Anatoliy Drebot


Be My Kirill
The insecure girl Sasha is lying to her family that she is dating handsome Cyril, although he is just her running coach, with whom she is afraid to even speak. Sister Pasha's husband knows the truth, but he has enough of his own problems - he and his wife have not had sex for a year. Having signed up for running therapy together, Sasha and Pasha decide that they can get away from problems together.
3代続く名門強盗の末裔・ナイチンゲール。金融会社のエリートサラリーマンとして何ひとつ問題を起こさず生きてきた彼は、ある日を境に、権力に対して大掛かりな戦いを仕掛けていく。 伝説の怪盗が警察や軍隊を相手に大暴れするクライム・アクション!