John Jasper


The Adventurer
The daring convict no. 23, known as The Eel, escapes from prison and, after mocking his inept persecutors, saves the lives of three people in peril: a beautiful girl, her mother and an annoying suitor, only to get exhausted and almost drowned. Once he regains his strength at Judge Brown's home, he participates on an upper-class social party where he competes with the suitor for the favors of the charming Miss Brown. But prison guards are still after him…
チャーリー・チャップリン監督・主演のサイレント映画。 アメリカへの移民船に揺られて船酔いに苦しむ移民の男。博打で儲けたお金をあげたのが縁で、ある移民の娘と知り合いになる。やがて男は自由の国アメリカに到着するが、係員にロープで手際よく整列させられ自由の女神はよく見えない。その後、上陸して入ったカフェで娘と再会し…。