Aleksey Filimonov

Aleksey Filimonov

出生 : 1981-02-03, Irkutsk, USSR (Russia)


Aleksey Filimonov
Aleksey Filimonov


Девочка Нина и похитители пианино
Eight-year-old Nina is an impulsive and emotional girl, quickly igniting ideas and dropping them halfway. Nina would probably have abandoned her new hobby - music - too, but a strange thing happened: the instrument began to behave defiantly, play by itself and provoke the hostess in every possible way. And soon Nina was completely kidnapped along with him. The villains plan to subjugate the world with the help of the piano.
14+: Continued
The story of the growing up of Lyosha, who turned 18 years old. Life asks him more and more difficult questions about love, family, duty and his path than it did at 14. And he, just as then, must answer them himself.
The Osipovs are a very ordinary family from Ulyanovsk. Father, mother and son. They are no different from thousands and thousands of other families, except that they are happy. They love each other. The sudden illness of the son drives through them with an asphalt roller. Parents are ready for anything, they lose their home, and sometimes their human form, trying to save their child. At some point, even the mother breaks down. But not the father. The most ordinary person. A provincial carpenter.
A Siege Diary
World War II. In autumn 1941 the German troops completely surrounded one of the biggest Russian cities — Leningrad. 2,5 million civilians got trapped in the city. The German commandment decided to destroy the city with bombings, artillery attacks and, most importantly, with hunger. The most difficult first winter of the siege (1941 — 1942). A young woman Olga is walking through the whole city to her father. She wants to see him one last time to say goodbye and to ask for his forgiveness.
V2. Escape from Hell
Mikhail Devyatayev, a captured Soviet pilot who leads an escape from a German concentration camp by hijacking an aircraft.
Liver, or Story of a Startup
1990s. Three friends Vova, Mamed and Lyokha go to school and dream, like everyone else in Russia at this time, to open their own business. But first you need money. Everything seemed to be going well, but they were not allowed to the final exams. His Majesty the case in the image of the regional semi-criminal authority Kostik comes to the aid of aspiring entrepreneurs. Kostya's liver has rotted - he needs a new one. Young businessmen get the coveted organ, but only with it, with this organ, it is not so simple.
The film-spectacle “UFO” is the story told by people from the different countries around the world about their contact with an extra-terrestrial civilization. The play is some kind of therapy, as it touches on the basic structures of human mentality, such as egoism, safety, belief in god, gratitude, the spiritual path, etc. According to statistical research, 6 million people claim that they have had contact with aliens; 2 million of them say that they have been hijacked and spent some time in an unknown space. Only 9 tell about something absolutely unbelievable.
Great Poetry
“Great Poetry” is about two guys who live on the outskirts of Moscow and work as cash collectors. They’re young, lonely, and all they have in the world is each other. They spend their lives moving money for other people. They attend a poetry class at the local cultural center and watch cockfights at a dorm for migrant workers. Their attempts at finding poetry in the prosaic world around lead them to the conclusion that the only poetic move they can make is to rob a bank. The film isn’t about words or rhymes. It’s about friendship and betrayal, and about our vicious and alien world in which anyone who tries to be honest and consistent ends up looking naïve and cruel. It’s about the everpresent and incomprehensible force that — in spite of everything — makes our life so frantic, strange, and lonely
Elena is a student in Minsk. She is having an intense but self-destructive love affair with Viktor. When Elena's father goes to prison she has to take charge of his business dealings to help him. She drives repeatedly into the restricted zone at Chernobyl, behind the wheel of a truck, in order to smuggle contaminated steel. The conflicts with Viktor escalate, and Elena is increasingly captivated by the zone's deceptive beauty...
A young man's life is set in motion by his friend's suicide. He faces unpredictable circumstances, desperately trying to escape the Hood and start a new life. The Hood, however, holds onto him with suffocating love.
The Bull
The 1990s. Empty shelves in the shops, an economic abyss and criminal dramas that unfold literally at every corner. The young leader of a criminal gang Anton Bykov, with the nickname “Bull”, must make money in whatever way to provide for his family. After a local shootout, Anton ends up in the police station, from where he is released at the intervention of Moscow’s crime lords. In exchange, the latter asks Anton for a small, but dangerous service
Cold Room
Alexey lives with his younger sister. They have a big age difference, he helps her in everything, replacing both her father and mother. This is not enough for her. And when these boundaries are erased, losses are inevitable.
The Man Who Surprised Everyone
Egor Korshunov (40) is a Siberian forest guard who works in a local environmental company, fighting fearlessly against poachers in taiga. Egor is a great family man, respected by his fellow villagers. He and his wife Natalia are expecting a second child. Unexpectedly, Egor finds out that he has terminal cancer and has only two months left to live. No traditional medicine or shamanic magic can save Egor. Finally, left with no other options, he decides to take the last desperate step. He attempts to completely change his identity in order to fool the oncoming death, just like Zhamba the drake, the hero of a legendary ancient Siberian epos, did.
The Place!
On this night, no one sleeps in the area. Gray is trying to find a way out of depression. His girlfriend Julia is trying to find care and understanding. Crust's friend in love with her is trying to find a way to be with her. And Krasta's friends Vova and Kostya are trying to find 10 grams of hashish for a party. They are all very tired, but they can’t stop trying. Therefore, they smoke, sniff and drink. After all, if they stop, they have absolutely nothing left.
The tragic and ironic reasoning about the fear of growing-up is shown through the prism of the personal relations of two protagonists. In a restaurant that is appropriate for the occasion a young man proposes to the girl he loves — and is unexpectedly turned down. The protagonists stay together for a few more hours, trying to understand what happened and come to grips with their selves. Gradually they get closer and closer.
A desperate Russian tourist goes to the Monastery of Temptation in Israel to find an elder healer called Amun to hopefully save his dying son s life. His search leads him to the Judaean desert. Thirst and scalding sun bring the traveler to complete exhaustion but his son s life is at stake and there s no way back. Even though the protagonist does not believe in miracles he completes his journey and receives salvation.
Kolya Semenov grew up in a village, in a fishing village near the river. He likes a girl who wants to become an actress. Once Kolya steals a gazelle to impress the girl. Ahead of him are several years of roads and hills.
About Love
What is love? The heroes of the film try to answer this question. A series of the most different characters and their stories are woven together. Small stories about various things, all about love: a young pair who prefer to live through images of Japanese anime-heroes; a secretary who receives an obscene offer from her boss; a Japanese woman who arrives in Moscow in search of a Russian man; a graffiti artist in search of beauty; an ex-wife employed by her husband for an unusual task; and many other things...
Alex glides his mouse tenderly over online images of Vika. He has been smitten ever since he saw her with her friends and cannot get her out of his head. Unfortunately, Vika is beyond Alex’s reach because he's not welcome in her neighborhood. Nonetheless, Alex sneaks into a disco at her school and finds up the courage to ask her to dance. Moments are intense as Alex feels infatuation for the first time.
Night Winter People
Passengers of a fixed-route taxi are in the power of one person, who intends to solve their problems with their help.
Another Year
Yegor Komarov
He's an unemployed guy who earns some money by giving lifts to strangers. She's a graphic designer who just got her first job. The film tracks their relationship - and the way it gradually melts away - throughout a year. A subtle, moving portrait of an immature love that breaks down easily.
A Habit of Breaking-Up
This is a story about a girl in search of the man of her life... While she tries to find him she asks herself what was the reason of the break ups. She visits all of her ex-boyfriends to find the reason. Later on she starts a blog on the web to keep all the thoughts together. All of a sudden her blog becomes really popular. Will she find the answer to her question? No, she won't. Will she find the love of her life? Most definitely!
In the second feature film by Russian director Vasily Sigarev, fate brings ordeals to characters that find themselves immersed in deep crisis; they must seek the strength to cope with adversity. In a remote and cold region of Russia, Galya, a middle-aged woman with a drinking problem, has been separated from her twin daughters and she wants them back. On the other hand, Grishka and Anton are a young couple who decide to get married, but right after the wedding their relationship is put to the test in a brutal way. While Artyom longs to see his missing father, but his mother objects. There is only one element that brings all of these characters together: misfortune.
Song of the Mechanical Fish
The letter, which arrived in a village buried in the sand, is addressed to an elderly fisherman and invites him to come to the city for the wedding of his son, whom he has never seen. The redemptive journey ends unexpectedly.
SuperManager, or Hack of the Fate
A funny fantasy about mangers, hobbits and other surprising people.
Locked in a bunker and faced with an impossible commission a young artist has to look beyond reality and logic, and face himself.
Everything Is All Right, Mom!
A Russian journalist Sergey is hiding in one of the Balkan countries from police detectives who suspect him in a double murder.
This is the story of two lonely and somewhat similar humans, although one young and one old. First is a thief loser who breaks into the dark and, as he thinks, abandoned apartment on New Year's Eve. And the second one exactly at this time tries to hung himself because of his feelings of loneliness and uselessness.
Mitya, guy
Five short love stories, which become a statement of the directors about love. A shoemaker, a reporter, a pavement hooker-in, a psychiatric patient and a young man released from prison are the main characters of the film, heroes in a time of no heroes. All of them have the important qualities of being openhearted and not afraid of loving.
I Am
The film tells the story of a young Russian in the early 90s, trying to escape the army in a psychiatric clinic. He's released years later, after intensive compulsory treatment. Has a documentary film maker he gets involved in the Chechen conflict, where he meets his own apparent death. He recalls his life and realizes it mirrors that of his whole generation.
Two people play out a story of love and desperation that's enacted through music in this drama from writer and director Ivan Vyrypaev. Sasha (Alexei Filimonov) is a man in his twenties who lives in the small town of Serpukhov and has fallen in love with a woman who is also named Sasha (Karolina Gruszka).
Novella from the almanac "Crush" (2009)
Short experimental film by Andrey Pershin (Zhora Kryzhovnikov)
The Dragon Abas Blue
An absurd parody of advertising marketing.
Bummer 2
The film takes place a few years after the events shown in Bummer. Kostyan "Kot", who lost all his friends, the woman he loved and was nearly killed in the first installment of the film tries to begin a new, peaceful life. But is it possible to do? Has Russia changed and do "bratki" on black "bummers" no longer control business? Can he escape his past?
Southern outskirts of the former Russian Empire. War has just finished. Ivan and his wife Katya live in a house on the outskirts of their village surrounded by windy steppe. In search of an occupation Ivan leaves his wife and sets off on a journey into the deserted landscape. Having come back home, Ivan finds his wife dead. Realizing his loss, he can no longer see any point in living and finds a way out in setting off to join a new war, where he’ll find answers, meet his death and rejoin his beloved wife.