Kye Seon-mi


Green Night
Makeup & Hair
Two lone female fighters who have learned to rely on no one but themselves venture into Seoul’s underworld. In search of the big hit that could mean liberation from their useless husbands, these disparate women grow closer.
Makeup & Hair
A comedy film about North and South Korean soldiers vying for a winning lotto ticket that crossed the demarcation line because of the strong wind.
Makeup & Hair
Skill, beauty, personality, ‘Diving Diva’ Lee-young has it all. Not being able to be with her best friend Su-jin is the only thing that gets in her way. Just so she can help Su-jin out, she changes her event to synchronizing swimming. While pouring everything to Olympics selection practice, Su-jin and Lee-young are involved in a freak accident. Su-jin disappears without a trace, while Lee-young survives but loses her memory. Lee-young’s memory slowly comes back to her but remembers strange side of Su-jin. Her iron will begins to shake on the diving board.
Makeup & Hair
Makeup & Hair
Hyun-oh, who has the ability to remember dreams, meets new actress Joo-eun in his dream. The amazing truth that they come across...
Makeup & Hair
舞台“アンチェイン”で同性愛者の役を演じることになったジェハとヨンウ。アイドルであるヨンウは、練習初日から遅刻し、台本すらめくろうとしない。全くやる気がないヨンウに、先輩である舞台俳優ジェハは苛立ちを隠せないでいた。台本読みをふざけているヨンウにキレたジェハは、突如彼に詰め寄り渾身の演技をする。すると、今まで全く無反応だったヨンウの目から涙が…。その日を境にヨンウは、演技に関することをジェハに聞いたり習ったりと急に積極的になる。やがて 2人は劇中に使用する小道具を買いに、町まで出かけるほどの仲になる。 ある日、稽古中、癇癪をおこし舞台から飛び出したヨンウを、ジェハは彼の気が治まるまでそっと待ち続けた。そんなジェハの優しさに心が熱くなるヨンウ。それを機に、グッと距離が縮まった二人。ヨンウをただの後輩として可愛がっていたジェハだったが、演技からではなく、彼を愛おしく思う気持ちが芽生えていたことに気づき、驚く。今まで同性に抱いたことがなかった新たな感情に戸惑い、イライラするジェハだったが…。 感情移入しすぎるあまり、自身の感情のコントロールがきかなくなったベテラン俳優と若き俳優とのプラトニックなラブロマンスを描いた作品。 日本では劇場未公開
Friend: The Great Legacy
Makeup & Hair
Joon-seok is sent to prison for his involvement in Dong-soo's death. He meets Dong-soo's son in prison, keeps his identity a secret, and agrees to join forces when he is released. All of their plans fall apart when Sung-hoon finds out the truth.
Horny Family
Makeup & Hair
From the outside, the Suhs seem like a loving, cookie-cutter, middle-class family with their lives in perfect order. In reality, everyone is hiding some secrets. The father has the hots for a young grad student. The mother is flirting around with a photographer she's posing for. The daughter is engaged but has a sex partner on the side. The son has a girlfriend, but he's been stalking the same student his father likes! What will happen to this perfect family when the secrets spill?
Spring, Snow
Makeup & Hair
A devoted wife and mother, Soon-ok suddenly learns that she has a terminal illness and is given less than a year to live. She pauses to think about the family she will leave behind: a completely helpless husband, a kind son who cares about nothing except his mother, and a daughter too busy to attend to anything but her own affairs. Soon-ok begins to prepare a gift for her family -- the opportunity to bring them together for a final farewell. Once fractured and separated, the family comes to learn that death does not have to be the antithesis of life, but can be its affirmation and awakening.
Makeup & Hair
After losing his family when he was young, Nam-soon feels no pain. He cannot feel physical pain and is emotionally barren until he meets Dong-hyeon, who calls herself a vampire because she suffers from hemophilia. Unlike Dong-hyeon, when Nam-soon is injured, she bleeds from even the smallest wound. As the two grow closer, Dong-hyeon suddenly begins to lose his lifelong insensitivity to pain and the hurt of a lifetime washes over him.
A Love
Makeup & Hair
In-ho is willing to do anything to protect his first love, Mi-ju, including murder. They cannot forget each other while In-ho is in prison, but their love does not go smoothly.
Love Me Not
Makeup & Hair
Julian has lived off the money he lures from his rich female customers. But now he faces usurious debts from a hasty expansion of his business, and he will be killed unless he clears the debt in one month. The only way to save himself is to pretend to be the long-lost brother of an heiress and kill her to get her huge fortune. Min, the blind heiress, cold-hearted like Julian, slowly opens herself to him, and he, too, falls for her. But Julian has to pay his creditor and what makes it worse for him is that the illness that took Min’s eyesight relapsed, threatening her life.
Jenny, Juno
Makeup & Hair
Jenny, Juno centers on the title characters of Jenny and Juno, two fifteen year old middle school students whose one night of romance has dramatic consequences for both their lives. After careful deliberation, the two expectant parents decide to keep the baby.