A spy navigates the precarious terrain of love and survival during an undercover mission in Syria.
King Menehptre
Clavius, a powerful Roman military tribune, and his aide, Lucius, are tasked with solving the mystery of what happened to Jesus in the weeks following the crucifixion, in order to disprove the rumors of a risen Messiah and prevent an uprising in Jerusalem.
THE GOSPEL OF LUKE, more than any other, fits the category of ancient biography. Luke, as "narrator" of events, sees Jesus as the "Savior" of all people, always on the side of the needy and the deprived. Narrated in the NIV by British actor Richard E. Grant and in the KJV by Sir Derek Jacobi, this epic production featuring specially constructed sets and the authentic countryside of Morocco has been critically acclaimed by leading religious scholars as a unique and highly authentic telling of the Jesus story.
The Gospel of Mark filmed by The Lumo Project which brings the original Jesus narrative to the screen using the Gospel text as its script, word for word. Informed by leading world experts' latest theological, historical and archaeological research on every aspect of life in first century Palestine, this is a ground breaking multi-million pound film series that revolutionises the way we experience and understand the story of Jesus.
The life and toils of Jesus Christ, depicted as written in the gospel of John. Narrated in English, following the New International Version of the scripture, while the actors speak in Aramaic.
The Gospel of Matthew was the most popular Gospel in the early Christian centuries. Written for a Christian community as it begins to separate from the Jewish world, Matthew's Gospel goes to great lengths to show that, as the Messiah, Jesus is the fulfillment of the Old Testament prophecies referring to God's Saviour. Narrated in the NIV version by leading British actor Stephen Tompkinson and in the KJV by David Threlfall - featuring specially constructed sets and the authentic countryside of Morocco - it immerses the viewer in the world of first-century Palestine.
Silva's Mercenary
「007」をコードネームに持つMI6のエージェント、ジェームズ・ボンドは新人女性エージェントのイヴとともにトルコでの作戦に参加していた。その最中、MI6の工作員が殺され、各国のテロ組織に潜入している全てのNATOの工作員の情報が収められたハードディスクが奪われた。ボンドはディスクを取り戻すべく、実行犯であるフランス人傭兵パトリスを追跡する。MI6部長・Mの指令により、ボンドと列車の上で格闘しているパトリスを狙ってイヴが撃った銃弾はボンドに当たり、ボンドは峡谷に落下し行方不明となる。 数ヶ月後。ボンドは公式に死亡が認定され、Mは情報漏洩の責任を問われ情報国防委員会の新委員長であるギャレス・マロリーから引退を勧められる。それは事実上の更迭勧告だった。その提案を拒絶するMだったが、その直後にMのコンピュータが何者かによってハックされる。さらにMI6本部も爆破され、多くの職員が犠牲となった。このニュースは僻地で秘かに過ごしていたボンドも目にするところとなり、ボンドはロンドンに戻る。00(ダブルオー)要員への復帰テストに臨むボンドだったが、成績は惨憺たるものであった。復帰に懐疑的なマロリーの意見を一蹴し、Mはボンドの職務復帰を承認する。ボンドは自身の肩に残っていた弾丸の破片からパトリスを特定し、新任の兵器開発課長・Qから装備を受け取ってパトリスの向かう上海へ赴く。
Fawwaz Abdullah
Soldier Robert Miller returns home from Afghanistan unable to fit back into society. Living on a violent council estate and finding work in undercover surveillance, he becomes obsessed with taking down a group of local gangsters who are intrinsically tied to a suspected terrorist cell. Taking the situation into his own hands, Robert embarks on a brutal quest for justice, with devastating consequences.
Persian Captain
孤児のダスタンは、国王にその勇気を讃えられ下級階級から王子として迎えられた。 ダスタンと兄王子二人はコシュカーン征服への遠征途中、叔父ニザムと長兄タス王子が聖なる都アラムートの裏切りを訴えアラムート攻めが決定した、 次兄のガーシヴ王子率いる軍が正門を攻めている間に、ダスタンは東門を制圧する。本殿制圧中にアラムートから逃走しようとした騎士と戦ったダスタンは、偶然に、水晶の柄の内側に「時間の砂」を詰めた短剣を手にいれる。
The Biblical story of Joseph, who was sold to slavery by his brothers who were jealous of his prophetic abilities to analyze dreams and of his being their fathers' favorite.
Customs official (as Sylvestre Tobias)
The eighth and last of the Pink Panther series. The illegitimate son of Inspector Clouseau is on the case of the kidnapped Princess Yasmin.
Christopher Columbus believes he can find an alternative route to the far East and persuades the King and Queen of Spain to finance his expedition...
A dramatization of several episodes in the life of Christ.