Kuan-yi Lee

Kuan-yi Lee

出生 : 1995-03-01,


Kuan-yi Lee


青春18x2 君へと続く道
始まりは18年前の台湾―― 高校生・ジミーのバイト先に現れた日本から来た4つ年上のバックパッカー・アミ。ひと夏を同じ店で働き過ごすことになった2人だったが、次第にジミーはアミに淡い恋心を抱いていく。夜道をバイクで2人乗りしたり、映画を観に行ったり、2人の距離は縮まっていったが、突然、アミが日本に帰ることに。気持ちの整理がつかないジミーに、アミは“ひとつの約束”を提案する。 時が経ち、あるきっかけで久々に実家を訪れたジミーは、日本に戻ったアミから18年前に届いたハガキを見つける。 初恋の記憶がよみがえったジミーは、過去と向き合い、今を見つめるため、初めての日本での一人旅へ。アミとの思い出の曲を聞きながら列車に乗り、ジミーが向かうのは彼女の故郷。 ジミーはアミとの再会を果たせるのか―。
Space Boy
Tai-shian is locked away in his own autistic universe, totally lost to the world. His parents spend every day looking after him, rendering Tai-shian’s little sister Debby completely invisible to her parents…until one day, when both parents are gone, and Debby finds a new task thrust upon her.
You Are On My Mind
The Summoning
Liao Yi-Xuan
返校 言葉が消えた日
Set in Taiwan during the 'White Terror' period of martial law, a high school girl who awakens in an empty school, only to find that her entire community has been abandoned except for one other student. Soon they realize that they have entered a realm filled with vengeful spirits and hungry ghosts.
Dinner Confession
One night, Che was having dinner with his mom as usual, but all of a sudden, Che's mom took out Che's secret magazine out of nowhere and started questioning Che about the magazine. However, Mom's question was interrupted when Chun-Hao, Che's best friend came to visit and joined their dinner unexpectedly. How will Chun-Hao's unexpected visit affect the intense situation between Che and his mom?
Taipei 24H
Taipei 24H divides 24 hours in Taipei into 8 shorts. It opens with Cheng Fen-fen's upbeat and comedic "Share the Morning", and ends with Lee Kang-sheng running the final leg of this relay with "Remembrance" at 4am. Well-known director Tsai Ming-liang makes a rare appearance visiting a late night coffee shop. Taipei 24H is a contemporary urban chronicle of a city rarely at sleep.
Orz Boyz
Liar #1
More than just naughty, they play tricks on classmates, tease girls at school, fight with other boys, and lie to everyone until their teacher breaks down. They are named Liar No. 1 and Liar No. 2. The most important act planned in their life is to go to the mysterious water park, where they can leap through the portal at the end of the water slide to the fairy-tale world OZ and live as grown-ups happily ever after. However, the commitment is torn by a careless betrayal.
Boy, Fish and Guitar
Ping finds a guitar with only three strings at the port and tries to fix it by himself. Meanwhile, his father, the rookie temple host, tries to catch a big snapper as an offering to the god.