Benjamin Greene Jr.


Slow Down... You're Dating Too Fast
"Slow Down... You're Dating Too Fast!" is based on an age old conflict in three parts: How should men and women interact? What is the best way to actually ask someone out on a date? And then once you're there how should you act?
Daddy and Them
Ruby and her husband Claude are a working-class couple who live in suburban Arkansas. As crazy as they are for each other, their relationship is far from harmonious. (The lack of money doesn't help matters, either.) In fact, their whole family is fraught with unresolved conflicts. Then Claude's uncle is arrested on a felony charge, and everyone rallies round. Ruby's mother Jewel and flirtatious sister Rose (Claude's ex-girlfriend) even fly in from Tennessee; but, far from being a source of support, Jewel seems only to want to break up Ruby and Claude.
Mantke Clerk