Henri Raichi


Callaghan: un rendez-vous dans les ténèbres
Gross Paris
Director of Photography
Bernard, a journalist, and his friend Jules, a butcher by trade, are both passionate about horse racing.
Prêtres interdits
Director of Photography
Boys and Girls
Director of Photography
Ten young people (six boys and four girls), most of whom students, rent a house in bad repair and set about living together. The experience is not obvious and the ten tenants have to cope with more than one difficulty. But they also have their moments. Things really go awry when Françoise, an unmarried girl, is forced to deliver the baby she carries prematurely and when Solange, the lonely girl of the group, attempts suicide. Shortly afterwards, the group learns that the house is due for demolition. They decide to take advantage of this opportunity to face adult life individually.
Le reflux
L'or du Duc
A young duke marries a girl, also penniless, and moves into a bus left him by an uncle, with their ten children. At last he finds the bus is made of solid gold.
The Denunciation
Director of Photography
Michel Jussieu, a film producer, returns one morning to the cabaret where he forgot his sweater. He discovers the corpse of an extreme right-wing journalist, but immediately he is knocked out. He wakes up in the police station ...
Zazie dans le Métro
Director of Photography
A brash and precocious ten-year-old comes to Paris for a whirlwind weekend with her rakish uncle. He and the viewer get more than they bargained for, however, in this anarchic comedy that rides roughshod over the City of Light. Based on a popular novel by Raymond Queneau that had been considered unadaptable, the audacious Zazie dans le Métro, made with flair on the cusp of the French New Wave, is a bit of stream-of-consciousness slapstick, wall-to-wall with visual gags, editing tricks, and effects.
First Assistant Camera
孤高の映画詩人ブレッソンの表現が精神の極みへと向って行く姿勢は、このごく初期の作品にも端的に見られる。それは悩み深き若い司祭を主人公にしているという表層からでなく、その懊悩を突き放すように客体化する、怜悧なまでの映像の力によって痛感させられるのだ。田舎司祭を取り巻く人々の聖と俗に揺れる姿が、彼の信仰にどう関わり、彼が自らどのような答えを出して行くかが、正に日記を綴る描写を挿し挟みながらスケッチされて行くが、彼は次第に懐疑的にならざるをえなくなり、健康をも害してしまう。ブレッソンのどの映画を見てもそうだが、描写の余りの潔癖さに、他のイメージに置き換えながら(詰まり自分流の翻訳をしつつ)見たくなるほど、純度の高い映画だ。 <allcinema>