Kim Sung-hwan


Director of Photography
“Limit” is a suspenseful thriller about a cop that goes undercover to hunt down the criminal behind a horrific kidnapping case. The police officer who gets involved in the case by taking the place of the kidnapping victim’s parents. As she fights to chase down the criminal, she finds herself caught up in tense, high-stakes mind games with the kidnapper.
Director of Photography
Korean War, September 1950. In order to fight the enemy forces based in the South of the peninsula, General MacArthur orders the start of the Incheon Landing Operation, deploying diversionary attacks in other locations. Without real military forces to spare, 772 very young Korean student soldiers, barely trained, are sent to Jangsari Beach, where they will face a heroic fate and discover the value of friendship. (A sequel to Operation Chromite, released in 2016.)
Director of Photography
Based on the Resurrected Victims Phenomenon where murder victims come back to life to avenge the murderer, a prosecutor is suspected of his mother’s murder.
Director of Photography
北緯38度線・・・暴雨の非武装地帯内の最前方境界警戒所「GP(Guard Post)」にて、身の毛もよだつ恐怖の残虐劇が繰り広げられる。突如凶暴化した兵隊が、20名の兵士が抹殺したのだ。事件の真相を突き止める為に派遣された捜索隊は、嵐の為に施設に閉じ込められてしまう。参謀総長の息子・ユ中尉の捜索を命じられていたノ捜査官は、迷宮の様なGPの中で彼を発見する。しかし、事件はまだ終わっていなかった…。本国では公開1週目でボックスオフィス第1位を獲得したサスペンスアクションホラー。