Roman Porno from 1982. A young university associate professor sells her body as a high-class prostitute while her husband is away, despite being in a calm relationship. The husband, while turning a blind eye to the behavior of such a wife, begins to feel a masochistic pleasure, and two people connect with a mysterious marital love.
Nikkatsu Roman Porno
The film takes place in the popular tourist spot of Karuizawa. A working class student named Junichi becomes a waiter there in order to mix in with the upper classes. A stylish Roman Porno directed by Konuma, commemorating Nikkatsu's 70th anniversary.
Roman Porno from 1982. A young woman embezzles five million yen from her company and flees with her boyfriend, attempting to start a new life...
1981 Nikkatsu Roman Porno film. The wife of a prominent businessman works as a late-night radio personality. One night on her way to the radio station, she is raped by a motorcycle gang without knowing the reason...
Roman Porno from 1981.
A woman endures the life of a prostitute for a yakuza pimp.
A man visiting a fun fair spots a young woman entranced by an exhibit of torture in the wax museum, and is compelled to follow her out...
A schoolteacher gets a phone call regarding one of her female students. It seems that the young girl has been accused of prostitution, and requests help from her teacher. The young girl's situation brings to mind some dark incidents from the teacher's past that she is still trying to deal with.
Toshihiko, a high school boy, hates Kozo, his father, enough to kill him. His mother had lived in terror of him and, at last, broken in spirit, she had left and her pitiful departing figure is still seared in Toshihiko's mind. Soon, Kozo marries Asako who is young and beautiful. An idea forms in Toshihiko's mind to get even with his father for the shabby way he had treated his mother. He wonders if he can do it through Asako.
Nikkatsu Roman Porno
A rich man buys a wife, whose father was in debt. Months later, the man's sister comes to visit, and discovers that the wife is secretly in love with another man.
A somewhat liberal adaptation of the life of painter Shuu Ito, the film focuses on his sexual torture of two wives and a prostitute. Ito chronicles the sessions in journals, shares his pseudo-Sadean philosophy, and drives women mad with equal hell-bent intensity.
Nikkatsu Roman Porno
A film that portrays the youth and fragile love of a transportation worker in Tokyo.
The landlord of a boarding house in 1923 Tokyo, is keen on spying on the bizarre close encounters taking place beneath his roof. One day he sees a prostitute killing a customer, and decides he's found his soulmate.
Roman Porno from 1975.
The third installment of the popular "Lesbian World" series. A young evades a male stalker, running to a woman who could teach her the true joys of of love and sex. However, the woman's mistress takes out her knife out of jealousy...
Naomi, who runs a boutique, is a lesbian and has been having homosexual relationships with her staff, Reiko, and a married woman, Miyako. Her friend Mari, a singer, is also a lesbian, and this is a complicated love story between two women that begins when Reiko falls in love with her one-sidedly.
The young and beautiful Sada Abe, the daughter of a rich merchant, is banished for losing her virginity after being raped by a college student. Sada wanders the city, becoming a geisha and eventually meeting Kichizo, a posh restaurateur who falls under her spell. Together, they embark on a week-long sexual escapade filled with dangerous obsessions. Their complete descent into each others desires culminates in a shocking crime of passion which captures the city's headlines. Based on a real event from 1936.
Roman Porno from 1975.
十九歳のトメは、ドヤ街の近くで客をひく売春婦である。トメの弟の実夫は生まれながらの知的障害者で、年中、家でゴロゴロしている。母よねは、四十歳を過ぎた現在でも売春婦をやっているが、あふれることか多い。小料理屋「おそめ」では裏二階で、客に女を抱かせているが、トメに辞められて以来、収入が減ってしまったために、地廻りで“大人のオモチャ屋”をまかされている浅見に頼んで、トメに喝しをかけるが失敗してしまう。ある日、トメは手配写真の中にあった強盗殺人の顔にそっくりの男、寺坂に会って以来、彼に興味をもった。寺坂と同じボロ・アパートの住人、斉藤と文江は共稼ぎだが、正式の夫婦ではない。斉藤は会社の金を使い込んでしまった。思い余った文江は浅見に頼んで「おそめ」で働くことにした。銀二はよねの情夫で時折りトメの家にやって来る。ある日銀二は、よねの留守にやって来て、トメに金を払い二人は寝た。数日後、これがバレて母娘喧嘩になるが、後の祭り。ところが数日後、連れこみ旅館からの連絡で「年増はアカン、もっと若い娘」ということでトメが行ったが、そこにいた年増というのがよねだった。収まらないのはよねで、眼を吊り上げて旅館を飛び出し、焼酎をガブ飲みして大暴れ。数日後、久しぶりに家に帰ったトメは、よねがいるので、一瞬ギクリとするが、よねは弱々しい声で言うのだった。「お前に頼むしかないんや、どないにもならへん。堕ろそうと思ってるうちに、もう五ヵ月になってしまっとんのや」「うちらみたいに生んだらエーヤンか、そんなアホなこと知らんでェ」「お前らも生むんじゃなかった。金がないばっかりに」「生んで貰って迷惑しとんのは、こっちゃでェ!実夫、よう聞いときィ」「なンやてェ! このド阿呆!」「人でなしは生まれたときからや」……。トメはプイと外へ出ると、いつものように客ひきに精を出すのだった。
Roman Porno from 1973.
Roman Porno from 1973.
Roman Porno from 1973.