Peter Samir

出生 : , Egypt


Al Baad La Yazhab Lil Maazoun Marratain
A comedy that revolves around the experience of marriage, and if husbands can go back in time will they marry their wives again?
Qarmat in Trouble
Assistant Editor
Qarmouti builds a graveyard for his ancestors, and makes it a paid tourists attraction; this causes him lots of problems with the government. Meantime, a journalist videos an antiquities smuggling operation and the tape ends up with Qarmouti who finds himself chased by the smugglers.
Used Goods
Assistant Editor
An Egyptian Scientist is disguised as a used household items salesman in order to finish a very important scientific research without being made by pharmaceutical industry corporations.
Mama's Boy
Assistant Editor
Everyday's Lie
Assistant Editor
Hisham and Hadia, who work at the same advertising agency, an invitation to spend a vacation in Marsa Alam, in a resort owned by Sherihan. Hisham takes his wife, Aida, and Hadia takes her husband, Adel, and the four of them go on a vacation that will put their marriages to the test.