Kurt Rauf


& Teller 3
After a couple of elderly Vegas entertainers shoot Teller, they pick up his recording equipment and decide to start a video diary of their own, while dealing with the infected in a secluded abandoned house.
My Name Is Bruce
Director of Photography
B Movie Legend Bruce Campbell is mistaken for his character Ash from the Evil Dead trilogy and forced to fight a real monster in a small town in Oregon.
My Name Is Bruce
B Movie Legend Bruce Campbell is mistaken for his character Ash from the Evil Dead trilogy and forced to fight a real monster in a small town in Oregon.
Director of Photography
Actor/cult icon Bruce Campbell examines the world of fan conventions and what makes a fan into a fanatic.
Fed up of his business partner, Ernest Trend hires the services of two exterminators. When things go drastically wrong and they murder the wrong man, the race is on to frame an innocent video surveillance man.
Going Back
In 1964 two high school friends, Brice and Cleveland leave their suburban neighborhood in Michigan to spend the summer in the countryside before going off to college. They are befriended by a lonely farmer, Jack Bodell, who offers them a place to stay. As days pass, Cleveland helps Jack around the farm and finds in him the father figure he lacks, while Brice falls in love with a local girl named Cindy. The unforgettable summer ends too soon, but the memories linger. Four years later Brice and Cleveland drive up to Jack's farm and learn that there is no going back...
Cleveland Smith, Bounty Hunter
Art Direction
Early Sam Raimi/Bruce Campbell short.
Fake Shemp
休暇を過ごす為、アッシュは恋人シェリルと妹や友人と共に森深くたたずむ別荘にやって来る。 暖炉を囲みながら夜更けまで楽しく過ごす若者たち。退屈しのぎに別荘の地下室に入りそこで見つけた 古いテープレコーダーを再生すると、そこからはかつて別荘の住人だった学者の古文書解読の経緯を 伝える音声が流れてくる。古文書の呪文の一節を朗読するその音声は唱えてはならない古代の死霊を 呼び出す禁句であった。薄気味の悪いテープの内容にナーバスになるアッシュの妹だったが、次の瞬間 愛らしい妹は恐ろしい形相になり、宙に浮かびながら死霊を呼び覚ました全員を皆殺しにすると吐き捨て 襲いかかってくる。死霊にとりつかれた妹をいさめるにはもはや地下室に閉じ込めるしかなく、その間 アッシュはテープから流れていた死霊から逃れる方法を思い出していた。その方法とはとりつかれた者 の体をバラバラに裂くしかないというものであった・・。思い悩むアッシュ達をあざ笑うように死霊達 は仲間に次々と憑依してゆく。
Torro. Torro. Torro!
A lawnmower goes on a rampage.