Mitsuko Kusabue

Mitsuko Kusabue

出生 : 1933-10-22, Kanazawa-ku, Yokohama, Kanagawa Prefecture, Japan


Mitsuko Kusabue (草笛 光子, Kusabue Mitsuko, born October 22, 1933 in Yokohama) is a Japanese actress.


Mitsuko Kusabue
Mitsuko Kusabue
Mitsuko Kusabue


Woman on the Boat
Kiyo Takayama
Natsumi is proposed to by Yamato, a man who aims to become a fisherman to succeed his father. Her grandmother Kiyo, who raised her since a young age, broke her legs and uses a wheelchair now. Kiyo lives in a facility where Natsumi visits to tell her about the wedding. Natsumi suggests the idea of Kiyo walking along the wedding aisle with her, which encourages the week Kiyo. With that mindset, Kiyo regains hope and try to get better with the help of Natsumi
アガサ・クリスティ 二夜連続ドラマスペシャル「パディントン発4時50分」
Suzume Amano
車窓から並走する列車の殺人現場を目撃する…というドラマチックな幕開けが読者に鮮烈な印象を与えた、“ミステリーの女王”アガサ・クリスティの傑作『パディントン発4時50分』。  主人公は、アガサ・クリスティが生み出した人気キャラクター、“ミス・マープル”。  原作では鋭い洞察力により難事件を解決に導く老婦人として描かれていますが、今回、日本版にアレンジするにあたって、“元敏腕刑事にして危機管理のプロ”という華麗な経歴を持つデキる女、天乃瞳子(あまの・とうこ)に大胆に生まれ変わります!  ある夕方、瞳子の義母が『特急オリオン』に乗っていたところ、並走していた『寝台特急朝霧』内で男が女性の首を絞めているのを目撃。すぐさま通報したものの、寝ぼけていたとして車掌も警察も取り合いません。  そんな義母の汚名を返上するため真相究明に立ちあがった瞳子は、犯人が車内から死体を投棄したものと推理。死体が投げ込まれたのは、沿線に広がる豪邸の敷地内だと考え、“ある人物”をその屋敷に潜入させます。  しかし、その豪邸には、一筋縄ではいかない曲者の社長一族が顔を揃えていました。はたして、“消えた死体”の行方は…!? そして、なんと屋敷内でさらなる殺人事件も発生! 複雑に絡み合う一連の事件の真相とは…!?  列車ミステリーの要素はもちろんのこと、豪邸に舞台を移して次々に起きる殺人事件を、頭脳明晰な“和製マープル”天乃瞳子は、どう解き明かしていくのでしょうか…!?
In Tokyo, 1974, a young African American is found dead in a lift. A knife is stuck deep into his chest and a streak of tear is running down his cheek. A policeman, Munesue starts to investigate the case. On the same day, there is a grand reception party held on the top floor by Kyoko, a popular beautician adored by everyone as an ideal wife and mother. The investigation reveals the victim was raised in a ghetto in NY, was able to speak a little Japanese, and his dying words was “su to u ha.” Startling connection between him and Kyoko is to be revealed…
巨悪は眠らせない 特捜検事の逆襲
Tokiko Hongo
Shinichi Tominaga is a prosecutor, newly appointed to the special investigation division for the Tokyo district prosecutors' office. He is currently busy with a case involving suspicious donations to powerful politician Yohei Tachibana. Shinichi then receives a mysterious message from his friend Samon Kondo. His friend is in charge of space development at The The Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology. The message talks about a scandal related to space development. Samon soon goes missing after sending the message. Shinichi begins to see a connection between the two cases.
Juzaburo’s Mother
Koshaku Todoroki
The Japanese adaption of Agatha Christie's famous whodunit "Murder on the Orient Express".
Shizue Makabe
Rika's grandmother
『花の鎖』(はなのくさり)は、湊かなえによる日本の小説。『別冊文藝春秋』(文藝春秋)にて2010年1月号から11月号まで連載され、2011年3月に刊行された。 「雪」「月」「花」の字を名前に持つ3人の女性、美雪・紗月・梨花を主人公に、それぞれの「花の記憶」と共にその生き様が描かれた物語になっている。また、その3人の女性の人生に影を落とす謎の男を巡るミステリでもある。 両親を亡くし祖母と2人暮らしの梨花は、祖母の胃癌の手術費に困窮し、生前の母に年に1度豪勢な花束を送り続け、両親が亡くなった後に資金援助を申し出てくれた名も知らぬ「K」という人物に助けを求める。Kとは一体何者なのか、祖母に尋ねても答えてくれず、自分で調べようとした梨花は花屋を通じて手紙を送り、Kの関係者と面会できることになり、Kと母の関係と花束の意味を知る。
HOME 愛しの座敷わらし
Sumiyo Takahashi
Mei Mitsuboshi
故今村昌平監督の息子「世界で一番美しい夜」の天願大介監督が、佐藤友哉の同名小説を、主演の浅丘ルリ子はじめ、日本映画を代表するベテラン女優陣を招いて、姥捨山伝説をテーマに映画化したアクション・ドラマ。70歳になると老人を姥捨てする風習が残る山間部を舞台に、捨てられた老婆たちが困難な状況に立ち向かっていく姿を描く。 極寒の山村で70歳を迎えた斎藤カユ(浅丘ルリ子)は村のおきてに従い、うば捨ての場所であるお参り場へと向かう。力尽きて倒れたカユが目覚めると、カユよりも前にお参り場へ捨てられた老女たちが目の前にいた。彼女たちは“デンデラ”という共同体を作り、自分たちを捨てた村人に復讐(ふくしゅう)するため老婆(ろうば)が集まるのを待っていたのだった。
Masae Onchi
東海テレビの企画・制作により、フジテレビ系列(FNS)で2008年12月26日の21:30 - 23:22(JST)に東海テレビ開局50周年記念スペシャルドラマとして放送された。ドラマのロケーション撮影は千葉県浦安市で行われた。 小学生時代からの幼馴染みである76歳の男女6人。その6人が“人生最後の酔狂”として長生きすることに命を賭けた闘いが始まる…。
霧の火 樺太・真岡郵便局に散った九人の乙女たち
『霧の火 樺太・真岡郵便局に散った九人の乙女たち』(きりのひ からふと・まおかゆうびんきょくにちった9にんのおとめたち)は、2008年8月25日の21:00-23:18に、日本テレビ系列(NNS)にて放送された単発スペシャルのテレビドラマである。平成20年度(第63回)文化庁芸術祭(テレビ部門・ドラマの部)優秀賞受賞。ドラマは、晩年を迎えた生存者と、彼女の過去の回想を聞き取り記録する若い派遣社員との交流を軸足に描いている。史実を基にしたフィクションであり、実際の生存者から取材しているものの、主人公は架空の人物で、性的暴行など創作の部分も多い。
Angel's Ladder
Tenshi no Hashigo 2006 (Japan), also known as Angel's Ladder is Japan drama premiere on Oct 22, 2006 on TV Asahi
Shizuko Yazaki
Following a tip, Manabu Yazaki loses his last money betting on the older "banba" horse "Unryu" (jockied by Makie, a legendary jockey's daughter) in a draft-horse race held in his childhood home of Obihiro on the island of Hokkaido.
rei rei yo
REX 恐竜物語
女帝 春日局
The rise to power of the famed Lady Kasuga no Tsubone, who established the 'Ooku' (the women's quarters at Edo castle) and acted as nursemaid to Tokugawa Iemitsu, the future 3rd Shogun is chronicled in this historical drama. Intrigue and suspicion abound as the two brothers Iemitsu and Tadanaga vie for the post of Shogun, while behind the scenes the remnants of the defeated Toyotomi faction, lead by Lord Ishida Mitsunari attempt to discredit the Tokugawa Shogunate and regain their former position as rulers of the nation. The hidden battles between Shogun Hidetada's wife and mistresses of the 'Ooku' come to light as they force the two brothers into a life or death struggle.
Matsuyo Hitobashi
A young woman's life is turned upside down when her husband suddenly disappears, leaving behind numerous debts and his illegitimate child. Desperate to track down her missing husband, she travels to Kyushu in hopes of finding clues to his whereabouts and in the process discovers disturbing secrets about the man she loves.
Daisuke is supposed to be out looking for a respectable job and equally respectable wife. He is 30 years old and devotes his attention to music and literature; his family is wealthy and can support his interests. When his friend Hiraoka returns with his wife Michiyo, problems arise.
Ikuko Sugimoto
Based on the novel of the same name by Yoshio Kataoka.
Based on the novel of the same name by Kenzo Kitakata.
A police procedural surrounding murder at a bookstore and the private lives of the cops trying to solve the case.
This extraordinarily complex film is not only a send-up of every samurai film ever made, it is also an extrapolation of the value of life. The Yamatai, represented by Prince Susano-O and elderly advisor Sumuke, hire Yumihiko of Matsuro to hunt the phoenix so that Queen Himiko, sister of Susano-O can have eteranal life.
「…彼女は女王蜂である。慕いよる男どもをかたっぱしから死にいたらしめる運命にある。…」 昭和26年、月琴島で育てられた大道寺智子は18歳になり、父・大道寺欣造の住む東京の屋敷に引き取られることになっていた。その欣造宛てに奇妙な手紙が届き、智子を呼び寄せてはいけないと警告していた。手紙は月琴島で19年前に起こった学生の事故死にも触れ、「あれは果たして過失であったか」と疑問を投げかける。不安を感じたらしい欣造は金田一耕助に調査を依頼。金田一は智子の後見人として月琴島に渡り、智子の東京行きに同行することになる。 一方、智子は、東京行きの直前のある日、椿の根元から開かずの間の鍵を見つけ出した。好奇心に駆られた彼女が、開かずの間の中で見たものは、血のついた月琴であった。 島を出て、伊豆のホテル松籟荘に着いた智子の前に、大道寺欣造、文彦らのほか、欣造の薦める3人の婿候補者(遊佐三郎、駒井泰次郎、三宅嘉文)と、謎の手紙で呼び出された多門連太郎が現れる。智子を巡る争いのうちに、惨劇の幕が開かれる。
The story of Sanshiro Sugata, a young man who wants to learn the new art of judo. A wise teacher reveals to Sanshiro that judo is not merely a means of combat nor a demonstration of physical skill, but an art which reveals the artist to himself.
友が託した鬼頭千万太の遺書を携え、金田一耕助は”獄門島”に降り立った。三人の義妹の行く末を案じながら死んだ鬼頭千万太の通夜の日に、第一の事件は起こった。末娘・花子が梅の古木に逆さ吊りにされ殺されていたのだ。続いて二番目の妹・雪枝が、寺の鐘の中で死体となって発見される。そして遂には……長女・月代までもが残酷な死に様を残した。いったい誰が、何のために? この猟奇的な事件を追う金田一は、千万太の父、嘉右衛門の残した三つの俳句の謎につきあたる。この見立て連続殺人の意味するところは──。そして、真犯人は?
Atsuko Yura - Yasuko's Mother
Umeko Inugami
In the 9th year of Genroku, Mitsukuni Mito Komon of Hitachi Province set out on a pilgrimage to various countries with his reluctant vassals, Sukesaburo and Kakunosuke, under the name of Koemon, a retired peasant.
Mrs. Togo
Ayako, Yumiko's sister
A man is involved in a fatal car accident, and though he is blameless, his company transfers him to a remote branch in a small town. Before he leaves, he gives the man's widow a large sum of money that she uses to move back to her hometown.
Yumiko Kato
Tashiro coincidentally meets his best friend Sugimoto in a bar very close to the apartment in which Sugimoto’s wayward wife is found dead. Although Tashiro is not a suspect in the police investigation, he is racked with guilt and confesses to his wife, Masako. In an effort to further relieve his tortured sense of guilt, he then confesses to Sugimoto. Neither his wife nor his friend can believe that he could have been involved.
Abare inu is a 1965 action-comedy film directed by Kazuo Mori. It is the fourth film in the series.
士魂魔道 大龍巻
Kozato's Aunt
Set at the end of the Siege of Osaka this film follows the exploits of several members of the defeated Toyotomi clan as they cope with the post battle chaos and the persecution of the Shogun's army. Five samurai decide on different fates when it becomes clear that their side is being destroyed. One wants to attack the enemy head on in a final honorable death. Another decides to commit hari-kiri but wants to find a glorious view to do it. His close friend, the "coward", just wants to run and give up the life of a samurai. The final two set their own castle on fire to garner favors from the enemy and therefore avert their own death during the massacre of all defeated soldiers as
Bar owner
The executive director of the «Chuo Shoji» company, Hidaka Shiro, is called a "demon of work", but the hostess of the bar calls him "the loneliest person in Japan." He lost his wife ten years ago and has been living as a widower ever since. He plotted to marry off his 22-year-old daughter Keiko for political gain, but Keiko is in love with Okuda, who is her father's subordinate. A story full of sadness and joy, depicting a man gripped by different thoughts, as an employee of the company and a father.
Hanae Shimizu
東京オリンピック出場候補で、三段跳び選手の初等<はじめひとし>は、張り切り過ぎてアキレス腱のケガをし、故郷の実家に帰ってくる。 オリンピックの夢潰えて落ち込む中、ひょんなことから先祖が記した自伝を見つける。ホラを吹いては有言実行、刀一本で次々と出世をしたと記されたその伝記に感激した等は、一転、サラリーマンとして出世を志す。
Shûe Matsubayashi movie
Hisako Morizono
After a bombing raid destroys the family store and her husband, Reiko rebuilds and runs the shop out of love stopped short by destruction.
A woman remember's her own marriage when dealing with the love life of her son.
An adventurous and daring sailor sets sail to the castle of an ailing king to stop an evil premier, hungry for power and wealth, from succeeding the throne and marrying the king's beautiful daughter. Along the way, with the help of some courageous rebels and a lustful wizard, he must overcome the powers of a bewitching witch, a band of ruthless pirates, and the castle's Imperial guards. He must also free those kidnapped into slavery and restore the king's reputation.
Yuki Sakura
The music teacher, who danced the twist at the graduation ceremony of the solemn female school, was fired but became star. First film in popular "Number 1" Series.
A dark family secret sends a 21-year-old French student (Hoshi) on a journey of self-discovery.
忠臣蔵 花の巻・雪の巻
The story tells of a group of samurai who were left leaderless (becoming ronin) after their daimyo (feudal lord) was forced to commit seppuku (ritual suicide) for assaulting a court official named Kira Yoshinaka, whose title was Kōzuke no suke. The ronin avenged their master's honor after patiently waiting and planning for over a year to kill Kira. In turn, the ronin were themselves forced to commit seppuku for committing the crime of murder.
Kyôko Hinatsu
Considered one of the finest late Naruses and a model of film biography, A Wanderer’s Notebook features remarkable performances by Hideko Takamine – Phillip Lopate calls it “probably her greatest performance” – and Kinuyo Tanaka as mother and daughter living from hand to mouth in Twenties Tokyo. Based on the life and career of Fumiko Hayashi, the novelist whose work Naruse adapted to the screen several times, A Wanderer’s Notebook traces her bitter struggle for literary recognition in the first half of the twentieth century – her affairs with feckless men, the jobs she took to survive (peddler, waitress, bar maid), and her arduous, often humiliating attempts to get published in a male-dominated culture.
Love story of a Japanese man (Takarada) and a Chinese medical student (Yu Ming).
Drama about the lives of the five daughters and daughter-in-law of a store owner.
A Night in Hong Kong
Yu Lan
Romantic melodrama set in contemporary Hong Kong, Japan and Laos. Hiroshi Tanaka (Takarada) is a Japanese journalist on assignment in Hong Kong who meets and falls in love with Wu Li Hung (Ming). He proposes to Wu Li but she rejects him because of her distaste for mixed marriages (her mother was Japanese but deserted her family and returned to Japan during WWII). Tanaka locates Wu Li’s mother and unsuccessfully tries to reunite them, but eventually Wu Li accepts his proposal. A joyous Tanaka flies off to Laos to finish an assignment but on the eve of his wedding he is killed there.
続 サラリーマン忠臣蔵
Nobuko, Akiko's sister
The story is of two people. One is deaf, the other deaf and mute. They marry after meeting at a school reunion, and the film follows their trials and tribulations ... and joys.
A semi-documentary story about the vicissitudes in the life of an elderly fisherman.
A kind of modern dress "Donzoko" "The Lower Depths", about slum life in Osaka, where a greedy widow (Mimasu) takes advantage of her poor roomers, including her own son, who makes a meagre living stripping taxicabs.
A woman and her daughter are in love with the same man, a chef at the restaurant that the mother manages. He is slightly crippled from frostbite in his years in Siberian labor camps and considers himself "already dead."
Starring Akira Takarada as a lightweight boxing champion.
Kaoru Tani
Sanae is left a widow after her prestigious husband dies, but holds the proceeds of a million yen insurance policy. Being childless, her former in-laws have no objection to her return to her own family.
Kikuji is the scion of an Osaka merchant family whose traditional power is matrilineal. Instructed by his overbearing mother and grandmother to give them an heiress for the family business, he stands by helplessly as his wife is thrown out of the house for producing a son. Driven to a life of dissipation - his mistresses also fail to produce daughters - in the end he is just too tired to care.
Yoshiko Murata
Story of young love in the hills.
An Ishiro Honda film.
Ryuta and Mineo Komatsu are brothers, both yakuza (gangsters). Mineo, although complicit in crime, even murder, wants out of the gangster life, hoping to become a successful singer instead. Ryuta loves his brother, but Mineo's possible defection presents problems for the gang, and Ryuta realizes he must kill his brother if he wants to survive.
Jinsei Gekijo
1958 Theater of Life adaptation.
青春白書 大人には分らない
The first work of 27-year-old director Eizo Sugawa, contrasting a politician father and his son, a drummer in a student band. It depicts the conflict between old and new morals, and the lives of young people.
A longtime hotel employee (Morishige) struggles to bring his old-fashioned ryokan in line with postwar Japanese business practices.
An Ishiro Honda film.
Miyako Morimoto
Aiko, a bar hostess, falls for the son of a company president who also keeps a mistress, and whose family disapproves of his relationship with the bar hostess.
Eiko Itakura
On Wings of Love is a 1957 Japanese romantic musical film directed by Toshio Sugie. It was Toho's highest-grossing film of the year and the first film released in Tohoscope.
Musical-comedy about nine soldiers deserted on an island in South Pacific.
This period film is inspired by one of the most notorious scandals to have taken place in Edo-period Japan. The heroine, Ejima, was a lady of the Ooku, the harem of Edo Castle in which the Shogun’s mother, wife and concubines resided, forbidden from contact with any other man except in the presence of the Shogun. The institution played a key role in the Byzantine world of Japanese court politics during the Edo era. In 1714, Lady Ejima was sent to pay her respects at a Buddhist temple in the city, and chose to pay an unauthorised visit to the kabuki theatre – a violation of protocol that was to have tragic consequences.
Shuzenji monogatari
Shuzenji Monogatari (The Mask and Destiny) is based on a 12th-century Japanese legend. An abortive royal romance leads to an escalating series of tragedies. The central character is a Japanese monarch who would prefer to live a humble existence as a maskmaker. Unfortunately, events -- and destiny -- are against him. When first released, Shuzenji Monogatari was held in far lower esteem than such recent Japanese films as Gate of Hell and Samurai. Nevertheless, the film was selected as an entry at the Venice Film Festival, possibly on the strength of its excellent production values.
Koko ni izumi ari
The story of a group of young people who organise their own travelling symphony orchestra to provide music for people living in remote villages shortly after the war.
Yumiko Kagami
「家族会議」の山ロ松三郎製作の春青メロドラマ。「沖縄健児隊」の沢村勉のオリジナル・シナリオから「処女雪」の原研吉が監督した。撮影は「朝霧(1953)」の森田俊保、音楽は「勢揃い 大江戸六人衆」の加藤光男。出演者は大船映画初出演の「花の生涯」の草苗光子、「蛮から社員」の三島耕、「家族会議」の月丘夢路、「青春三羽烏」の三橋達也などである。
Izawa Sachiko
Miyahara Kazuya has a phobia of touching dirty things and people because of being bullied during his elementary days. One day, he meets an old woman named Sachiko, who is digging the ground. Sachiko mistakes him as her dead husband, Tadanobu. To his surprise, he discovered that the old lady is the grandmother of Nakamura Ayami, the girl he has a secret crush on.