Tim Dillon

Tim Dillon


Tim Dillon
Tim Dillon


「感謝祭(=サンクスギビング)」発祥の地とされるアメリカ・マサチューセッツの田舎町。感謝祭とは、家族や愛する人々と共に日々の収穫や恩恵に感謝し祝福する、一年でもっとも盛大な祝祭。ハッピーなお祭りムードを楽しんでいた人々だったが、突如として現れた清教徒<ピルグリム・ファーザーズ>の指導者ジョン・カーヴァーのお面に身を隠した連続殺人鬼によって、町は恐怖のどん底へと突き落される。残虐なやり口で殺人鬼の犠牲になった人々は何者かによって謎のインスタグラムの投稿にタグ付けされていた。感謝祭のおしゃれな食卓が映る投稿には、意味深に配された住民たちの名札が! なぜ彼らは狙われるのか──。饗宴が狂宴と化し、一夜が永遠のトラウマとなる史上最悪の感謝祭<サンクスギビング>が始まる!
Tim Dillon: A Real Hero
Tim Dillon rants about fast food, living in Texas, Disney adults and the reason no one should be called a hero.
Tim Dillon: A Real Hero
Executive Producer
Tim Dillon rants about fast food, living in Texas, Disney adults and the reason no one should be called a hero.
Tim Dillon: A Real Hero
Tim Dillon rants about fast food, living in Texas, Disney adults and the reason no one should be called a hero.
On the Road: Babefest 2021
This film follows the No Presh Boyz aka Sal Vulcano, @chrisdcomedy and @Joe DeRosa as they hit the road doing live shows again! Starts in Boston in 2021 and runs to New Years Eve. Sal and DeRosa hit Boston and Atlantic city. Ever wonder what the babes are up to backstage?!?! HERE IT IS!! What do we think of Joe and Sal's fits. What kind of cub scout was Mr.DeRosa? Q stops by the AC show and vents about the lack of liquor backstage. People don't realize how much of a comedian's life is spent traveling to the next venue. Sal and Chris can't stop eating chips. One thing the road does is derail your diet. Chris struggles the whole tour to not eat BAD. @The Tim Dillon Show drops in for a show! The babes go sight seeing in each city. Sal is addicted to shopping in each city. The babes love a good sign language expert. Happy NEW YEAR!!! Come see the babes in your city!!!
A comedian moves to NYC to pursue his dream but finds himself in a love triangle with a girl and his career.
25 Sets
Aaron Berg is one of the hardest working comics in New York City. As everyone who's anyone in NYC will attest, it is only fitting that he set out to break the world record for most comedy sets in one night.
Beauty Brothers
Presented in five vignettes, and starring the brothers of Matt Dillon. The Beauty Brothers offers-up the romance, desire, dreamscapes and frustrations of youth. Part I: Junk Food Conversation, 2:44; Part II: Bedroom Bongos, 2:37; Part III: Dream Wheels, 2:39; Part IV: Poolhopping, 1:47; Part V: Runaway, 2:39