Frank Bueno


Doin' Time on Planet Earth
Assistant Director
Ryan Richmond is an eccentric teenager living with his mother, father, sister and brother in the Holiday Inn they own in Sunnyvale, Arizona, the prune capital of the world. Is it any wonder that he wants to go to Saudi Arabaia for college and leave Sunnyvale far, far behind? He spends his days at school with his sex-obsessed best friend Dan Forrester and lusts after Lisa Winston, the sexy lounge singer who his parents have hired to perform at the Holiday Inn. Stuck without a date for his brother's wedding to a senator's daughter, Ryan goes to a computer dating service, which asks him such questions as "Can you breathe foreign substances?" Soon, Ryan is told that he may be an alien stuck on Earth along with thousands of others. Soon, Charles and Edna Pinsky show up and tell him that he may an alien prince meant to lead his brethren home. And that's when things get out of control...
Second Assistant Director
Second Assistant Director
Death Car on the Freeway
Second Assistant Director
A determined TV reporter is out to find a maniac who is methodically attacking lone women drivers on the Los Angeles Freeway by pushing them off the road with his powerful van.
Producer's Assistant
億万長者トウェインから招待状を受け取った5人の探偵は、霧の立ちこめるビクトリア調の豪邸に続々と到着した。しかしホストから“時計の針が真夜中の零時を告げる時、このダイニング・ルームで誰かが殺されるだろう。この殺人事件を解いた者には世界一の名探偵の名誉が与えられる”と告げられるや、邸の出入口と窓には全てロックがされてしまった。一体犯人の目的は……? 豪華キャストで描くミステリー・コメディの快作。
Where Does It Hurt?
In this classic hospital farce, Peter Sellers plays Dr. Albert T. Hopfnagel, a greedy, crooked hospital administrator who has perfected the art of bill padding, unnecessary surgery and kickbacks. Mistrusted by patients, and resented by other staffers, his assistant Alice can no longer endure his scams and plots to have him sent to prison - but not for long enough. Sellers again steals the show with an absurd and hilarious character study.
Maybe I'll Come Home in the Spring
Producer's Assistant
Dennie has returned from a year among the hippies to her superficial, image-conscious suburban family. She must face their disapproval of her actions. They refuse to even try to understand. She must also deal with an ex-lover, and a beloved young sister who is following in her footsteps, wanting the idealistic hippie life but making some rash decisions in the process.
All the Loving Couples
Actor in Stag Film
One neighborhood, three couples, and six sexual pecadillos. One guy can't be satisfied, no matter how often his wife gives it up. Next door, the husband is so dis-interested that his wife has to take care of her own needs with a vibrator. Next door to them...well, you get the idea. Finally all three couples get together and the chemistry turns out to be just right!