Zena Zeizet


Landscape with Invisible Hand
Set Costumer
Two teenagers come up with a plan to ensure their families' futures when an occupying alien race's promise of economic prosperity leaves most of humanity impoverished and desperate.
Set Costumer
偉大な王であり、守護者であるティ・チャラを失ったワカンダ王国。悲しみに打ちひしがれる中、謎の海底王国タロカンからの脅威が迫る…。ワカンダと世界を揺るがす危機に、残された者たちはどう立ち向かうのか。そして、新たな希望となるブラックパンサーを受け継ぐ者は誰なのか…。絶対的な存在を失いながらも、未来を切りひらく者たちの熱き戦いを描いたドラマチック・アクション超大作が始まる!第80回ゴールデングローブ賞 助演女優賞受賞!
Touch & Go
Costume Design
In the presence of physical danger, a teenage girl must remain calm under pressure in order to survive the flight of her life.
Hide & Sneak
Key Costumer
Hide & Sneak is a dark comedy about a man who accidentally kills his dominatrix wife during a heated discussion about being her sex slave while his friend is in route to take him to a strip club. Together they must determine what to do with her body.