Yoshiyuki Wada


機動警察パトレイバー 2 the Movie
1999年、東南アジア某国で、PKO部隊として日本から派遣された陸自レイバー小隊が、戦闘車輌を持つゲリラ部隊と接触、本部からの発砲許可を得られないまま一方的に攻撃を受けて壊滅する。しかし一人の生存者がいた。破壊されたレイバーから脱出した彼がそこで見たのは、異教の神像が見下ろす古代遺跡であった。そして、彼は「彼岸の人」となった。 「方舟」の一件から3年後の2002年冬、かつての特車二課第2小隊の面々は、隊長の後藤と山崎を除いて新しい職場に異動し、それぞれの日々を送っていた。そんなある日、横浜ベイブリッジで爆破事件が起こり、それは自衛隊の戦闘機F-16Jらしき物体から放たれた一発のミサイルによるものであることがテレビによって報道される。そして、これがすべての始まりであった。
In the 26th century, humans discover a humanoid race living on the distant world GO/7498/2, a dark-skinned, golden-eyed people who seem to eke out a primitive, carefree existence. However, a scout team from Earth discovers that there is more to them than meets the eye--they live in symbiosis with vicious reptilian parasites, and the Terran scientists have upset the delicate natural balance.
デラックス エリアル 接触篇 ザ・ビギニング
Those incompetent aliens are still plotting to conquer the Earth! The only obstacle in their path is the giant, feminine robot ARIEL! But the young pilots have lives of their own... When Kazumi receives a mysterious love letter from a secret admirer, should she cancel her first date just to save the Earth?
A freak accident unleashes a demonic spirit within researcher John Stalker - transforming him into Saldo, a mythical cyber-beast fueled by hate and evil.
ARIEL: All Round Intercept & Escort Lady
The Earth is being invaded by aliens. Fortunately, the aliens are so concerned about budgets and the cost of the invasion that they haven't succeeded yet. To defend the Earth, Dr Kishida has designed ARIEL, a giant robot shaped in the likeness of a woman with body-armor. Unfortunately, he has selected his relatives (his grand-daughters Aya and Kazumi Kishida, and his niece Mia Kawai) to be the pilots, and they are far more interested in their own lives.
Doress, a Japanese "black projects" organization, has been gathering psionics and making biological weapons to "make Japan superior". When one of the biological experiments, BAOH, escapes with a young girl, Doress will do anything to get the boy and girl back. For BAOH is a parasite living in its host's brain, altering the host into a living death machine in order to keep it alive. When Doress sends assassins after the boy and girl, BAOH "awakens" to its "Armed Defense Phenomenons", giving the boy acid-tipped claws, bio-regeneration, and super-strength. But Doress takes the girl, and BAOH must fight an army of commandos and a psionic to get her back