
A Bad Case of the Genre Fusion
Sang-woo's mother
Sang-woo's mother who gives money to her to break up with Sang-woo and a woman who refuses to accept money. In the midst of the escalating debate, the two are using martial arts and the people around them are caught up in this ridiculous drama.
Rockin' on Heaven's Door
Troubled celebrity Choong-Ui (Lee Hong-Ki) gets into trouble with the law. Choong-Ui is then forced to do volunteer work at a health-care facility for the terminally ill that is about to be closed down. While working at the hospice, Choong-Ui is able to come to terms with his own psychological wounds and, at the same time, help the patients to continue with their dreams.
Invisible 2: Chasing The Ghost Sound
Geum Ja has been living alone since her husband and sister passed away. Lately, she keeps hearing her late sister's voice around the house. To find out her sister's message, she enlists the help of a television program that investigates supernatural happenings. Once the TV crew is there, however, the ghostly sounds disappear, and conflicts develop between Geum Ja and the crew. Just when the crew is about to pack up and leave, they record a woman's voice.