Bénédicte Charpiat

Bénédicte Charpiat


Bénédicte Charpiat is a French stage and screen actress and singer.


Bénédicte Charpiat


Je suis de trop
For his first day at the office, Michel is doing his best to be settled in well by his new colleagues. But as always, the world seems to be against him.
Mother superior
An elderly woman at the end of her life reminisces her years spent at a boarding school for girls.
サガン -悲しみよ こんにちは-
デビュー作『悲しみよ こんにちは』が世界的なベストセラーとなり、わずか18歳にして時代の寵児となったサガン。以後、次々と小説を発表する一方、その華麗な交友録で私生活にも注目が集まっていた。あり余るほどの富を手にした彼女は桁外れの金額でギャンブルに興じ、奔放な恋を謳歌する。そんなある日、スポーツカーを運転していて事故に遭い九死に一生を得たサガン。その後22歳で編集者のギイ・シェレールと結婚するが、それはほどなく失敗に終わってしまう。
Laughter and Punishment
Jeune femme
French director Isabelle Doval directs her husband, popular comedic actor José Garcia, in the comedy Rire et Chatiment (Laughter and Punishment). Vincent (Garcia) is a popular physician whose aggressive need to be funny and get people's attention annoys his girlfriend, Camille (Doval), to the point that she leaves him. He begins to suspect she might have been onto something when his behavior begins causing people to die.
Love Affairs Usually End Badly
Zina, young theater opener, hesitates between the love of Slim, taxi driver who hopes to become a lawyer and that of Frederic, who holds the poster at the theater. Why not keep her two loves?